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Sorting By Sequence (Manual Sorting)

If you want to manually control the order of your pictures in your albums, then you can drag pictures into specific locations. Manual sorting is only allowed on the All View and Album Views.

In order to manually sort pictures, you must:

  1. Be on the All View or an Album View.
  2. Have the sorting method set to "Sort by Sequence"
  3. Click and drag the picture(s) into a new location by clicking on a picture (or pictures) and then dragging them to a new location (indicated by the blue insert indicator).

Note: You should be viewing all pictures within the album, or you may not get the picture into the exact location you expect. All filters should be disabled and you should have the album selected in the tree. Sorting pictures in the All View when you have "All Pictures" selected merely reorders the pictures for that specific view and selection. It does not reorder them within each album. You must specify the order of the pictures within each album.

See Also

Sorting Pictures In An Album

Sorting By Picture Date

Sorting By Filename

Sorting by Filepath

Sorting by Filesize

Sorting by type