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Re: Report
- To: 72343.600@compuserve.com (JOSEP SALDANA)
- Subject: Re: Report
- From: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl>
- Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 14:21:45 -0500 (EST)
- Cc: carl@radio.com
- In-Reply-To: <951222120040_72343.600_CHU23-1@CompuServe.COM> from "JOSEP SALDANA" at Dec 22, 95 07:00:41 am
- Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
Great! I'm assuming you have permission from each of these groups?
I'll go ahead and link them in (but *please* let me know if you don't
have formal permission from these groups that they want to "participate"
in the fair).
Looks like the next step will be to get somebody to put together
a Spanish home page with your own look and feel. Do you have a
small web company around that you could draft to do that?
Look forward to the letter!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
According to JOSEP SALDANA:
> Dear Carl,
> Today you can publish the links to the web pages:
> URL=http://www.partal.com/infopista/ (La Infopista / The Catalan Highway)
> URL=http://www.rediris.es (spanish network for
> research&development, Universities)
> URL=http://www.uji.es/spain_www.html (Web ressources produced in Spain)
> URL=http://www.wsite/NET (Internet culture magazine)
> If you wish, maintain in any form the actual message to continue preparing the
> Expo.
> I sent you one unit of January issue of NET conexion. The cover theme: Internet
> 1996 World Exposition.
> I havn't yet the support letter but will be next week (I await!). Is a letter
> from Pasqual Maragall, the Major of Barcelona and member of Bangemann's
> Commission of European Union.
> About the agenda. We have the support of Audio-Visual Institute of University
> UPF to transmit the Book Day (the 23th April) from the Ramblas.In september or
> october will be a meeting of european telecities in Spain, I am discussing with
> them to participate in the Expo.
> Next week I can concret the competition for different ideas to make up a Spanish
> Pavilion.
> To you and Vint, have a happy holiday season and best wishes, from myself and my
> family, Maria -my wife- and Sergi -my son-.
> Warmest regards and thanks for your iniciative!
> Sergi, Maria, Josep

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