We want to hear from you! Send your letters to: {Softdisk, 606 Common St., Shreveport LA 71101-3432}, or FAX to {(318) 221-8870}, or e-mail to {softdisk@webcom.com} via Internet, {SoftdiskPb} on America Online, {Softdisk} on GEnie, {70007,1547} on CompuServe, or {UCSY15B} on Prodigy. Be sure to specify that your comments are regarding Softdisk PC, since we have products for a number of platforms.
Dear Softdisk,
[I'd like an] index for house plants or garden plants, with an area of where plants are in the garden and special notes for care.
M. Collins
Chicago IL
{Daniel Tobias responds:
We published something like that a while back, called House Plant Journal, on issue #27. These old issues are still available from us as back issues.
Dear Softdisk,
Re: Checkers Hall Of Fame #105; Nancy S. Dodson is {not} from Plympton, MA, or do you know something I don't?
Nancy S. Dodson
Julian NC
{Daniel Tobias responds:
Sorry... we must have gotten your address "crossed up" with somebody else's!
Dear Softdisk,
Where did you get the words for the Word Up game [on #105]? The words look like slang or something an illiterate would make up.
Hartwell Lee
Sacramento CA
{Daniel Tobias responds:
As a "change of pace" from the usual abstruse vocabulary of Word Up!, we did a special "Texas Talk" version on #105. Don't take it too seriously! See the next letter...
Dear People,
I loved your new Word-Up, Texas Speak. I'm a little slow sometimes, so it took a few words and as many utterances of "huh??" before I caught on. Why not do one of East-LA-speak or Brooklyn-speak? Remember the Ogden Nash lines, "One L lama he's a priest, Two L llama he's a beast. And I will bet a silk pajama that there is not a three L lama."?? Well, as someone else countered, a Three L Lama is a fire in the Bronx... That sort of thing. You could do Inspector Clousseau-speak, too. Like a mink-key is a small primate with a long tail. A pip is the head of the Catholic church. A lick is a body of fresh water surrounded by land... Oh, but then I guess you would have to get permission... fui. Keep up the good work.
Diane D. Vaughan
Morton Grove IL
Dear Daniel Tobias,
Please assist us to understand some of your comments and intentions concerning Softdisk Librarian. Since SDPC #99, you have been referring to a new updated version to be published in the near future. Then in SDPC #100 we finally get an updated ODM Librarian. Additionally, SDPC #100 states that we are working on a major revamping on a future issue. Then, your comments in Coming Attractions state that you are working on a new version that "will have an improved user interface and more flexibility to let you use it to index all your software, whether it came from our issues or not."
Then, along came SDPC #105 with Back Issue Browser, which not only goes back to ODM 83, but does not provide for insertion of our own index. Is there a real Softdisk Librarian coming that will have expanded capability, or is it Browser?
Thomas W. Barnes Jr.
Biloxi MS
{Daniel Tobias responds:
Our original plans were to upgrade ODM Librarian into a new Softdisk Librarian. Things don't always go according to plan, and this was never completed, unfortunately. Meanwhile, our management decided they wanted a more marketing-oriented online catalog to promote our VGA and Windows back issue, so this resulted in the Back Issue Browser. The format of this, as a graphical catalog, was not conducive to making it into a user-modifiable database like ODM Librarian. This doesn't mean that we won't necessarily revisit the Librarian program someday, but it's not presently on our schedule.
Dear Softdisk,
You omitted my name from CryptoQuad on #103. I sent it very early after receiving the disk.
Marlene Richey
Sidney MT
{Daniel Tobias responds:
Sorry... must have fallen between the cracks or something!
Dear Softdisk,
I feel that this [#106] is the best issue in a long time!
Find Me! Plus 2.0 is excellent, and now resides on my hard drive along with DOS Manager 4.0. Both are great programs and are what keeps me subscribing.
Pyramid Solitaire is one of my favorite solitaire games, and the graphics and mouse support are great.
Criss Cross is challenging.
Speedy Auto Dialer is a handy utility that I will use when I need to make a call when I'm working on the computer.
Textwave is a {great} DOS screen saver which I've used to replace Where Am I.
I love your new VGA graphical interface. Very eyecatching and the colored text makes it easy to separate the letters from the replies.
George H. Opper
Warwick NY
{Daniel Tobias responds:
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Dear Softdisk,
If too many games continue I will cancel. I started with you since issue #1. I haven't missed an issue, but I will if you continue with many games! {No more games!} To me this issue [#104] was a complete waste! ALL games? We are not children; let's get some good programs. I know, you'll probably say "We can't please everyone." Poor excuse.
Dr. Louis Caselli
Caguas PR
{Daniel Tobias responds:
Games have been part of our program mix since issue #1, so it's unlikely we'll drop them now. We tried, a few years ago, coming out with specialty software subscriptions: one that was all-business, one that was all-games, etc., but none of them did as well as our original, "grab-bag-format" software subscription with a little of everything.
There _are_ some children, and young-at-heart adults, in our audience, so we can't ignore them. We do intend on publishing productivity and utility software as well, to satisfy the more serious-minded.
Dear Todd Lewis and David Stallard,
The statement [in Paragon, #104; "And, if you make it to the end, there's a new secret word you can write on your Report Card to get into our Hall of Fame"] is a bit misleading, in that it does not mention that you must "make it to the end" of the highest level (Paragon Pro). I think both Paragon games are GREAT, and I look forward to the next Paragon game. Keep going!
Thomas W. Barnes Jr.
{Daniel Tobias responds:
In general, you must be at the highest skill level to get the secret word in our games. We'll try to say this explicitly in the future to avoid confusion.
Dear Softdisk,
Is there any way you could make it possible to view the font while generally overviewing the disk?
I don't know whether to change my subscription to the Windows version or not. I want to make sure that all updates from my earlier version of programs (plus future upgrades) will all work together. Plus I'm not sure which disk would have the most value (content wise) for me.
I have received your programs since issue 69 (On Disk Monthly). I still prefer calling Softdisk PC by "On Disk Monthly." Guess it's habit plus for me it definitely distinguishes it from a general magazine name.
What is the probability of your doing an Embroidery or Cross Stitch program? Also, would you upgrade your old "InfoSys: Your Computer System At A Glance" program?
Barbara Cates
Port Angeles WA
{Daniel Tobias responds:
When space and time permit, we do a graphic, viewable from the shell, showing what our font looks like (on issues that have a font).
When we do a Windows version of a program that we've already done for DOS, we try to maintain compatibility with data files from the DOS version, where this is feasible. For instance, our recurring games such as Word Up! are generally compatible with files from both editions, and our recently-published Windows version of Loan Accelerator will load data files saved from the various DOS versions of this program.
Some even longer-term subscribers are still used to calling this product "Big Blue Disk," which was its name until #59. But, actually, "Softdisk" is an older name than either On Disk Monthly or Big Blue Disk; it has been the name of our company since we started in 1981, and was also the name of the original product, a monthly software subscription for the Apple II. We don't publish the original Apple II disk any more (it ended its 14-year run this month with issue #166), but we still put out Softdisk G-S for the Apple IIgs, and we just decided to make the rest of our product line consistent by renaming ODM to Softdisk PC, and Diskworld to Softdisk for the Mac. However, our Commodore product remains Loadstar, but those Commodore people are always the oddballs!
We have no cross-stitch program or InfoSys update on the schedule right now, but you never know what will show up.
Dear Softdisk,
I have high praises for your DOSMAN program [#99]. I don't think I could get along without it. I use DOSMAN for everything, but I had a problem using the print feature in DOSMAN 4.0. When I used the single sheet option in my printer, DOSMAN 4.0 did not allow me enough time to insert a new sheet of paper before the printer default retry screen popped up. This caused my printer to reprint the last line and print the line into the margins. I did not have that problem with DOSMAN 3.1 so I reinstalled it and I am using it now. Is there a way to correct this problem with the 4.0 version? DOSMAN has taken the place of so many of your previously published programs, not only has it freed up space on my computer, but everything is in one program and so much more convenient to use.
Dorothy Brent
Wichita Falls TX
{Daniel Tobias responds:
The problem you report with printing is probably as a result of this version of DOSMAN improving its error trapping in printouts, to prevent a program hang in cases when the printer isn't connected or runs out of paper. We hadn't thought about the case of a manual-feed printer, and I guess it's too quick to decide that the printer isn't ready. I'll add this on my list of things to look at in a future version, if I do one; the best solution would be to add an option to pause after each page to allow insertion of a new sheet.