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- CA-93:02a CERT Advisory
- January 21, 1993
- REVISION NOTICE: New Patch for NeXT NetInfo "_writers" Vulnerabilities
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The CERT Coordination Center has received updated information from NeXT
- Computer, Inc. concerning vulnerabilities in the distributed printing
- facility of NeXT computers running all releases of NeXTSTEP software
- through NeXTSTEP Release 3.0. The online patch described in CERT
- Advisory CA-93:02 has been replaced with a new patch. The size and
- checksum information in this Advisory have been updated to reflect
- the new online patch.
- For more information, please contact your authorized support center. If you
- are an authorized support provider, please contact NeXT through your normal
- channels.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I. Description
- The default NetInfo "_writers" properties are configured to allow
- users to install printers and FAX modems and to export them to the
- network without requiring assistance from the system administrator.
- They also allow a user to configure other parts of the system, such as
- monitor screens, without requiring help from the system administrator.
- Vulnerabilities exist in this facility that could allow users to gain
- unauthorized privileges on the system.
- II. Impact
- In the case of the "/printers" and the "/fax_modems" directories, the
- "_writers" property can permit users to obtain unauthorized root
- access to a system.
- In the "/localconfig/screens" directory, the "_writers" property can
- potentially permit a user to deny normal login access to other users.
- III. Solution
- To close the vulnerabilities, remove the "_writers" properties from
- the "/printers", "/fax_modems", and "/localconfig/screens" directories
- in all NetInfo domains on the network, and from all immediate
- subdirectories of all "/printers", "/fax_modems", and
- "/localconfig/screens" directories. The "_writers" properties may be
- removed using any one of the following three methods:
- A. As root, use the "niutil" command-line utility. For example, to
- remove the "_writers" property from the "/printers" directory:
- # /usr/bin/niutil -destroyprop . /printers _writers
- B. Alternatively, use the NetInfoManager application: open the
- desired domain, open the appropriate directory, select the
- "_writers" property, choose the "Delete" command [Cmd-r] from
- the "Edit" menu, and save the directory.
- C. To assist system administrators in editing their NetInfo
- domains, a shell script, "writersfix", is available via
- anonymous FTP from next.com (
- Filename Size Checksum
- -------- ---- --------
- pub/Misc/Utilities/WritersFix.compressed 5600 25625 6
- After transferring this file using BINARY transfer type,
- double-click on the file. A "WritersFix" directory will be
- created in your file system, containing the script
- ("writersfix") and some documentation ("WritersFix.rtf").
- Consider removing "_writers" from other NetInfo directories as well
- (for example, "/locations"), noting the following trade-off between
- ease-of-use and security. By removing the "_writers" properties, the
- network and the computers on the network become more secure, but a
- system administrator's assistance is required where it previously was
- not required.
- Please refer to the NeXTSTEP Network and System Administration manual
- for additional information on "_writers". Note that the
- subdirectories of the "/users" directory have "_writers_passwd" set to
- the user whose account is described by the directory. This is
- essential if users are to be able to change their own passwords, and
- this does not compromise system security.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The CERT Coordination Center wishes to thank Alan Marcum and Eric Larson of
- NeXT Computer, Inc. for notifying us about the existence of these
- vulnerabilities and for providing appropriate technical information.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the CERT
- Coordination Center or your representative in FIRST (Forum of Incident
- Response and Security Teams).
- Internet E-mail: cert@cert.org
- Telephone: 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
- CERT personnel answer 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4),
- on call for emergencies during other hours.
- CERT Coordination Center
- Software Engineering Institute
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- Past advisories, information about FIRST representatives, and other
- information related to computer security are available for anonymous FTP
- from cert.org (