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- O.K. so this bit is not about
- Role-playingÿ but so what. It's about an
- authorÿ H.P.Lovecraft who in one's humble
- opinion is not as well known as he should
- be. His writings have influenced two
- generations of writers of horror and weird
- tales. Three of his stories have been made
- into filmsÿ The Shuttered room (1950's very
- dodgy)ÿ Re-animator and from beyond.
- Actually from beyond bares little
- resemblance to the original short story and
- it's very squishyÿ an bit of a video nastyÿ
- very nasty.
- His stories are not horror in the Clive
- Barker sense they are weird stories with
- overtones of horror a bit like Poe but not
- as cumbersome. Lovecraft said that all of
- his stories ".. unconnected as they may beÿ
- are based on the fundamental lore or legend
- that this world was inhabited at one time by
- another race who in practising black magicÿ
- lost their foothold and were expelled yet
- live on the outside ever ready to take
- possession of this earth again". As a whole
- his stories form what has become known as
- the Cthulhu mythos. Cthulhu is a being from
- one of his most famous storiesÿ the Call of
- Cthulhuÿ and is one of those who one ruled
- this planetÿ (Earth that is. Well you never
- know who might be reading this).
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born in
- Providenceÿ Rhode Island (that's in
- America). He lived their for most of his
- life. When he was young his father was
- admitted to a mental institution where he
- dies shortly after. His mother brought him
- up and he lived with her until she died when
- he was 31 after also being committed. For
- most of his life he suffered from ill
- healthÿ noticeably he developed
- poikilothermism (Oo-er big words). After his
- mothers death he lived with his auntsÿ
- supplementing what little money he had with
- the income from his stories and money from
- revising other's stories. Most of his work
- was sold to and printed in Weird Talesÿ but
- this raised little capitalÿ as a business
- man he made a great author. He mostly lived
- off inheritances and support from others
- e.g. his wife Sonia Greenÿ during his five
- year marriage.
- Although a recluse he had a close circle
- of friendsÿ mostly writersÿ notable Robert
- E. Howard (of Conan fame)ÿ and August
- Derleth (more about him later). Lovecraft
- was also a prolific letter writerÿ he had
- correspondents from all over America.At his
- peak it is estimated that he was writing
- about 10ÿ000 letters per year.
- On March 10th 1937 he died of Cancer.
- So that's a mini biographyÿ for the full
- story read the book by L.Sprague de Camp
- imaginatively titled "Lovecraft: A
- biography".
- August Derleth was an early correspondent
- of Lovecraft's and a very prolific author in
- his own right. I mention him since it is
- mainly through his efforts that Lovecraft's
- work was first published in book form. To do
- this he set up a publishing companyÿ Arkham
- house which was dedicated to macabre fiction
- including Lovecraft's work.
- Arkham house is named after a fictional
- town from Lovecraft's stories. Arkham is
- based on Salem (in Massechussetts) famous
- for the the witch burnings which took place
- there. Elements of Lovecraft's stories tend
- to appear in other works. For example the
- Batman graphic novel Arkham Asylum and
- 2000AD's Zenith stories had many of the
- Beings from the Cthulhu mythos.
- Another of his more famous creation is
- the Necronomiconÿ a fictional (?) tome of
- the occult written by the mad arabÿ Abdul
- Alhazred. Some of his readers were so
- convinced by his account of the book that
- they have tried to purchase it from book
- stores or find it in libraries. Who knows it
- may existÿ a copy was advertised in a new
- York book sellers catalogue for $375 but it
- was never sold and a paper back book exists
- that claims to be the Necronomicon. Also
- there is supposed to be a copy of Al'Azif
- (the Arabic version of the Necronomicon) in
- Brown Universityÿ Providence.
- This element of reality in his stories is
- typical of Lovecraft's work. All the placesÿ
- people and history are based on actual fact.
- Since this section is about roleplaying I
- suppose I should mention the Call of Cthulhu
- RPG. For those who don't know about CoC (as
- they say in the trade) it is (obviously)
- based on the Cthulhu Mythos. The player play
- investigator trying to foil the plots of the
- Cthuloid nasties and their (nearly) human
- worshippersÿ and they invariably get
- squishedÿ if they are lucky.
- Right that's the end I expect you'll all
- be rushing down to the library/bookstore.
- No? Oh. Sod you thenÿ you try to educate
- people . . . . .