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Re: Report
>Great! I'm assuming you have permission from each of these groups?
>I'll go ahead and link them in (but *please* let me know if you don't
>have formal permission from these groups that they want to "participate"
>in the fair).
Off course, I have formal permision of these groups:
> URL=http://www.partal.com/infopista/ (La Infopista / The Catalan Highway)
Vicent Partal (100337.2452@compuserve.com) director of La Infopista
> URL=http://www.rediris.es (spanish network for
> research&development, Universities)
Victor Castelo (victor.castelo@rediris.es) director of RedIRIS
> URL=http://www.uji.es/spain_www.html (Web ressources produced in Spain)
Jordi Adell (jordi@edu.uji.es) in charge of the Map
> URL=http://www.wsite/NET (Internet culture magazine)
>Looks like the next step will be to get somebody to put together
>a Spanish home page with your own look and feel. Do you have a
>small web company around that you could draft to do that?
I agree with you, and take in charge. Next week I try to solve.
>Look forward to the letter!
I await! :)
>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
Again, to you!

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