
'96 Tour Photo Album
üiReport & Photo by Konishiki)

Hi, this is Konishiki. This homepage contains many photos of
the autumn tour which I took, myself.
I plan to post photos of my winter tour so please look forward to it.

10/27-11/9 - Part1 , Part2 , Part3 -

This is me grappling with the PC which I'll be bringing on my sumo tour.

Autumn Tour Schedule

10/ 8-10ü@Atsugi,Toyohashi 10/11-13ü@Ohtsu,Takaoka 10/14-16ü@Kurobe,Kanazawa,Fukui 10/17-20ü@Amagasaki,Nagoya 10/22-24ü@Hiroshima,Yamaguchi 10/25-26ü@Iwakuni -- Part1 , Part2

Winter Tour Schedule

12/ 3- 5ü@Kumamoto,Kagoshima,Fukuoka 12/ 6- 9ü@Ohita,Beppu,Matsuyama 12/10-12ü@Kochi,Tokushima,Takamatsu

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