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- Begin1
- History Of Mist
- Cthulu
- 91
- <BOF>
- In the beginning, there were PAiN and POiSON, two small local (604)
- art groups. One day, around the winter of '93, they decided to merge. So they
- did. And the unholy spawn created from this demonic merger, this vast bloated
- progeny of evilness, was called NWA, for New Wave Artists. The overwhelming
- success of NWA in its home area code gave life to pitiful imitators, none of
- whom lasted longer than several weeks. In any event, this promising fledgeling
- group carried promise, yet was restricted to the 604. Then, one day, the
- president of NWA, one "The Narccissist", now happy in NATiON and couriering
- for us (hi chico!), and the foul trecherous president of a similar group
- around Montreal, one "The Night Prowler", president of GRiP/AD (Graphic
- Revolution in Progress/Art Division), decided to merge. The product of this
- merger was iMPERiAL, which stood for nothing. However, it did quite well,
- attracting many applicants throughout it's tumultuous 5-month lifespan. Under
- the careful governing of The Narccissist and the slightly-less-careful
- vice-governing of The Night Prowler, it grew in power, only suffering a slight
- setback after the third month when its 3 best artists, Asian Knight, Vanquish,
- and Darkforce left to NATiON, NATiON, and UNiON, respectively. In fact, we were
- relaxing in the glow of our best pack ever, our fifth and final one, when,
- mysteriously, 3 days after the release, the entire montreal side packed up and
- left to Drift, a group founded by a former imp member, Twisted Terrorist,
- formerly of ICE and convicted ANSI ripper. The Narccissist, despondent over the
- loss of half of his group, decided to throw in the towel and fled to NATiON
- along with what remained of iMPERiAL's big talent, The Masked Pirate, Young,
- and Suicidal Maniac. The rest of iMP's 604 members (me, Summonner, Beatle,
- Magik Elvis, and others) blinked our eyes in surprise. And we were doing so
- well! Just this onth Imp had been rated the # 5 art group in the world by Blur
- magazine. Number 5! But, enough whining, the time for that would come. We
- needed to re-band the remaining members, and gather some new talent to replace
- the old lost to Nation and Drift. So we did. The End. Now, wasn't that boring?
- Anyhoo, we decided to make the group an experimental democratic
- prototype where lots of voting goes on and every department is treated
- fairly and smartly, so we elected department chairmen. A prez is voted each
- month to throw in his deciding vote each month in case the chairs tie votes
- in group policy. Now, all that remained was to choose a name. Well, we went
- through many choices, from NAPiFORM (meaning turnip-shaped), to FiSH (blub
- blub), but the three names that stuck were KiTHE (meaning eager to prove
- oneself), KiTSCH (meaning to parody mainstream art), and MiSTiGRiS. We voted
- for the last one, which requires a tad of interpretation. The word mistigris
- is pronounced "Misty-gree", and is a variation of poker where the joker can
- have any value. Now, viewed under the miraculous veil of interpretation, it
- resolves to define the whole art scene as a simple card game, with us as the
- jokers. However, we have potentially limitless value if we apply ourselves. I
- like to interpret things, and write it down. That's why I'm a lit guy. Anyway,
- we managed to salvage the name "KiTSCH" for our net, and "KiTHE" for the name
- of this newsletter. Rejoice! In any event, all three names ended up being
- used, so we don't wanna see any "KiTSCH"s or "KiTHE"s popping up next month.
- Tsk tsk.
- Well, I've blathered entirely too much for this month. I shall simply
- read out some of our policies, then let you be on your way. MiSTiGRiS would
- like to become known as a place with a calming, relaxed atmosphere, where
- artists can lay back and relax. Our membership rules are fairly flexible, and
- all we ask is that you produce a quality piece of art at least every two
- months. Members can feel free to leave any time to try to advance in the art
- world, but any one who's fed up with all the crap in the scene out there is
- free to quit whatever they're in and join MiST for a recuperative stint.
- Members who do leave will be re-admitted at any time, but chances are that with
- all the shit out there, they'll be back to stay. Repeat offenders may be viewed
- with less respect, however. We doubt you'll find many other groups with as
- relaxed policies as us, and, if you do, we'd like to merge with 'em. 8)
- Seriously. However, there isn't much risk of that.
- To recap: (for all of you who didn't read the previous 3 pages of
- mindless drivel)
- o MiSTiGRiS is a direct descendant of iMPERiAL
- o we are all nice guys
- o we would like to provide a comfortable haven for anyone
- who feels hounded by all the shit in the scene right now.
- o members who leave will be re-accepted without questions
- o the group runs under a total democracy. if you don't like
- the prez, or a policy, do something about it!
- o we welcome any one who comes to introduce new ways of
- doing things, or who wants to try a new form of art and
- not look foolish. we don't worry about looking foolish.
- o blub blub
- <EOF>
- Begin2
- Business As Usual
- Cthulu
- 46
- <BOF>
- Newcomers this month: Everybody. No, I'm not going to get more
- specific, this is a new group! Sheesh...
- Departures this month: Strangely enough, we have had a few departures
- since this whole venture started, roughly a month ago. Tzeentch, formerly of
- iMPERiAL, was a MiST member for about 3 days. Then he decided to try to get
- into NATiON. Hope ya make it! Also, Illusionary Enigma and Eternal Silence
- left our family here to our fiece rival group, PATRiOT. Grrr!
- UPDATE: Pestilence quit MiST for senior staffdom in RAiD and dragged
- Inquisitor out with him. Oh well. Also, Admiral Skuttlebutt decided that the
- art world sucks, and left forever..FOREVER! But he may still make guest
- appearances from time to time... Tzeentch decided that he'd be nice and happy
- in Mist, and decided not to go for Nation... And, finally, The Edge's computer
- blew up, and he is incapable of drawing any more VGAs for a while. Aw.
- Too bad.
- Projects in the works: We're doing something sneaky in our private
- areas of KiTSCHNet...with a bit of ANSI, a bit of Lit...a bit of coding...and
- a bit of music. But only Eerie knows for sure... OK, I'll give you a hint.
- It's huge, furry, and likes destroying tanks. Heh heh...
- Questions: Why so much lit?
- Well, when I, Cthulu the (l)owly lit writer started this group, i decided
- that I'd like to be able to particiapate in it as well. So, unlike most of
- the major groups out there today, we support lit. Not just standard BBS
- named rhyming couplet type lit, like I do, but short stories like Livewire's
- and Eoanya's, and rambling philosophical free verse such as Battered Crow's
- and fUp's. If you don't like lit, then don't read them, but you might be
- missing out... as I like to say, "ANSIs stimulate the eyes. Lits stimulate
- the mind."
- Anything else?: Guest Appearances... occasionally, we may collaborate
- with artists from other groups... as their art will be appearing in our pack,
- yet they aren't members, we may as well mention them with an air of respect.
- AY is a rather special case... he's minus' brother... he doesn't modem, so he
- doesn't have any real reason to join a group... however, he DOES enjoy drawing
- the occasional pic, so his works will be featured with us.
- -Cthulu
- MiSTiGRiS founder
- Sept. 12, 1994
- blub blub
- <EOF>
- Begin3
- History of 418
- Eerie
- 270
- <BOF>
- i know, i know, i'm being boring with my four-one-eight fixation, but, eh,
- that's where i live.. and this ac is so badly known.. you know why? hell,
- 418 is quebec city, canada. a french-speaking place. most people won't know
- english so they write in french and their stuff can only be released in the
- 418 area, or the province of quebec. you'll say, well, 514 and 819 also are
- in quebec.. yep, but lots of english-speaking persons live there and made
- the scene advance a bit.. err.. anyway.. i want to show you the 418 scene..
- (be prepared to next to nothing =)
- - Eerie
- Mist ansi artist and 418 dude
- ■ [ABC] Another Bad Creation
- ■ founder: Testament Collecter
- ■ duration: few months.. now dead.. pfffftt.
- all ABC did in its own life was RIPPING, RIPPING and OVERRIPPING.. anyway.
- it contained two members, Testament Collecter (a local fagboy) and Vlad
- Drakul (a local lamer).. pfftt.. lemme laugh..
- ■ [ACE] ACE e-mag
- ■ founder: The Naughty Tycoon
- ■ duration: 12 issues, still alive
- hey, I guess that's the only emag in the scene that talks about new
- (alternative) music.. TNT, Photon and yours truly created it after
- participating in 2 issues of EMM, another music magazine.
- for now its in french, but starting from issue 13 (next issue!) it will be
- in english! weeee!
- ■ [ACiD] Ansi Creators In Demand
- ■ founder: Rad Man i guess =)
- ■ duration: hum
- ok, ACiD is not from the 418, but our local ansi hero, Slum Dweller, was
- ACiD ss once.. so we must mention it. =)
- ■ founder: no one knows
- ■ duration: 2 issues
- this was a parody of XJAA emag.. (see below) one issue is in NpC, but NpC
- members claims that they are not the authors of AJAX.
- ■ [ARiKA] ARiKA
- ■ founder: Zoltar
- ■ duration: i dunno, ask zolt =) changed name to Slime
- ARiKA changed his name to Slime a few months after being created.. anyway.
- it's just another ansi group =)
- ■ [ARt] ARt (dont remember the exact signification)
- ■ founder: Skyzofren
- ■ duration: few months, no packs
- did this group ever did something? i think i've been a member. but i don't
- remember.
- ■ [ASK] Ansi Staff Kreators
- ■ founder: Lucyfer
- ■ duration: few months, no packs, dead
- ASK was the first ansi group in the 418.. i've been in it, TNT too.. it was
- fun. it started, like.. humm.. 1991 i think. yea, in the old-school days.
- sigh.
- ■ [ASTEK] Ansi Staff To Eternal Kreations
- ■ founder: Astral Buster
- ■ duration: 2 packs, a few months, dead
- definitely the biggest group in the 418, since almost all talented artists
- from the ac went into this group sometimes.. Youngblood (now he's called
- Young =) who went to Imperial and is now in Nation (for how much time?),
- The Extremist, who is freelancer, The Naughty Tycoon, who is now in MiST,
- jaydee who is now in Relic, and myself.. other talented artists who are out
- of the scene now are Astral Buster, Lucyfer, Skyzofren, Mystical Avenger,
- etc.
- ■ [AXE] AtomiXoftarE
- ■ founders: Lucyfer and i
- ■ duration: few months
- AXE was somewhat associated with ASK.. this was the first group i used for
- the programs i released.. then i quitted and started my own group
- Beyondware, and then released everything under the label TFL, and now i'm
- releasing everything as independent =)
- ■ [BARE] Burning Art of Rare Excellence
- ■ founder: The Extremist
- ■ duration: few months
- bah, TE signed his ansis with the label BARE.. that's not really a group
- then.. =)
- ■ [Beyondware] Beyondware
- ■ founder: i.. and Skyzofren
- ■ duration: few proggies, few months, now dead
- look under AXE to understand what Beyondware was =)
- ■ [Blood] Blood emag
- ■ founder: Blood Sucker
- ■ duration: 1 issue i guess. hopefully its dead now
- Blood is one of the NpC wanna-be, H/P/A mags.. it sucked..
- ■ [CTBK] Ctrl-Break
- ■ founders: Dynamix and Skyzofren
- ■ duration: 2 issues.. duh.. hopefully dead
- ok ok.. i was called Dynamix in that good old times.. this was a rather
- lame emag.. damndamndamn.. why am i putting it in the list then? ohwell..
- (anyway, because of a hd crash, i dont have them anymore.. sorry =)
- ■ [EMM] EleKtriK MuZiK MagaZine
- ■ founder: Bilbo
- ■ duration: 8 issues, still alive?
- another music emag.. this one talks about general music tho. it was founded
- before ACE. the first issue was in english, but then everything turned
- french.. =) anyway.. i think they are preparing issue 9, but i'm really
- unsure. would be fun.. a bit more competition for ACE =)
- ■ [HAS] Hacker Anonyme Society
- ■ founders: Berzeker and Android
- ■ duration: 1 issue, dead.
- this is the other NpC wanna-be emag.. speaking of h/p/a and such.. eh.
- whatever. just to mention that Android is a local pd lamer.. =)
- ■ [iLSD] iLL-Legal Speech Digest
- ■ founder: l0gRuS!
- ■ duration: the promo issue =)
- iLSD was itended to be a general emag.. but no one submitted anything so
- nothing got released =)
- ■ [iMP] Imperial
- ■ founders: The Narcissist and The Night Prowler
- ■ duration: 5 months, 5 packs.. now DEAD
- ok.. let's mention that 2 418 guys were in Imperial, Young and i.. eh.. =)
- ■ [KBM] Kobudera Black Magic
- ■ founder: Kobudera Master? nobody really knows
- ■ duration: 4 issues, dead
- another NpC wanna-be emag.
- ■ [KOD] Kult Of Darkness
- ■ founder: l0gRuS!
- ■ duration: 1 issue, dead
- no one knows about this emag, cepted that one issue is in an early NpC
- issue. but i dont have the courage to find it.
- ■ [Kill] Kill
- ■ founder: Bilbo
- ■ duration: 1 issue, still alive
- Kill is a new emag, containing exclusively buffers on lamers and others..
- funny no?
- ■ [NpC] Northern Phun Co.
- ■ founder: Blitzkrieg
- ■ duration: 15 issues, now dead
- prolly the emag that lasted more in the 418.. of course its an h/p/whatever
- emag.. it was cool. but now the writers retired from the h/p scene to put
- up an internet node called LLC.. duh..
- ■ [NpShit] Northern Phif Shit
- ■ founder: unknown
- ■ duration: 3 issues
- NpShit released his first issue (issue 4) some weeks after NpC released
- their issue 3.. it was some kind of hilarious parody.. then 2 other issues
- came out. eh..
- ■ [NSI] The Ansi Institute
- ■ founder: Dynamix
- ■ duration: 1 issue and 1 promo
- NSI was some kind of project i put on (i was called Dynamix in these times,
- but used Eerie as a handle when drawing.. eh.) to show off talents of all
- ansi artists in the ac.. however, it failed.. bah, the first issue is
- interesting anyway..
- ■ [PHoBiA] PHoBiA
- ■ founder: The Naughty Tycoon, Testament Collecter and Flavor Flav
- ■ duration: few months, one pack.
- PHoBiA has been founded a little after ARt.. it even has sites in the usa..
- weird no? anyway, they released one pack..
- ■ [Relic] Relic
- ■ founder: Jello
- ■ duration: a year or so.. still alive
- just to mention that two 418 dudes are in relic.. jaydee and yours truly..
- eh =)
- ■ [Rx] Rx
- ■ founders: Eerie, Skyzofren, Lucyfer
- ■ duration: bah..
- we started Rx when quitting ASTEK. but in fact, we never produced anything
- else than ansis for our own board.. bah..
- ■ founders: Virus and New Order
- ■ duration: forever
- SiWDRY is a joke group, consisting on the "merge" of SiW and DRY.. they
- never released anything but an ad or two for my board =) and they suck bad
- ehehe
- ■ [Slime] Slime
- ■ founder: Zoltar
- ■ duration: few months, no pack out.. still alive?
- ok. Zoltar decided to start this group and some people joined, such as
- Diamond Traveller.. but it's a really lazy group and those two guys were
- the only who would produce..
- ■ [TFL] Third Floor Laboratories
- ■ founder: myself
- ■ duration: few months
- the third name i used for my programs.. damn.. this is boring..
- ■ [TTM] The TroubleMaker
- ■ founder: same as NpShit
- ■ duration: 3 issues
- the guys who made NpShit created another "mag" later.. then again, there
- was a parody of Android, a local lamer, a fake imitation of a door made by
- another local lamer, Derf, etc.. wuz cool..
- ■ [ULRi-ABC] United Lame Ripping Incorporated - Another Bad Creation
- ■ founder: The Naughty Tycoon
- ■ duration: 1 issue
- this was mainly to show that ABC was actually ripping.
- ■ founder: Testament Collecter
- ■ duration: 1 issue
- this was TC's ripost.. in the only issue, he says hat ASTEK ripped an ACiD
- ansi.. because both were drawing the same character, the fucking shitty
- SPAWN.. eh. lamer forever..
- ■ [XJAA] Xpress Journal Anti-Anarchiste
- ■ founder: Xyster
- ■ duration: no issue out..
- althought 2 issues of the parody AJAX were released, no issue of XJAA went
- out.. eh =) it was intended to be an anti-anarchist emag about hacking.
- wow. that's not a joke..
- ■ [Young] Young
- ■ founder: Youngblood
- ■ duration: ehhh.. no one really knows =)
- back in the times Young was called Youngblood, he started his group called
- Young.. weird, eh? (young's gonna kill me for that one =)
- <EOF>
- Begin4
- An Outsiders View
- Beatle
- 29
- <BOF>
- a view from an 'outsider'
- - by beatle
- The art scene these days seems a little lacking. It consists of no more
- then a bunch of ego maniacs who only wish to release ansis under the name of
- some group.. Now of course the person who is the head of this group gets the
- highest acclaim.. again leading to delusions of grandeur.
- Let I remind the cyberspacial community that artists don't have to label
- their goods. Because I have a piece of art that says acid at the bottom mean
- that I am any good? No.
- Did pablo picasso try to join a group and fit in?
- Did Gogh try and join a group and fit in?
- In my own personal view the entire business of art groups is silly. Is
- the only way an artist can be seen by playing the elite game, and boosting
- already over boosted egos?
- beatle - [SUiCiDE][PAiN][NWa][iMP][MiST]
- ---
- My view of mist...
- I think mist can be a very good thing.
- If it is more of a gallery then a group.
- think about that.
- <EOF>
- Begin5
- ThanksgivingStory
- LiveWire
- 46
- <BOF>
- You eat your Thanksgiving dinner (although these days, thanks are optional)
- and then what do you do? Why, of course, you go lie down in a comfy chair with
- one hand in your pants (men only). Why? Because, as modern science has
- discovered, turkeys contain a certain endorphine that causes drowsiness. Thus,
- after eating enough turkey, you'll get drowsy and fall asleep. (Usually in
- front of a good hockey game, but this year's NHL contract difficulties have
- precluded that option) :(
- So why do turkeys contain this endorphine? Well, I found out many years
- ago, when I lived on the farm. It was mid-september, and it was late
- afternoon; we were just getting everything put away, and getting ready to wash
- up for dinner. As I was penning up the animals, one of the turkeys got loose.
- Not a problem, I just had to run after it. This one had a good head start
- though, so I got my jacket, expecting to be out for at least a couple of hourws
- in the forest. After about 15 minutes, I managed to catch up with the renegade
- farm fowl, when suddenly, to my horror, it was attacked by a wolf. I ducked
- behind a tree, hoping like hell it would devour the turkey, and leave me alone.
- Luckily, it did just this, and loped off in the direction it had come from. I
- stepped out to examine the remains of the turkey. It was well picked over.
- Only a few bones and its feathers remained. A sudden sound behind me gave me a
- start, and thinking it might be another predator, I leapt into the bushes to
- hide. To my utter shock, it was in fact a small group of turkeys. I couldn't
- tell, due to the waning light, whether they were ours or not.
- After they had passed, I came out of hiding, and followed them down the
- trail. About two miles later, the turkeys stopped. They began to spread out,
- silently advancing on a nearby bush. Without warning, they pounced on it, and
- began tearing it apart. I was amazed to see the wolf, lying under the bush
- sleeping, was suddenly being assaulted by this pack of wild turkeys. They were
- ripping off its flesh, pecking it eyes out... I can not describe the horror.
- When they were done, not a scrap remained. Even the bones had been chewed up
- and swallowed. White-faced and shivering, I made my way home, quietly as
- possible, so as not to alarm the turkeys.
- Since that day, I have a newfound respect for turkeys, and after a big
- Thanksgiving dinner, I sleep with a loaded magnum under the seat cushion, to
- blow away any killer turkeys, or annoying, unwanted house guests.
- + END +
- -Travis
- Pic by Phaze <independant>
- Story by Livewire <MiST>
- <EOF>