Applying Transforms

To use a transform, you click one of the three transform buttons on the Main toolbar or choose a transform from a shortcut menu. You then apply the transform to a selected object using the mouse, a type-in dialog, or both.

Using the Transform Type-In

The Transform Type-In is a small dialog you can keep on your screen while you work. Its contents update to match the currently active transform and selected object.

There is also an area on the status bar where you can monitor and update objectsÆ position, rotation, and scale values.

Using Type-In with Sub-Object Selection

You can use Transform Type-In with any sub-object selection or gizmo. The transform affects the axis tripod for the selection.

Absolute and offset world coordinates are those of the object's or selection's coordinate system, whose origin is indicated by the axis tripod. If multiple vertices are selected, the tripod is at the center of the selection and its location is given in world coordinates.

Because axis tripods cannot be scaled, Absolute Scale fields are unavailable when you are at a sub-object level.

See Basics of Creating and Modifying Objects for information on sub-object selection and gizmos.


To transform an object using the main toolbar:

  1. On the Main toolbar, click one of the three transform buttons: Select And Move, Select And Rotate, or Select And Scale. These buttons are usually referred to as Move, Rotate, and Scale.

  2. Position the mouse over the object you want to transform.

  3. Drag the mouse to apply the transform.

    If you drag the mouse over an unselected object, it becomes selected and is also transformed.

    You can use the Transform gizmo to easily restrict transforms to one or two axes. See Using the Transform Gizmo.

To cancel a transform:

To transform an object from the quad menu:

  1. Right-click a selected object. The quad menu lists the three transforms.

  2. Choose one of the transforms. The equivalent transform button is selected on the Main toolbar.

  3. Drag the object to apply the transform.

To use transform type-in:

  1. Choose Tools menu > Transform Type-In to display the dialog.

  2. Apply a transform to a selected object.

  3. You can do any of the following, switching from one to the other as required.

To use transform type-in on the status bar:

  1. Select an object or a group of objects.

  2. On the toolbar, choose a transform (Move, Rotate, or Scale) to perform on the objects.

  3. On the status bar, you can do any of the following, switching from one to another as required: