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- /* Context3D.m */
- #import "Context3D.h"
- #import "View3D.h"
- #import <dpsclient/wraps.h>
- @implementation Context3D
- + newFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect
- {
- self=[super newFrame:frameRect];
- pictureDistance=1500.0;
- clippingDistance=1.0;
- currentPoint.x=0.0;
- currentPoint.y=0.0;
- currentPoint.z=0.0;
- [self setContentView:[View3D new]];
- return self;
- }
- - moveto:(vector3D *)where
- {
- currentPoint=*where;
- return self;
- }
- - lineto:(const vector3D *)where
- {
- NXPoint start,end;
- vector3D current,to;
- if(currentPoint.z > -clippingDistance) { // we make to be the point
- if(where->z > -clippingDistance) { // less than clippingDistance
- currentPoint=*where; // if there is one.
- return self; // if both to and currentPoint
- } // are closer than
- to=currentPoint; // clippingDistance, we return
- current=*where; // out.
- }
- else {
- to=*where;
- current=currentPoint;
- }
- if(to.z > -clippingDistance) { // if to is closer than
- float temp; // clippingDistance, we
- vector3D tempVect; // know from the above
- temp=current.z+clippingDistance; // steps that current
- temp=temp/(current.z-to.z); // is not.
- tempVect.x=to.x-current.x; // We recalculate to such that
- tempVect.y=to.y-current.y; // it is at the intersection
- tempVect.z=to.z-current.z; // of the line segment and the
- to.x=current.x + tempVect.x*temp; // clipping plane.
- to.y=current.y + tempVect.y*temp;
- to.z=current.z + tempVect.z*temp;
- }
- // here we do a simple projection, since we now know that both current and
- // to are in front of the clipping plane.
- start.x=current.x*(-pictureDistance)/current.z;
- start.y=current.y*(-pictureDistance)/current.z;
- end.x=to.x*(-pictureDistance)/to.z;
- end.y=to.y*(-pictureDistance)/to.z;
- PSmoveto(start.x,start.y);
- PSlineto(end.x,end.y);
- PSstroke();
- currentPoint=*where;
- return self;
- }
- - polygon:(vector3D *)vertices howMany:(int)count
- {
- int ctr;
- [self moveto:&vertices[0]];
- for(ctr=1;ctr<count;++ctr)
- [self lineto:&vertices[ctr]];
- [self lineto:&vertices[0]];
- return self;
- }
- - contentView
- {
- return contentView;
- }
- - setContentView:anObject
- {
- contentView=anObject;
- [anObject setSuperView:self];
- return self;
- }
- - setPictureDistance:(float)dist
- {
- if(dist > 0.0) {
- pictureDistance=dist;
- return self;
- }
- return nil;
- }
- - setClippingDistance:(float)dist
- {
- if(dist > 0.0) {
- clippingDistance=dist;
- return self;
- }
- return nil;
- }
- - drawSelf:(const NXRect *) rects:(int)rectCount
- {
- [contentView display];
- return self;
- }
- - free
- {
- [contentView free];
- return [super free];
- }
- @end