home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* ActivateMenu.h */
- /* interface file of ActivateMenu class of ViewGif2 application */
- /* January 1990 Carl F. Sutter */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #import <objc/Object.h>
- #import <appkit/Menu.h>
- #import <appkit/Window.h>
- #import <objc/List.h>
- #import "Animator.h"
- @interface ActivateMenu:Object
- {
- // outlets
- id slideshowPanel; // connect to slideshow panel
- id period; // connect to Form for timing
- // internal instance variables
- Menu *activateMenu; // activate menu
- List *winList; // list of window handles
- Animator *timer; // Instance of Animator object
- int nCurrentWindow; // current window # in slide show
- }
- // factory method
- + new;
- // outlet initialization methods
- - setSlideshowPanel:anObject;
- - setPeriod:anObject;
- // close message maybe sent from document windows
- - windowWillClose:(Window *)winRemove;
- // actions
- - addDocument:(Window *)winAdd;
- - removeDocument:(Window *)winRemove;
- - start_stop:sender;
- - show:sender;
- // internal methods
- - (BOOL)findActivateMenu;
- - activateDocument:sender;
- - nextSlide:sender;
- @end