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- 100 rem reader jim butterfield
- 110 data 3085,8205,0
- 120 read x
- 130 if x=0 then print "unknown system!":end
- 140 x=x+0:if peek(x)<>asc("j") goto 120
- 150 x=x+1:if peek(x)<>asc("i") goto 120
- 160 x=x+1:if peek(x)<>asc("m") goto 120
- 170 x=x+1:if peek(x)<>asc(" ") goto 120
- 180 x=x+1:if peek(x)<>asc("b") goto 120
- 190 x=x+1
- 200 rem sys to the code, wherever
- 210 open 15,8,15
- 220 open 1,8,0,"$0:*=s"
- 230 get#15,e,e$:if e<>0 then printe$:stop
- 240 printchr$(14):sys x
- 250 close 1
- 260 z$=chr$(peek(9728))
- 270 if z$="a" then print "no sequential files!":end
- 280 print z$;".< exit >"
- 290 print " .. press key 'a' to '";z$;"' .."
- 300 get a$:if a$<"a" or a$>z$ goto 300
- 310 if a$=z$ then end
- 320 poke 9728,asc(a$):print"[147][198]ile 0:";
- 330 sys x+131
- 340 print "[208]ress [q] to [209]uit"
- 350 print "[208]ress [p] to [208]rint"
- 360 print ".. any other key to display."
- 370 print chr$(157);:poke 9731,pos(0)+1:print:print
- 380 get z$,z$,z$,z$
- 390 get z$
- 400 if z$="p" goto 600
- 410 if z$="q" goto 700
- 420 if z$="" goto 390
- 430 sys x+225
- 440 a$=" >> [205][207][210][197] - [q] [212][207] [209][213][201][212]"
- 450 if st<>0 then a$=" >> [197]nd of [196]ocument <<"
- 460 printa$;:get z$,z$,z$,z$
- 470 get z$:if z$="" goto 470
- 480 for j=1 to 22:printchr$(20);:next j
- 490 if z$="q" or st<>0 goto 700
- 500 goto 430
- 600 open 4,4,7:sys x+396:close 4
- 700 close 1:close 15:run