home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Controller.m */
- /* implementation file of Controller class of ViewGif2 application */
- /* January 1990 Carl F. Sutter */
- /* The Controller handes the whole program, and dispatches processing to */
- /* the various modules. Most of the work is done by those isolated modules, */
- /* so this "main program" is really quite simple. */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #import "Controller.h"
- #import "ViewBitmap.h"
- #import <appkit/Application.h>
- #import <appkit/OpenPanel.h>
- #import <appkit/SavePanel.h>
- #import <appkit/PageLayout.h>
- #import <string.h> // for strcpy, strcat
- #import <appkit/publicWraps.h> // for NXBeep
- @implementation Controller
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* new - initialize the controller */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- + new
- {
- self = [super new];
- /* set up the queue */
- Queue = [FileQueue new:self action:@selector(nextFromQueue:)];
- [Queue retrieveNextWhenReady];
- /* set up the decoder */
- Decoder = [DecodeGIF new:self action:@selector(decoderDone:)];
- /* set up the activate menu & slideshow panel */
- activateMenu = [ActivateMenu new];
- return( self );
- } /* new 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* showQueue: - tell queue to display its panel */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - showQueue:sender
- {
- [Queue show:self];
- return( self );
- } /* showQueue: 1/22/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* showDecoder: - tell decoder to show its panel */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - showDecoder:sender
- {
- [Decoder show:self];
- return( self );
- } /* showDecoder: 1/22/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* showSlideshow: - tell activate menu slide show panel to appear */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - showSlideshow:sender
- {
- [activateMenu show:self];
- return( self );
- } /* showSlideshow: 3/7/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* appAcceptsAnotherFile is an application delegate method which */
- /* returns whether it is OK for the application to try to open more files */
- /* with the appOpenFile:type: */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - (BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile:sender;
- {
- return( YES );
- } /* appAcceptsAnotherFile 1/22/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* appOpenFile:type: - delegate message sent to open the specified file. */
- /* It is normally called by the Application object in response to open */
- /* requests from the Workspace. */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - (int)appOpenFile:(const char *)filename type:(const char *)aType;
- {
- return( [Queue addItem:filename] );
- } /* appOpenFile 1/22/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* openRequest - allows user to choose a new file(s) using the open panel */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - openRequest:sender
- {
- const char *directory;
- const char *const *files;
- static const char *const types[2] = {"gif", NULL};
- id openpanel = [[OpenPanel new] allowMultipleFiles:YES];
- char szFileName[160];
- if ([openpanel runModalForTypes:types])
- {
- files = [openpanel filenames]; // list of multiple files
- directory = [openpanel directory];
- while (files && *files)
- {
- strcpy( szFileName, directory );
- strcat( szFileName, "/" );
- strcat( szFileName, *files );
- [Queue addItem:szFileName];
- files++;
- }
- }
- return( self );
- } /* openRequest 1/22/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* saveToTiff: - gets a filename to save the image in TIFF format */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - saveToTiff:sender;
- {
- char szFileName[40];
- const char *fileName;
- id savepanel = [[SavePanel new] setPrompt:"Save To TIFF File:"];
- /* first, make sure a window is available to save */
- if ([NXApp mainWindow] == nil)
- {
- [self errorAlert:"No main window to save TIFF file for."];
- return( self );
- }
- /* get the gif filename, remove the .gif, and add a .tiff */
- strcpy( szFileName, [[NXApp mainWindow] title] );
- *(strrchr( szFileName, '.' )) = 0;
- strcat( szFileName, ".tiff" );
- /* run the save panel, and if a name was entered, save the bitmap */
- if (([savepanel runModalForDirectory:"." file:szFileName]) &&
- (fileName = [savepanel filename]))
- [[[[NXApp mainWindow] contentView] docView] saveBitmapToTiff:fileName];
- return( self );
- } /* saveToReqest 10/27/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* nextFromQueue - message from queue with a new file to decode */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - nextFromQueue:(char *)szFileName
- {
- /* send the file to the decoder */
- [Decoder decodeFile:szFileName];
- strcpy( szCurrentFile, strrchr( szFileName, '/' ) + 1);
- return( self );
- } /* nextFromQueue 1/22/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* decoderDone - message from decoder saying it is ready for a new file */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - decoderDone:(Bitmap *)bmpImage
- {
- ViewBitmap *displayView;
- if (bmpImage != nil)
- {
- displayView = [ViewBitmap newBitmap:bmpImage title:szCurrentFile
- topLeft:[self nextTopLeft]];
- [displayView setMiniwindowIcon:"gif"];
- [activateMenu addDocument:[displayView window]];
- [displayView setCloseNotify:activateMenu];
- }
- /* tell the queue to send a new file to decode */
- [Queue retrieveNextWhenReady];
- return( self );
- } /* decoderDone 1/23/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* nextTopLeft - return the next good top left window position */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - (NXPoint)nextTopLeft
- {
- #define OFFSET 10.0
- #define MAX_STEPS 20
- #define INITIAL_X 356.0
- #define INITIAL_Y 241.0
- NXPoint nxpTopLeft;
- static int nCurStep = 0;
- nxpTopLeft.x = INITIAL_X + nCurStep * OFFSET;
- nxpTopLeft.y = INITIAL_Y + nCurStep * OFFSET;
- if (++nCurStep > MAX_STEPS) nCurStep = 0;
- return( nxpTopLeft );
- } /* nextTopLeft 1/24/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* errorAlert - put the message in an alert panel */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - errorAlert:(char *)szMessage
- {
- NXRunAlertPanel( "ViewGif2 Error", szMessage, "OK", NULL, NULL );
- return( self );
- } /* errorAlert 10/30/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* printRequest - print the main window */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - printRequest:sender
- {
- id curView = [[[NXApp mainWindow] contentView] docView];
- if (curView == nil)
- {
- [self errorAlert:"No main window to print."];
- return( self );
- }
- [curView printPSCode:self];
- return( self );
- } /* printRequest 10/23/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* pageLayout - bring up page layout panel */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - pageLayout:sender
- {
- [[PageLayout new] runModal];
- return( self );
- } /* pageLayout 10/30/89 CFS */
- @end