home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* DecodeGIF.h */
- /* interface file of DecodeGIF class of ViewGif2 application */
- /* January 1990 Carl F. Sutter */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #import <objc/Object.h>
- #import "Animator.h"
- #import <appkit/obsoleteBitmap.h>
- /* some global data types and constants */
- #define BYTE unsigned char
- #define WORD unsigned short
- #define MAXCOLORS 256
- #define RGB 3
- #define STATUS_OPEN 100
- #define STATUS_GLOBAL 101
- #define STATUS_BLOCK 102
- #define STATUS_IMAGE 103
- #define STATUS_DECODING 104
- #define STATUS_EXTENSION 105
- #define STATUS_DONE 106
- @interface DecodeGIF:Object
- {
- // outlets
- id decodePanel; // decoding status panel
- id gauge; // time left gauge
- id width; // width display text field
- id height; // height...
- id numColors; // number of colors...
- id filename; // current file name being decoded
- // internal instance variables
- id target; // object to notify when decoding is done
- SEL action; // method to perform for above
- char szFileName[40]; // name of file currently decoded
- char szPathName[160]; // full path name of file currently decoded
- Animator *timer; // Instance of Animator object
- NXStream *stream; // file stream of GIF file data
- int nStatus; // current decoding status
- int nWidth; // current image width
- int nHeight; // " " height
- int nNumColors; // number of colors in current image
- BYTE byColorMap[MAXCOLORS * RGB]; // color look up table
- int nBPP; // bits per pixel
- BOOL bInterlaced; // interlaced or not
- BYTE *byDataR; // Red data array to hold image bytes
- BYTE *byDataG; // Green data array to hold image bytes
- BYTE *byDataB; // Blue data array to hold image bytes
- BOOL bDecoding; // flag for currently LZW decoding status
- Bitmap *bmpOut; // decoded, imaged bitmap result
- }
- // factory methods
- + new;
- + new:(id )targ action:(SEL )act;
- // outlet initialization methods
- - setDecodePanel:anObject;
- - setGauge:anObject;
- - setWidth:anObject;
- - setHeight:anObject;
- - setNumColors:anObject;
- - setFilename:anObject;
- // actions
- - show:sender;
- - setTarget:(id)targ;
- - setAction:(SEL)aSelector;
- - decodeFile:(const char *)fileName;
- // internal methods
- - setup;
- - nextStep:sender;
- - (BOOL)openFile;
- - (BOOL)readGlobalInfo;
- - (BOOL)readMap;
- - (BOOL)readBlockCode;
- - (BOOL)readImageInfo;
- - (BOOL)startDecoder;
- - (BOOL)finishDecoder:(long)lReturnCode;
- - (BOOL)readBytes:(int)nNumBytes data:(void *)buf;
- - errorAlert:(char *)szMessage;
- - sucessfulDecoding;
- - cancelDecoding;
- @end