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- ~Brutal
- Moves kindly passed onto me via Email.
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- Moves list and FAQ v0.66
- ~*** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! ***
- The reason this is FAQ version 0.66 is because I only have the moves
- for 8 out of 12 characters (66%). If you have ANY information about
- the moves for the other 4 (they are Psycho Kitty, The Pantha, Karate
- Croc, and Chung Poe) please email me when you can at
- procyon@netcom.com. Thank you.
- ~What kind of moves are there?
- Like Street Fighter, there are 3 punches, and 3 kicks, and a variety
- of positions you can use them in. Standing, crouching, jumping,
- advancing, or retreating. The strength of the punch or kick
- determines how fast it hits, weak being the fastest, and strong being
- the slowest.
- Then there are special moves. These are activated by compinations
- of key presses, attacks or directional. The attack buttons used are
- weak, medium, strong. It does NOT matter if they are punches or
- kicks, BUT if you need to press more than one attack button, it MUST
- be the same kind of attack until the whole move is completed. For
- example, if you must press medium attack or strong attack together,
- they must be either both kicks or both punches. Again, if you must
- hold down light attack, then press light attack two more times, you
- must always use punch or kick and not alternate.
- Next is the Taunt. Every character can taunt by pressing Light and
- Medium at once. Taunt puts your character in a taunting position
- while your energy increases quite a bit. While taunt gives you back
- energy, you are completely open to attack for about 2 seconds.
- Lastly there are Katas which are preformed much like Special moves,
- only they are preprogrammed series of hits, or combos. Katas often
- hit many times, but can leave you dizzy after all the moves are
- completed.
- ~I have no problem with the moves for Street Fighter 2 or Mortal
- ~Kombat so this will be easy, right?
- Actually, in my honest opinion, no, it won't be. The timing required
- for button presses are odd, and at times feel really awkward. Here
- are some suggestions that might help you.
- * Wait a split second if you are required to press any attack after
- a directional motion. Don't tag it on right at the end.
- * For moves that end in a diagonal, make sure you release the keys/
- joypad from both directions that make the diagonal at once, or it
- will seem like you entered an extra instruction.
- * For moves that require you to hold a button down and then press
- two more buttons, hold the one button down for 1-2 seconds at
- most, then tap the next buttons fairly quickly.
- * Practice the moves on a non-exsistant second player.
- ~What are the references?
- B = Back F = Forward
- DB = Down Back D = Down DF = Down Forward
- W = Weak Attack M = Medium Attack S = Strong Attack
- + = Press together () = Hold down (1-2 seconds)
- * = Move is a Kata before you enter the next move
- For example:
- (W+S)+M means to press Weak and Strong down for 1-2 seconds, and add
- Medium at the end and release.
- ~What are the moves?
- I will list the moves in the order of key presses you must make.
- Kung-Fu Bunny:
- Hi Flash Kick: (D)+M Flash Kick: (M)+S S
- Double Flash Kick: B D F Scissor Kick: M+S
- *Dance of Death: (W) W W *Iron Fist: (S) S S
- *Devil's Kiss: F D B
- Prince Leon:
- Bite: M+S Swim Attack: F D B
- Roar: D F M Powerchord: B D F
- *Wild Side: (W) W W *Rage Within: (W+S)+M
- *Leon Experience: (M) S S S S
- Tai Cheetah:
- Fire Punch: D F Fire Kick: B D
- Fire Run: F D B *Way of the Crane: W+M+S
- *Fist of the North: (W) W W *Divine Wind: (M) M M
- Rhei Rat:
- Knockout Punch: W+M+S Frenzy Attack: B D S
- Face Pull: D F Neck Choke: M+S
- *Tsumai: (S) M M *Lightning Fury: (W) W W
- *Berserk: (M) W M
- Kendo Coyote:
- Slam Punch: W+M+S Headbutt: M+S
- Cannonball: F D DB M Spinball: D F
- *Five Rings: B D DF M *Ki Force: (W) S S
- *Hapkido: (M) W W
- Foxy Roxy:
- Whiplash Kick: M+S Spinning Attack: B B S
- Rolling Attack: D F *Kuntao: W+M+S
- *Call of the Lotus:(S) S S *Mind Throw: F D B S (?)
- Ivan Bear:
- Big Belly Attack: F D B Earthquake: B D F
- *Strength of the North: D B M *Jar Al Nar: (S) W W
- *Rage of the World: (M+S) L+S
- Dali Llama:
- Headbutt: M+S Smoke Attack: B D F
- Mind of the Gods: F D B Apocalypse: D F M
- ~Please help me fill in these moves!
- The Pantha:
- Fireball: Drain:
- In the Bag: *Serpent's Kiss:
- *Summon Chi: *The Gentle Path:
- Karate Croc:
- Tail Whip: Torpedo Attack:
- Flying Tail Whip: (M+S+F+)+Up *The Swallow:
- *Path of the Empty Hand: *Escrima:
- Psycho Kitty:
- Wall Run: Alleycat:
- Chung Poe:
- Dimensional Punch: Morphing Attack:
- ` ___ *** Akuma lives... in X-Men! *** __ __
- ` / _ \_______ ______ _____ ___ / / ___ / /____ ____
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- `/_/ /_/ \___/\__/\_, /\___/_//_/ /____/\___/\__/\___/_/
- ` LIFE IS SHORT. /___/ Scott Jacobi sjjacobi@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
- ` ROW HARD! procyon@netcom.com
- `` PENN CREW '97!!!
- `--
- `Joseph Seymour lordsoth@ix.netcom.com
- `Author of the Games on the Internet list.
- `Maintainer of the Games on the Internet WWW site:
- `US: http://parc.power.net/games/lordsoth/
- `UK: http://wcl-rs.bham.ac.uk/GamesDomain/lordsoth
- ~If you can help out with the missing moves please also pass them
- ~onto Cheet Sheets at the usual address or at cheets@sv.span.com