We're back with our final installment in the Math Knowledge Series. We've already covered algebra, geometry and equations, so now for some word problems.
This month's Math program is Word Problems 1. It is one of sixteen programs in The Math Knowledge Series. The Math Knowledge Series covers a range of curricula from junior high school and high school through the first years of college. You can find a detailed list of the programs in The Math Knowledge Series and their course outlines below and in the User Guide within the program.
{The complete Math Knowledge Series is available in Softdisk's Online Download Stores on the following Online Services: Prodigy, jump word - _DownloadSuper_; CompuServe, keyword - _Go SP_; and in the future on other online services. For more details of availability, keywords and how to get to the Download Stores, please call 1-800-831-2694.}
Math Knowledge Series contains sixteen titles, which are compatible with major textbooks covering most of the standard math curricula from 6th-8th grades through the first years of college. Since it was designed to supplement both textbooks and classroom studies it is mainly a drill and practice program. It has a built-in hand holding, personal tutoring system. It reviews the subject topics in a Lesson section, and then offers a most comprehensive feature laden drill and practice section with a randomly generated, unlimited number of problems and exercises.
Math Knowledge Series features:
* Auto-grading system makes it a valuable learning support.
* Interactive individual tutoring.
* Coaching through every step of solving a problem.
* Lessons are supplemented with randomly generated - unlimited number of examples.
* Drill and practice section with randomly generated - unlimited number of problems and exercises.
* Context-sensitive Help system.
* Individualized progress:
a) Student stays on each lesson as long as it takes to learn it.
b) Automatic progress in levels of difficulty based on automatic monitoring of student's success.
* The courseware recognizes different ways of solving a problem.
* Clear explanations, in both the Lessons and the Help modes.
* Solving word problems by using first degree equations, involving numbers, percents, two digit numbers, integer division with a remainder.
* Solving word problems by using first degree equations, with geometrical shapes and with uniform motion, dealing with s=vt.
* Computing with expressions, reducing like terms, multiplication.
* Substitution of a variable and computing the numeric value of an expression.
* Translating verbal phrases into algebraic expressions.
* Factoring expressions by identifying a common factor.
* Special products (A+B)(A+B)(A-B), cube of sum.
* Factoring ABA2AB+Bthe trinomial axbx+c, difference of cubes.
* Translating verbal sentences into equations.
* Laws of powers with integer exponents (positive, negative or zero).
^C_EQUATIONS 1 - Linear equations and inequalities_
* Solution of an equation, the solution set, equivalent equations.
* Solving equations of the first degree.
* Solution of an inequality, equivalent inequalities, the solution set, graph.
* Solving inequalities of the first degree.
* Special cases (when the variable is eliminated).
^C_EOUATIONS 2 - Quadratic equations and inequalities_
* The solution set, solving axc = 0, axbx = 0.
* Solving the equation axbx+c = 0 (rational solutions).
* Operations on irrational numbers.
* Solving axbx+c = 0 (irrational solutions).
* Investigating the nature of the roots using the discriminant.
* The sign of the trinomial axbx+c, solving quadratic inequalities.
^C_EQUATIONS 3 - Equations and systems in two variables_
* Solution as a pair, solution set, the graph of a linear equation.
* System of two linear equations, solving a system by the graphic method.
* The substitution method and the addition method.
* Special systems with no solution or dependent equations, investigating a system with one parameter.
^C_EQUATIONS 4 - Quadratic system and parameters_
* Solving a quadratic system with a graphic meaning.
* Investigating a linear equation with a parameter.
* Solving a linear system with a parameter.
^C_ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 1 - Points, line, circle_
* Points of a plane, coordinates, slope through two points, midpoint, distance between two points.
* The straight line, y=ax+b, the coefficients, forming an equation.
* The circle xy= R(x-a)(y-b)= Rtangent, intersection with a line, circle through three points.
* The ellipse: definition, loci, equation, tangent, intersection with a line.
* The hyperbola: Definition, foci, equation, asymptotes, tangent, intersection with a line.
* The parabola: definition, focus, directrix, parameter, equation, tangent, intersection with a line, tangents from an external point.
^C_DERIVATIVES 1 - Polynomials_
* The notion of derivative: the slope of the tangent, deriving polynomials, equation of the tangent, finding x in f'(x) = c.
* Investigating polynomials: increasing and decreasing functions, extrema, graphing polynomials of the second, third and fourth degree, and algebraic applications.