
'96 Tour Photo Album
üiReport & Photo by Konishiki)

10/17- 20ü@Amagasaki,Nagoya

17- 18ü@Amagasaki

I`ve seen the photos today and I`m sending the photos of Amagasaki,

these photos are mostly pictures of a friend of mine who is handi cap

and we alwaus keep in touch with in Osaka, her name Takako Goto and she

can speak english shes a very strong girl and always working hard to

fight her health, tis Akebono and Musashimaru are just joking with her

all day, and I also showed her my homepage.

Konishiki and his friend Konishiki and his friend Konishiki and his friend
Konishiki's friend and Akebono Konishiki's friend Akebono

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