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- /* Context3D.h */
- #import <appkit/View.h>
- #import "3D.h"
- @interface Context3D:View
- {
- id contentView;
- vector3D currentPoint;
- float pictureDistance,clippingDistance;
- }
- /*
- contentView
- is the top of the View3D drawing hierarchy for this context.
- currentPoint
- is the current drawing point, used by lineto: messages and altered by
- moveto:, lineto: and polygon:howMany: messages
- pictureDistance
- is the distance from the viewers eye to the virtual screen which
- the Context3D represents
- clippingDistance
- is the distance at which all closer drawing will not be drawn (clipped
- out)
- */
- + newFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect;
- /*
- +newFrame: calls [View +newFrame:frameRect] to create the new View
- object, and then initiates it's instance variables. The following are
- initial Values:
- contentView to a new View3D, which should be freed if changed.
- currentPoint to {0.0,0.0,0.0}
- pictureDistance to 1500.0
- clippingDistance to 1.0
- */
- - moveto:(vector3D *)where;
- /* -moveto: set's the currentPoint equal to *where. */
- - lineto:(vector3D *)where;
- /*
- -lineto: draws a line on screen from the currentPoint to where after
- projecting the current point and *where to the Context3D's coordinates
- as a View. It leaves currentPoint == *where
- */
- - polygon:(vector3D *)vertices howMany:(int)count;
- /*
- vertices must point to an array of count elements type vector3D.
- -polygon: howMany: does the equivalent of a moveto: to the first
- vector3D of vertices, and then lineto: to each succesive vertex
- back to the first one.
- */
- - contentView;
- /* -contentView returns the id of the current contentView. */
- - setContentView:anObject;
- /*
- -setContentView: sets the id of the current contentView, and will
- send [anObject setSuperView:self].
- */
- - setPictureDistance:(float)dist;
- /*
- sets the pictureDistance instance Variable to dist. dist must be
- a postitive number. If succesful, setProjection returns self, otherwise
- it returns nil.
- */
- - setClippingDistance:(float)dist;
- /*
- sets the clippingDistance instance Variable to dist. dist must be
- a postitive number. If succesful, setClipping returns self, otherwise
- it returns nil.
- */
- - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects:(int)rectCount;
- /* sends render to its contentView */
- @end