Program READER will scan the disk for SEQ type files, list the files on the screen, and then ask the user which (if any) to list. READER runs on the 64 or 128, in 40 or 80 columns.
The user may optionally list a file to the screen, print it, or change his/her mind and forget it. When a file is displayed on the screen, 23 lines are shown, together with a MORE message. The 23-line display was chosen to allow 'continuity' from the previous screen.
READER uses slightly gimmicky coding to allow both the 64 and 128 to run without extra overhead such as boot loads or code relocation.
Binary files may give READER a little trouble, since this program simply takes from the file and delivers to the screen or printer.
So if you get color changes or screen junk, you are trying to look at what READER considers a crazy file. Note that the 128 honors the TAB character [chr$(9)] and the 64 does not. So documents containing TAB may show differently between the two machines. READER makes no distinction: hey, it's just a simple little program.
READER is public domain. It's by Jim Butterfield, and was written in early 1994.