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Re: Books from India in English
- To: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl@radio.com>
- Subject: Re: Books from India in English
- From: anil@indonet.com (Anil Srivastava)
- Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 10:48:00 -0800
I think you are talking of my friend, Anil Garg, who used to be in NCST. He
has now moved to another company and you can reach him by sending a e-mail
to tilak.biginfo@axcess.net.in with a request to forward it to Anil Garg.
I moved to United States in 1993 and since then have been deeply involved
in web publishing (mostly for fun). Some of us have formed a group (The
India Group) to explore how internet could be used to bring India and
United States closer together in trade and cultural terms.
Prior to coming to US, I worked for Booz-Allen in the Asia-Pacific and just
completed an asignment for Apple.
As I mentioned in my first e-mail we do have a website
(http://www.bookport.com/welcome/india/) on books from India and I am
working on few other web sites (one on film, for example). If you are
interested we wil be happy to create a Discover India home page with
pointers to selected sites about India and maybe a page on Indian cuisine.
We also do Discover India area in The Learning Center on eWorld.
Anil Srivastava
>> Do let me know and we can discuss the content. We will use your server but
>> we have lots of interesting content, will do HTML, and put the website up
>> in http://park.org/India/ and then the very nice
>> http://park.org/India/Durga can become a part of it.
>> We will create links to interesting Indian sites across the internet, we
>> have been closely evaluating almost all of them.
>Are you the same Anil that was in Bombay with NCST?
>We've got several groups doing things in India. One of the principles
>of the fair is that we don't have single pavilions for a region ... anybody
>can open pavilions in this world's fair. We'd love to have you
>participate and if the content merits it to mirror that information
>in Central Park.
>Let me know when you have some URLs you can point us to. Any existing
>URLs of your work would certainly be appreciated.
>If you're not the same Anil, can you give me a bit of background on
>you and your group?
Anil Srivastava/Shampa Banerjee Tel: (408) 366-2646
19672 Stevens Creek Boulevard, #220 Fax: (408) 446-2291
Cupertino, California 95014 Mobile: (408) 896-1871
International Conference on Informatics and Development, April'96
Visit the conference website (http://www.svcid.com) after 12/15/95

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