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- ~Alien Legacy (TM) FAQ
- Collection of info and tips.
- Availability:
- posted intermittently to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic
- al.doc = Word 6.0 for Windows
- al.txt = text
- --------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents
- 1.3. THANKS TO ...
- 2.2.1. IS THERE A PATCH?
- 2.3.1. BUG! (OR IS IT A FEATURE?)
- 2.3.2. BUG! (BUT USEFUL!)
- 2.3.6. ADVISORS
- --------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Version Number, Author, Maintainer
- Version Number: 95.02.03 (First release)
- Previous release: 95.02.02
- Any Changes? Yes.
- First release: 95.02.03
- Author/Maintainer: Michael Andersson
- <anderss@u.washington.edu>
- 1.2. Please note!
- This is a work in progress. I want your input.
- If you feel I have left something out, tell me. If I
- have misspelled something, tell me. If you have a
- question you think should be included, tell me. If I
- have made a flagrant mistake, tell me. In other
- words, tell me anything you can think of to make
- this a better document. My email is
- <anderss@u.washington.edu>.
- I will NOT cover material that is already covered in
- the game's manual. Really! The manual is only 92
- pages long, including the Index and Table of
- Contents--SO READ IT! There even is a small
- troubleshooting section, and I do not want to
- duplicate what has already been done. If there is a
- question that is frequently asked, and the answer is
- in the manual, I will put ``RTFM'' as an answer.
- Maybe if I feel nice, I'll put a page number.
- I will not tell you how to play the game. RTFM. And
- if people send me email asking stupid questions, I
- will either tell them to RTFM or RTFfaq. Other than
- that, I'm a real nice and helpful kinda guy.
- Also, I have tried to be extremely careful about
- spoilers. The ``Non-Spoiler'' section has nothing,
- not even plotline elements that come out later in
- the game. The ``Spoilers'' section is a free-for-all-
- -any information could show up anywhere.
- 1.3. Thanks to ...
- Michael Lewchuk <lewchuk@cs.ualberta.ca>, for his
- initial questions, subsequent help and
- e-conversations, and especially his detailed
- analysis of various installations' effectiveness.
- Thomas Ruschak <ts@chainsaw.ecn.purdue.edu>, for his
- plotline summary.
- Lab Master <labmas@u.washington.edu>, for
- assimilating much of the start-up information and
- volunteering me for this job.
- Ron Williams <ron_w@efn.org), for letting me know
- about the patch.
- Also to the following people, who posted articles
- that I found useful: Guy William Bailey, Igor Nosov
- <igor@tuf.msk.su> (also at <igornosov@aol.com> until
- 95.02.28), Kristin Mennie, Beaulieu Sebastien,
- Stuart L. Flicker, and Mike Peele
- <peele1@muvms6.mu.wvnet.edu>. [People I was unable
- to contact or who requested such have had their
- email addresses omitted.]
- --------------------------------------------------
- 2. Non-Spoiler Section
- 2.1. Plotline
- You are the captain of an interstellar seedship, the
- Calypso, sent out to colonize the Beta Caeli star
- system. Why? Because the Alpha Centaurians are
- attacking Earth, you're humanity's last hope, yadda,
- yadda, yadda, and it makes the game possible. Your
- mission is a follow-up to a previous ship, sent to
- arrive at Beta Caeli 21 years before you, but which
- seems to have completely disappeared. You and your
- advisors are in charge of setting up and maintaining
- vibrant, growing, and productive colonies around the
- new star system.
- During the game, you'll need to find clues as to
- what happened to the Tantalus, find things that help
- you develop new technologies, and just generally
- deal with whatever unexpected things any old
- seedship captain might have to deal with.
- Tom Ruschak puts it this way:
- ``What you got here is a combination Sim-
- City/Starflight type game. This comes as no shock,
- since it was done by Joe Ybarra, who wrote
- Starflight 1 & 2. If you played & enjoyed either of
- those game, buy this one now.
- ``OK, a basic synopsis: you're the 2nd colony ship
- entering an unexplored new system. The nasty aliens
- have destroyed Earth, so you need to get this right,
- or there'll be no more human race. Unfortunately,
- you arrive some time after the other colony ship,
- and when you get there, you don't see a 'Welcome'
- mat..
- ``You need to establish colonies (which run with a
- very simple sort of Sim-city sim), try and find out
- what happened to the other colonists by exploring,
- and research new and interesting things to help you
- to do these two things. Along the way, [spoilers
- deleted] and generally wander around the planetary
- system. BTW, just watching the planets & satellites
- go around the sun in the observatory is fun, and you
- actually need to plan trips for closest approach, a
- nice touch.
- ``Anyway, I won it in about 50 hours of game play. I
- paid $48 or so, and I feel I got maybe $65 in fun
- from it, so it was a good deal for me.''
- And Michael Lewchuk responded to Tom's description
- with:
- ``You must research tech to stay one step ahead of
- total disaster. There are many and various ways to
- end the game, most of them unpleasant. Researching
- ways to avoid disaster is very beneficial.
- Researching them before you come upon the disaster
- is even more beneficial.
- ``You build colonies out of 4 types of buildings:
- habitats, power plants, factories, and laboratories,
- plus a few special buildings later on once you've
- researched them. You explore the planets and make
- discoveries as to the fate of a previous
- colonization attempt. You basically try to survive
- long enough to win the game. You have two goals:
- survival (if you die, that's bad) and points (based
- on how many colonists, materials, colonies,
- buildings, and spacecraft you have). You will face
- several challenges. The interface is a menu-driven
- system to select what you want to do, and a tile-
- based graphics screen for colony building, and a 3D
- (well, 2D, since you maintain a constant height
- above the ground) flight mode for exploration of
- surfaces of planets, moons, and asteroids. You will
- need to explore various planetary surfaces for clues
- to the fate of the old expedition and for
- interesting scientific curiosities which can
- increase the likelihood of you surviving.
- ``Add to this, 5 different advisors, each of them
- wanting you to run things the way they want them
- run. :) Will you be invited to the engineer's condo
- on Ares when he retires, or will you end up being
- [spoilers deleted]? Your actions determine your
- fate.''
- 2.2. Questions and Answers
- 2.2.1. Is there a patch?
- YES! It is available online at Sierra's BBS, on
- Compuserve and AOL (I think). If you can't get
- it there, try here:
- It's
- just a patch, not the whole game, so don't
- think you're getting away with anything
- (translation: without the game, it does you no
- good).
- 2.2.2. I sometimes get weird errors.
- There seem to be several ways to get them. Mine
- usually happened when the save-file became
- corrupted (while on a floppy on the way home
- from workùyes, I play in both places). Certain
- points in the plotline seem to also trigger
- this type of error. Somebody else said they got
- this error by pressing the [esc] key too much,
- or at inopportune moments. So don't press the
- [esc] key so much. :-)
- Try upgrading to version 1.01. They say that it
- is supposed to take care of many of the
- errors/problems. I don't know, I didn't have
- that many problems to begin with.
- 2.2.3. One Advisor says one thing, another says
- something else. Who do I listen to?
- Do everything your advisors advise. If they
- disagree, ignore (or postpone following up on)
- the military advisor.
- 2.2.4. I've searched everywhere for clues, and I'm
- not finding any more.
- That's because your advisors and the other
- humans are not perfect. Some of them don't
- initially see everything, and some of them
- withhold information. Eventually, you'll get a
- message to the effect of ``Oh, we overlooked
- this before, but check it out now.'' And have
- you really searched everywhere, including the
- outer planets/moons? There are some interesting
- things out there!
- 2.2.5. Why do I get silly or non-helpful messages
- displayed in PDA:Log?
- Game programmers are silly. Delete them [the
- messages, not the programmers].
- 2.2.6. Is there a good reason to probe every planet?
- I don't think so.
- 2.3. Pointers and neat Tricks
- 2.3.1. Bug! (Or is it a Feature?)
- For every single planetside sector you explore,
- the ``day'' counter advances by one. But
- nothing else happens--meaning that none of the
- time-dependent processes (building, mining,
- producing, voyaging) do anything, just that the
- counter advances by one. In other words, it is
- nearly useless to talk about ``what turn are
- you at.'' Instead, you'll get a better idea by
- asking ``Where in the plotline are you?''
- 2.3.2. Bug! (But useful!)
- When dismantling colonies (there are various
- reasons you might want to do this), you will
- reach a point where you can leave several
- humans, and still dismantle their last
- remaining habitat (everything else should
- already have been dismantled). This leaves you
- with a colony with several (I've done up to 27)
- humans. Now, send a vehicle there, and pick
- them up--send them somewhere that you need
- them. Leave the colony, go to the Colony
- Manager, and look at the colony you just
- removed the humans from--more humans! Set up
- what I call a ``Human Mine'' (pipeline to some
- nearby colony). Be careful, though, you may end
- up with more humans than you know what to do
- with!
- 2.3.3. Do I really need to build lots of Research
- Facilities?
- Well, the jury's out on that one. I think so,
- but others think not (see 3.3.9). It is
- possible to get all the research points you
- need simply by exploring the surface--but the
- biggest drawback (IMO) is that it takes way to
- long. Basically, if you tend to do a lot of
- surface exploration (to get ore/energy), you
- will end up with a lot of research points,
- anyway. You do need to have some Research
- Facilities.
- 2.3.4. Strategy, anyone?
- Try to keep most of your installations at about
- the same level. If you don't, things get out of
- whack. As far as how many of what, since you're
- allowed 16 installations per colony, try 5
- habitats, 5 factories, and 5 power stations.
- This lets you add one other installation of
- your choice. My favorite factory distribution
- consists of 2 mines and 3 robot factories, but
- your mileage may vary.
- To win a Grand Strategic Victory, you need to
- maximize your points: make lots of colonies.
- 2.3.5. How to get lots of vehicles.
- Thanks to Michael Lewchuk for telling me how to
- do this: When you build new factories, set them
- to ``vehicle'' construction. When they are done
- building, allow one more turn. Presto, (almost)
- instant vehicle. Now, change the factory to
- whatever you want it to do (2 mining, 3 robots
- is good, I think). If you keep doing this,
- you'll eventually run out of engines (the game
- only allows 148 vehicles).
- Igor Nosov suggests having a vehicle-producing
- factory, switching it off-line, and going back
- on-line at the next turn. He says that it does
- consume the necessary resources, but that the
- vehicle is produced in that one turn. I haven't
- confirmed this.
- 2.3.6. Advisors
- In the back of the manual, there are
- biographies for each of the Advisors. It was my
- biggest disappointment to discover that each
- position (not each person) has a script, and it
- makes no difference as to who does what. I
- figured that if they had gone to the trouble of
- putting biographies, one should have to weigh
- and balance each person's advice based on their
- experience, competence, and capabilities. But
- that's not what happened.
- How do I send an advisor somewhere?
- RTFM, p 39.
- How do I know when to send an advisor
- somewhere? RTFM, p 40.
- [Any] Advisor told me [anything]. What do
- I do now? RTFM, and check out your PDA:Log.
- 2.3.7. Grumble, growl
- Why won't they let me sort the colonies in
- the Colony Manager?
- Build the colonies in the order you want
- them to appear. (Even so, in my
- experience, the newer ones don't always
- get added at the bottom.)
- I sure would like a way to quickly `fill up'
- vehicles' cargo holds.
- Wouldn't we all?
- --------------------------------------------------
- 3. Spoiler Section
- 3.1. Plotline
- During your travails, the flora and fauna on Gaea
- and Rhea go from being docile to being a royal pain
- in the rear. This is due to the fact that they're
- controlled by a yet-to-be-discovered H'Riak seedship
- hiding in the Beta Asteroids. Also, there are
- Empiants living in Cronus, and they don't like us,
- 'cause ``our thoughts hurt their heads.'' Then you
- get a rebel colony that you have to deal with, and
- finally you cooperate with the Empiants to build a
- new type of interstellar drive, ensuring humanity's
- forever expansion out into the stars, with the
- Empiants at our sides. But we never hear what
- happened to Earth.
- 3.2. Questions and Answers
- 3.2.1. My [Blank] Advisor wants to go do something at
- Gamma1.
- Do I have to create a colony there first?
- No, just send him or her (along with whatever
- help they need) on a Probe Mission. Then leave
- them there until they report finished. Note
- that when the Navigator wants to go, he or she
- will want some robots along--you have to
- somehow stop the robot-destroying signal from
- Gamma1 before sending the robots. See also the
- strategy section (3.3.3)
- 3.2.2. Is there more after the H'Riak Sporeship is
- destroyed?
- Yes, much more.
- 3.2.3. How do I deal with the hostile biota on Gaea and
- Rhea?
- Thanks to Guy William Bailey for the
- inspiration for this section.
- Blowing up pylons on Gaea/Rhea
- If you destroy the pylons on the either of
- the two planets, the biota threat is
- eliminated but Gamma1 will suddenly roar
- to life and start plummeting into the sun.
- You have 1000 turns until it hits the sun
- and another 80 turns after that before the
- sun goes supernova and you lose the game.
- Blowing up pylons on Gamma1
- Identical results as above.
- Muffle the signals from Gamma1
- Identical results as above.
- Create a plague to destroy the biota
- When your advisor suggests this, it seems
- like a good idea--of course, when they say
- that it might be harmful to your own
- people, they're right. The plague is
- effective for a little while, then it
- starts killing your own people--now you
- need to research a cure.
- THIS JUST IN! If you only set off two of
- the three Antigen Inhibitor bombs, the
- biota disappear but your people will not
- get the plague! This seems to be the best
- option.
- Any of the first three solutions above
- works fairly well, provided you have
- researched the necessary technologies--
- especially the Inverse Fusion Reactor
- (although someone maintains that you find
- the IFR on Gamma1--I don't remember).
- Do absolutely nothing
- Your advisors will tell you that you can't
- start any new colonies on Gaea or Rhea
- until the biota are calmed, but they're
- wrong. You need to send over some vehicles
- with enough supplies to build a few
- habitats. Then send over some humans, then
- quickly build a force shield. Now you're
- set to build up the rest of the items you
- need to run a colony. Note that you WILL
- lose things in the construction process,
- especially humans. Also, once the shields
- are up, you will continue to lose things,
- but at a slower rate--you can try to keep
- the biota away from your colonies by
- spotting them from the Mercator Map.
- There is an unconfirmed report that the
- biota don't attack vehicles at Gaea_7 and
- Gaea_8. Anyone care to confirm?
- By using this method, you can build up
- lots of colonies/vehicles/supplies before
- you ever need to deal with Gamma1--but
- eventually you must!
- 3.2.4. Is it possible to wipe out the biota with
- vehicles?
- Maybe? It's possible to remove all the
- ``green blobs'' on the mercator map, but I
- don't think it's possible to remove the
- biota threat.
- 3.2.5. Do I need to colonize the asteroids?
- Depends. The Alphas are great sources of ore,
- except for Alpha1, which is easily over-mined.
- The Betas are much to easily over-mined to make
- colonies there worthwhile, IMHO.
- 3.3. Pointers and neat Tricks
- 3.3.1. The Chase
- When the colonists rebel, you will eventually
- be told to investigate Gaea:G30, which will
- lead you on a trail of clues, with the rebel
- governor taunting you along the way.
- Eventually, the clues lead to diverging paths,
- with some paths leading to dead ends; here's
- the proper path: Gaea:G30, Hermes:E4, Ares:I20,
- Hera:I21, Hades:D10, Hades:H12.
- I can't remember if they make their demands
- before or after you find them, but they demand
- that you build habitats at a new Hermes
- location. Build enough habitats for all of them
- (over 1000?). They start voyaging from Hades to
- Hermes, and eventually your Military Advisor
- will intercept a message from their leader
- saying that she's stuck in the bunker (her
- vehicle won't start). Then, take your nearest
- vehicle (I like SSHades, but Hades_1 works just
- as well), and bomb the living daylights out of
- the bunker (which is unprotected because you
- destroyed their armaments before they could
- finish building them, just like I told you to
- do, right?). Remember not to bomb the bunker
- until it says you're cleared to do so... well,
- all right, if you really must, go ahead, but
- read section 3.3.2 first.
- 3.3.2. Cool ways to die (Disastrous Losses)
- At the very beginning, don't create enough
- habitat space for the emergency-awakened
- colonists. (Lab Master)
- Bomb the rebels' bunker on Hades before it has
- been emptied. (Mike Andersson)
- Don't do anything when Gamma1 flies into Beta
- Caeli. (Lab Master)
- Anything else?
- 3.3.3. Strategy, anyone?
- Early in the game, you'll need 3 research
- stations on Calypso, 1 studying Biology, and 2
- studying Physics.
- Michael Lewchuk suggests the following research
- strategy: (Early in game) Calypso--1 Biology, 1
- Physics, 1 Math; Gaea Surface--1 Biology.
- (Later in game) orbiting Gaea--2 Biology, 2
- Chemistry. He says, ``After this, I turned the
- labs on Gaea off, and produced mainly
- mathematics and electronics at the space
- stations and Calypso. Ever try to find math and
- electronics? It's hard compared to geology,
- physics, astronomy, chemistry, or biology!
- Anyway, after getting to the sporeship, I
- turned the labs on Gaea back on to produce even
- more math, electronics, and the odd physics.''
- Don't destroy any of the pylons until you have
- your Inverse Fusion Reactor (or Big Bomb, as I
- like to call it). Destroying pylons sets Gamma1
- in motion, and you need Big Bomb to destroy it.
- If you have the Inverse Fusion Reactor, and you
- still haven't located Gamma1 (i.e., you haven't
- set up your 3 electronics labs to triangulate),
- blow up all the pylons on Gaea or Rhea. Your
- advisors will find Gamma1 real quick! And you
- have 1000 turns to do your stuff on it. Would
- someone confirm to me whether or not the IFR is
- found on Gamma1, or can it be built before
- then?
- Much, much later in the game, you will need
- SSCronus. It will need 6 research stations,
- fully upgraded (level 6); 2 each researching
- Math, Biology, and Physics. It will also need
- to have on hand 3000 ore, 3000 energy, and 300
- robots. Why? When you start cooperating the
- with the Empiants, they need these items to
- research the new interstellar drive.
- 3.3.4. Are the Biota Shield, Mass Driver, and
- Anti-Meteor Gun effective?
- According to M. Lewchuk, ``Build one. [Mass
- Driver] It's resource consumption is
- laughable.'' The Anti-Meteor Gun is only useful
- on Ares, when Gamma1 tries bombarding as it
- flies by on its way to Beta Caeli, although I
- suppose one could avoid that by blowing Gamma1
- up before it gets close enough.
- I think that the Biota Shield are effective.
- You would certainly not be able to keep any
- colonies on Gaea and Rhea without them. True,
- you keep losing things, but they tend to be
- minor losses (except the vehicles), in my
- opinion. You can minimize (eliminate?) those
- losses by attacking the biota in the big-green-
- blob-sectors.
- From another source: The Mass Driver is not
- cost effective, but useful to supply ore to
- Siphoning Stations.
- See also section 3.3.9.
- 3.3.5. Is there a real use for missiles?
- One source suggests that several ships on
- Missile Missions, orbiting Cronus, keeps the
- Empiants confined. I have not confirmed this.
- 3.3.6. Is there a good reason to set up siphoning
- stations?
- If you need energy, they are really good
- sources of it, but they become really costly to
- maintain once the Empiants start attacking.
- Siphoning stations are much more cost effective
- once you've made peace with the Empiants. It
- would seem that not setting up any SStations
- (for any reason) above gas giant planets keeps
- the Empiant attacks at an ``irritant'' level
- rather than a ``war'' level.
- 3.3.7. The scientist says he wants to research the
- pylons, but he never goes out and does it.
- I believe that unless an advisor specifically
- requests to be sent somewhere, the
- investigation kind of automatically happens.
- 3.3.8. M. Lewchuk's detailed charts on everything
- Quoted directly out of his email message, no
- changes:
- Notice that most of the better buildings are
- generally slightly less efficient at producing
- stuff. In other words, having 20 class 1
- buildings is generally better than having 10
- class 2 buildings or 5 class 4 buildings. Also
- note that having 100 class 1 labs is roughly
- equivalent to having 50 class 6 labs for
- producing most tech, at a fraction of the
- resource cost. The exception is factories,
- which produce more ore at a relatively cheaper
- cost.
- `Building Construction Cost Maintenance Cost Prod-
- `Name OreEnr LifHum Rob Ore Enr Lif HumRob uces Misc*
- `Habitat 1 2 1 1 0 5 2 3 1 3 2 5/10 100
- `Habitat 2 5 3 4 25 8 4 5 2 9 4 9/10 200
- `Habitat 3 12 7 12 50 12 7 10 3 16 7 12/9 300
- `Habitat 4 20 15 26 75 18 11 18 4 24 12 17/8 400
- `Habitat 5 32 32 42125 28 16 24 5 32 20 24/8 600
- `Habitat 6 42 64 80200 38 20 32 6 60 30 30/7 1000
- `Lab 1 5 3 3 12 5 10 6 4 8 4 TECH 0
- `Lab 2 7 6 6 25 9 18 10 7 18 7 TECH -1
- `Lab 3 13 10 10 50 16 25 14 12 32 12 TECH -2
- `Lab 4 20 16 24100 24 36 18 18 48 18 TECH -3
- `Lab 5 30 24 45150 32 40 24 22 64 30 TECH -4
- `Lab 6 45 33 70250 44 42 32 30 120 42 TECH -5
- `Power 1 6 9 10 16 7 1 1 3 6 3 6/12
- `Power 2 12 16 18 25 10 3 2 6 12 5 9/11
- `Power 3 20 25 28 40 14 6 3 10 24 8 14/10
- `Power 4 28 38 45 75 20 10 4 17 42 12 19/9
- `Power 5 45 56 64150 30 15 5 25 65 18 26/9
- `Power 6 88 98 110200 40 24 6 36 90 24 31/8
- `Factory 1 6 8 6 4 10 1 3 2 8 4 5/9 0
- `Factory 2 10 14 10 10 15 2 5 4 15 8 10/8 -3
- `Factory 3 16 20 18 25 20 4 10 6 25 12 20/8 -6
- `Factory 4 24 32 34 50 25 7 15 10 45 16 28/7 -7
- `Factory 5 40 50 66100 35 13 22 15 70 20 35/6 -8
- `Factory 6 80 92 130200 45 18 30 22 100 25 40/5 -9
- `Forcefield12 22 15 19 25 2 10 5 9 6 (Gaea/Rhea)
- `Anti-Meteor Gun30 15 25 21 13 2 11 5 10 8 (Ares)
- `Mass Driver25 35 30 21 15 50 65 61 44 67 (useless)
- `Stabilizer250250 250 0 0 25 25 25 0 0
- * Misc. is population capacity for Habitats, and production
- modifier for factories and labs, in number of turns required to
- produce 1 unit of goods.
- `Item Turns Resources Fuel Cargo
- `Robots 12 2 3 3 2 3
- `Ship 1 24 9 10 7 4 2 2000 30
- `Ship 2 3000 60
- `Ship 3 48 12 14 12 16 20 4000 100
- `Ship 4 64 13 15 15 24 42 5000 150
- `Ship 5 80 14 18 16 32 48 6000 200
- `Ship 6 90 17 21 18 40 66 7000 250
- Number of ground colonies possible:
- Alpha, Beta, Gaea : 8
- Rhea : 7
- Ares : 5
- Prometheus, Hermes: 3
- Hera: 2
- Hebe, Hades, Tethis: 1
- Required space platforms:
- SS-Cronus, Calypso
- 3.3.9. L. Master's list of clue locations
- L. Master seems to think that all clues are at
- the same location every time, however, there's
- at least one message that disagrees. I'm too
- lazy right now to find out; somebody help?
- Here's his latest list:
- Alpha 2 A 3 clue: Beta 4
- Alpha 3 A 2 clue: Hebe F11
- Alpha 5 A 4 Red metal (absorbs energy)
- Alpha 7 D 7 Yellow metal alloy
- Ares H 2 clue: Prometheus B10
- Ares K 9 clue: Gaea *19
- Ares B 11 Petrovski Radio
- Ares F 19 clue: Rhea C42
- Ares J 22 clue: Beta 7
- Beta 4 D 0 clue: Hermes C0
- Gaea D 0 clue: goto Gaea:I9
- Gaea C 1 coax cable (& robots)
- Gaea E 7 gem for Eco-Scope
- Gaea I 9 W.Lemfort's work
- Gaea G 10 red crystal
- Gaea E 13 comm center (TANTALUS)
- Gaea G 13 clue: Rhea I27
- Gaea D 15 24 robots
- Gaea F 30 1 vehicle, radio center
- Gaea I 33 Ramikin II Engine
- Gaea K 34 alien language decoder
- Gaeaequator 26 27
- Hades F 3 mushroom crystals
- Hades H 17 crashed Empiant ship
- Hades G 20 green metal
- Hebe A 9 45 robots, admin bldg
- Hebe F 11 blue quartz
- Hera F 22 clue: Ares *19
- Hermes ? 0
- Hermes C 0 screen
- Hermes F 4 clue: goto Hebe F2
- Hermes J 13 clue: Alpha5:A4
- Hermes D 22 clue: Prometh *7
- Prometheus I 0 isolinear chip
- Prometheus D 2 laser focusing crystals
- Prometheus C 2 clue: Ares B11 (Petrovski)
- Prometheus A 9 clue:
- Prometheus F 5 clue:
- Prometheus H 2
- Prometheus I 7 yellow quartz
- Prometheus L 7 crashed shipùhullmetal
- Prometheus B 10 green metal
- Rhea C 20 rocks from Alpha3
- Rhea I 27 control panel module
- Rhea J 31 ``Ore Magnet'' J
- Rhea C 42 alien obelisk translation
- Thetis C 3 robot brain
- Thetis G 8 clue: ??? G20
- Thetis A 11 clue: Sporeship target
- Gamma1 A 0 pylon
- Gamma1 F 0 gun turrett
- Gamma1 G 0 pylon
- Gamma1 A 2 (engine improvement)
- Gamma1 C 2 pylon
- Gamma1 E 2 bifocaline improvement
- Gamma1 G 2 explosion/hole
- Gamma1 F 3 pylon
- Gamma1 D 4 missile strikes
- Gamma1 G 4 H'Riak secret
- Gamma1 F 4 pylon
- Gamma1 C 5 pylon
- Gamma1 G 6 dark room (power improvement)
- Gamma1 A 7 pylon
- Gamma1 B 7 Tantalus marker
- Gamma1 G 7 pylon