home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* ActivateMenu.m */
- /* implementation file of ActivateMenu class of ViewGif2 application */
- /* This IB Module handles most aspects of an Activate menu */
- /* It also can display a panel to cycle through the menu like a slide show */
- /* This code is mostly borrowed from the Draw example App - Thanks, NeXT! */
- /* January 1990 Carl F. Sutter */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #import "ActivateMenu.h"
- #import <appkit/Application.h> // for NXApp
- #import <appkit/Matrix.h>
- #import <appkit/MenuCell.h>
- #import <appkit/ButtonCell.h> // for title
- #import <string.h> // for strcpy, strcat
- @implementation ActivateMenu
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* new - initialize the activate menu */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- + new
- {
- self = [super new];
- /* load nib file defining panel and outlets */
- [NXApp loadNibSection:"ActivateMenu.nib" owner:self];
- /* get the activate menu handle */
- if (![self findActivateMenu])
- {
- [self free];
- return( nil );
- }
- /* initialize the list of windows and timer */
- winList = [List new];
- timer = nil;
- return( self );
- } /* new 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* findActivateMenu: - find the activate menu item from the main menu id */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - (BOOL)findActivateMenu
- {
- int count;
- Matrix *matrix;
- MenuCell *menuCell;
- const char *s;
- matrix = [[NXApp mainMenu] itemList];
- count = [matrix cellCount];
- while (count--)
- {
- menuCell = [matrix cellAt:count :0];
- s = [menuCell title];
- if (s && !strcmp(s, "Activate"))
- {
- activateMenu = [menuCell target];
- return( YES );
- }
- }
- return( NO );
- } /* findActivateMenu 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* outlet initialization methods */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - setSlideshowPanel:anObject { slideshowPanel = anObject; return( self ); }
- - setPeriod:anObject { period = anObject; return( self ); }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* addDocument: - adds the window to the Activate menu */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - addDocument:(Window *)winAdd
- {
- List *cells;
- MenuCell *menuCell;
- /* quit if no window was given */
- if (!winAdd) return( self );
- /* get the List of ButtonCells that make up the menu */
- cells = [[activateMenu itemList] cellList];
- /* add the new item to the menu */
- menuCell = [activateMenu addItem:[winAdd title]
- action:@selector(activateDocument:) keyEquivalent:0];
- [menuCell setTarget:self];
- /* add the new window to the window list */
- [winList addObject:winAdd];
- /* resize the menu matrix to fit the cells and return */
- [activateMenu sizeToFit];
- return( self );
- } /* addDocument: 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* removeDocument: - removes the name from the Activate menu */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - removeDocument:(Window *)winRemove
- {
- List *cells;
- Matrix *matrix;
- int i, count;
- const char *s;
- /* quit if no name was given */
- if (!winRemove) return( self );
- /* find and remove the named menu item */
- matrix = [activateMenu itemList];
- cells = [matrix cellList];
- count = [cells count];
- for (i=0; i<count; i++)
- {
- s = [[cells objectAt:i] title];
- if (s && !strcmp(s, [winRemove title]))
- {
- [matrix removeRowAt:i andFree:YES];
- //[winRemove close];
- [winList removeObjectAt:i];
- break;
- }
- }
- /* resize the menu matrix to fit the cells and return */
- [activateMenu sizeToFit];
- return( self );
- } /* removeDocument: 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* start_stop: - toggle the slide show */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - start_stop:sender
- {
- double dPeriod;
- if (timer == nil)
- {
- nCurrentWindow = 0;
- dPeriod = [period doubleValue];
- [period setEnabled:NO];
- timer = [[Animator alloc] initChronon:dPeriod adaptation:0.0 target:self
- action:@selector(nextSlide:) autoStart:YES
- eventMask:NX_ALLEVENTS];
- }
- else /* stop the current slideshow */
- {
- [timer free];
- timer = nil;
- [period setEnabled:YES];
- }
- return( self );
- } /* start_stop: 3/7/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* show: - display the slideshow panel */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - show:sender
- {
- [slideshowPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- return( self );
- } /* show: 3/7/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* activateDocument: - sent from menu, activate the appropriate window */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - activateDocument:sender
- {
- [[winList objectAt:[sender selectedRow]] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- return( self );
- } /* activateDocument 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* windowWillClose: - message from a doc window that it will close */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - windowWillClose:(Window *)winRemove
- {
- [self removeDocument:winRemove];
- return( self );
- } /* windowWillClose: 1/31/90 CFS */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* nextSlide: - show the next document in the activate menu */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- - nextSlide:sender
- {
- nCurrentWindow++;
- if (nCurrentWindow > ([winList count] - 1)) nCurrentWindow = 0;
- [[winList objectAt:nCurrentWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- return( self );
- } /* nextSlide: 3/7/90 CFS */
- @end