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- Begin1
- Intro To Kithe
- Cthulu
- 26
- <BOF>
- Good evening, and welcome to the first edition of KiTHE, the MiSTiGRiS
- monthly newsletter. I'd imagine we have some explaining to do. Well, some
- history comes in handy here, so be sure to read the History of Mist article.
- And, for those of you with insatiable cravings for knowledge, check out out
- "Ecology of the 604" article, with info on every group ever created in this
- lame little area code we like to call home. This newsletter was never
- originally intended to be coded, just a small text file. Then it grew. And
- grew. It was a very large, ungainly, and hard to manage text file. Then, late
- one night, Mavrik decided to code it in the shadowy secrecy of his basement.
- In most ways this is better than out inferior text file, so we thanked him,
- and I handed myself the responsibility of making the transformation from text
- file to e-mag. (arg arg Arg Arg ARG ARG ARG...it has been a frustrating month)
- Well, I'm beginning to blather already, so, without further ado, I shall wrap
- up this introduction, and move on to the other articles...
- In conclusion, blub blub.
- -Cthulu, MiSTiGRiS Founder
- October 2nd, 1994
- blub blub
- -PS- Thanks to Mavrik for taking it upon himself to a) set up KitschNet all by
- himself, and b) take it upon himself to create this e-maggy sort of thing.
- <EOF>
- Begin2
- Batmud
- 25
- <BOF>
- The Surgeon General has determined that over use of Kithe can cause:
- Cancer, Liver and Lung Disease, Miscarriages, Unwanted Pregnancies, Low Sperm
- Counts, Brain Tissue Damage, Muscular Dystrophy, Forgetfulness, Left-Leg
- Paralysis, Internal Hemorrhaging, Geekiness, Carbohydrates Deficiency,
- Negligence, Slow Motioness, Bureaucracy, Deforestation, Sexual Atrocities, Lack
- of Personality, Inflation, Heavy Machinery Malfunction, Anaphora, Plagiarism,
- Lying-to-Congress Disease, Gerrymandering, Incrimination, Schwa Deletion,
- Non-Confirmation Syndrome, Defenestration, Illiteracy, Sarcasm, Broccoli
- Overcooking, Frequent Defecation, Gossiping, Getting-Laid-on-the-First-Date
- Syndrome, Mass Extinction, Ozone Depletion, Global Warming, Gas Leaks,
- Hailstorms, Arms Race, Legs Race, Gender Confusion, Transexualism,
- Misunderstandings, Gibberish, Boredom, Nausea, Vomiting, Hyperbation,
- Hyperbole, Manuscript Loss, Anarchism, Liposuction, Unsuccessful Barbecuing,
- Gargling, BONKing, Mavisms, Talking-in-Third-Person Syndrome, Limosine
- Overcrowding, Elevator Stalling, Messianism, Low Scoring on Standardized Tests,
- PBS Pledging, PTA Joining, PTL Propaganda, S&L Bailouts, Deficit Spending, BL&T
- Indigestion, Armpit Enlargement, Proletarianization, Salmon Spawning,
- Antidisestablismenterianism, Panic, Disillusionment, Asymmetrical Twins,
- Appointment Cancellation, Foreplay Disruption, Stuttering, Dogmatism, Bath Tub
- Clogging, Eviction, Infant Mortality, Cryptorchitis, Shistosomaisis, Nepotism,
- Baldness, Bad Spelling, Maximum Verbosity, and General Failure in Life.
- <Stollen from BatMUD: Batmud.jyu.fi port 2001>
- <EOF>
- Begin3
- Intro to The 418
- Eerie
- 60
- <BOF>
- eerie's _____
- _________,`\ ____,___|`\_| |___33
- __, __, __, `\(____- ,_,'_, _______
- |' |' |' |' ,\__, `|' _|' |
- _|___,`\_,____-__<____,__,'___,__,'\
- __, __, `\' ,_ ,' | | _- ,_,'
- |' |' | ,__/\ _| _| ,\__, `|
- |___,___-,__,____>_________<____,__,'.. from the 418 =)
- ok, i dunno if this file will be in the mist pack or in kithe or something,
- but bah, i felt like writing it =) anyway, just wanted you to know the 418
- guys.. (coz mist is like, 2 acs in the same group.. there are the 604 dudes
- and the 418 dudes..) so here they are, in alphabetical order (eh..)
- - diamond traveller (dt) -
- current affils: slime
- diamond traveller (dit for short) was one of the only active members in the
- local group slime.. eh.. well, now he's with mist. he's doing pics mostly..
- i like his stuff..
- - eerie (it's me =) (33) -
- past affils: ask, astek, rx, imperial
- current affils: relic
- oh well.. er.. shit.. i suck.. what am i doing in here.. damn..
- - the naughty tycoon (tnt) -
- past affils: ask, phobia, astek, liquid (and so many others =)
- tnt is a cool logo maker.. he did two logos for my ansis, and he's in the
- 418 dumb stupid ansi scene since sooo many years. oh well. i love his stuff
- too. he's also the editor-in-chief for ace emag.. and, uhm.. his hd crashed
- the other week so.. its a bit more difficult for him to do ansi.. and he
- ran the last of the xt bbses. (till his hd crashed)
- - zoltar (zr) -
- current affils: slime
- zoltar is the president of that lazy group called slime.. he accepted to
- join mist as well, and it's a good thing.. coz his logos are so sweet. he
- is also doing pics.. but needs a bit of practice :P
- i guess mist gained almost all of the best grouplesses from the 418. anyway
- there arent many other decent artists here.. well, lemme count. there's
- young, who is in nation.. there's jaydee, who is a fellow relic member..
- and there's the extremist who IS GROUPLESS! ah-ha! maybe he will join mist
- then? =) (subliminal message).. hm.. and thats about all for the 418..
- pathetic, no? (OHH i almost forgot slum dweller.. our local ansi hero.. but
- he's like a bit out of the scene no? =)
- aaaahwell. you can join all these guys on kitschnet or on my board,
- sarcastic toaster 4188490121 which is the proud mistigris canadian
- headquarters!!! yeaaahhhhhh!!!!! cooliooooo!!
- ok ok i'm outtie
- eerie
- <EOF>
- Begin4
- Cthulu's Greets
- Cthulu
- 92
- <BOF>
- Cthulu's Greets 'n Grunts 'n Groans 'n Grovels:
- Cthulu -You know, talking to yourself is a sure sign of insanity. Fish
- Grateful Dead -I still say it's Farmer Joe-Jim-Bob's WIFE. Steroid woman.
- Wow. You really sound the same on the phone as you type.
- White Insanity -I guess it's too late to tell ya, lit guys don't get headers.
- D'Artagnan -See? I CAN spell it right...
- Magik Elvis -You tricked us into believing that the evil chatboard meet
- was a TABMeet! Help me! Help Meeeeeee...
- Beatle -TG Forever! er..I mean, Phaze. Yup. Oh, all right, V/X.
- Toxic Cockroach -A garbage bag is *not* a proper carrying case for a SNES.
- Darkseid -I guess I have to get you some more j0lt now...
- Soul of Allusion-Call TST, damn you.
- Mavrik -Which issue of GIJoe did you see Cobra Commander's face again?
- Nitnatsnoc -Slave to Master Cthulu! MAKE UP YOUR MIND! YES....NOPE...YES
- The Mage -Big impovement from "That black white haired guy"
- Visionary -Look for other misters in #mist...
- Minus -Pablo RULES! Old school Acid pics, yes!
- Inquisitor -Is pesty forcing you to write messages again now?
- The Edge -I hate U2 8)
- Pestilence -Keep pestering Reznor for me, will ya? 8)
- Archangel -Haven't seen much 'o you lately...
- LionBird -There. All the titles changed, as you requested.
- Skuttlebutt -Remember, more instruments doesn't neccisarily better than
- more tracks...
- Raidair X -learn from the above. pester him incessantly
- Dr. CPU -CALL TST! ARRRRRRGh..when're you gonna do my SE text loader?
- Helter -Aw...you took away my leech...<sniff sniff>
- (AHa! suddenly got it back!)
- The Narccissist -Hey, Chico! Don't make fun of my squid lantern..sniff sniff
- Paintball paintball rah rah rah
- Livewire -Stop having such a HAPPY life..sheesh...
- Tzeentch -I want to hit you on the head with foam 2covered pipes 8)
- M0D -Generic Ususper name! That's what I say!
- Eoanya -blah halb arg gra j0lt neck yum evil vila
- Etana -Tail-piercing? eW...
- Questor -You quit Coven? awww... your DG pic looks like Contra Bass
- Zoltar -good fonts...er...as for the pics...well...*cough*
- Diamond Traveller-ook. say something. embrace KiTSCH.
- The Naughty Tycoon-where did you get that handle, anyway?
- Eerie -Yay! Thanks to you, we can rip off the movie idea!
- Cool Hand -Spread, dammit!
- fUp -Woo hoo, Anne Rice!
- Other assorted body noises:
- Ranma -Love those "Graphical screens"
- Hype -Pine Sol does NOT go in your nose, mister dwarf.
- Fab One -Good luck, honorable conpetitor.
- Pantera -Take CHARGE...sheesh...
- Midnight Ninja -Thanks for the offer for KiTSCH. PS-Happy 5th, Arkham!
- Snazz -Too bad about your computer.
- Pure Voltage -"Letting the inmates run the asylum" (tm) PV, RAiD
- Nosferatu -So, how're those graveyards? PS-This isn't the vampire area
- White Noise -Go away and stay away
- Shadow -Same applies for you
- My computer -If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be writing this right now
- My chair -Thanks for holding me up
- The Old Oak Tree-I humbly thank you for providing me with shade over these
- many long years, my old friend
- The Nice Men -I like your white jackets. Are you going to put me in the
- shirt with the really long sleeves again?
- TsC -May you never, EVER, EVER revive.
- Cheese -You're the best food on Earth (even better than Snapple)
- TabNet -b0nk
- Innate Malice -$150 bucks? He *MUST* be kidding...
- Creideiki -Thank god you stopped modemming...
- Drift -one word: WHY?
- Everyone else -ha ha...i didn't greet you. Now i shall slap you with a fish.
- Toxic Cockroach, Darkseid, Soul of Allusion, Archangel, and Visionary.
- You guys have one more month of slothful relaxation, and if you don't release
- anything after that... <b00t!>
- I refuse to greet ACiD and iCE in these greets, as it's trendy, and grounds
- for having stale bread thrown at you.
- *** Any and all apologies to person or persons that i may have offended in
- the writing of this newsletter or at any other time during my modemming
- life, or even outside of it. I'm sure that the offense was well-deserved,
- but if your ego needs straightening, we'll be happy to do it in a mildly
- humiliating yet strangely satisfying way.
- -Cthulu
- MiSTiGRiS Founder
- <EOF>
- Begin5
- Beatle's Greatle's
- Beatle
- 46
- <BOF>
- ■ Beatle's Lit for Imperial
- ■ Compiled August 14th 1994
- ■ Stuff..
- Well, imperial died. Knew that would happen.
- A few of these files appeared in one of their packs already.
- But, I don't care, I am releasing them again, this time
- with a little bit of color.
- A few of these have music.
- credits :
- going home : lyrics - beatle
- music - beatle, mark, bluck
- little miss commited : lyrics - beatle
- music - beatle
- goodbye my dear : lyrics - beatle
- music - beatle
- johnny mcgill : lyrics - beatle
- music - beatle
- ■ Anyways, thanks goes to..
- bLUCK - For Being Bizzare
- Chico - For not showing up to ANY fireworks meets
- Magik Elvis - For being such a great guy
- ■ Words to...
- James Joyce - Tough Break guy, but don't worry, it'll all
- work out in the end. The world is not over.
- ■ Anyways, bye bye.. and don't do too many drugs.
- Call my board and post on tabnet
- interzone - 604-520-9519
- [beatle]
- <EOF>
- Begin6
- Programers note
- Mavrik
- 17
- <BOF>
- Welcome to Kithe, the official newsletter of Mistigris. At first
- this was just going to be a text file, like an .NFO file, but we decided to
- spice it up a bit, and then people started adding articles, and letters,
- and it kinda looks alot like an Emag now. This is just the first version of
- Kithe, and the scrolling can be kinda slow in some of the bigger articles,
- but remember there's a page down/up key if it gets too slow. This will be
- fixed in the next version, which is already being worked on.
- Also included in this month's Kithe is a small 6o4 lit 'zine called
- Pinion that Cthulu of Mistigris, and Magik Elvis write. I have included
- the four issue's of it in Kithe on Cthulu's request. Well, thats all for
- now.. hope the scrolling isnt too annoying on those big articls =) l8r
- -Mavrik [MiSTiGRiS]
- Kithe programmer
- <EOF>