
'96 Tour Photo Album

10/27-11/9 Part3
Konishiki starting the U.S-Japan Baseball Tournament
with a strike.

Nomo1 Nomo2

Chatting with Nomo (Dodgers) at the Major Leaguers bench.


Posing with the Big Cat Gallalager
of the Rockies (front left) who was
a double-crown champion of the National
League this season and Rodriguez of the
Rangers (front right) who was a
stealer-killer champion for two
consecutive years.


With Lipken who is presently setting a world
record for continuous play.


Chatting with Manager Oh (Daiei)
at the Japan team bench.

pep-up rally

A shot of the pep-up rally at Takasago Beya
before the Kyushu Trounament.


Posing with young wrestlers
at the pep-up rally.
"I hope they all come out winner."

do my best

Vowing to do my best during the Kyushu
Tournament for my fans.

Mitoizumi speaking

Mitoizumi speaking at the pep-up rally.

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