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- LITTLE RED READER Version 2.70 [February 16, 1998]
- MS-DOS file reader/writer for the C128 and 1571/81/FD drives.
- by Craig Bruce (csbruce@pobox.com)
- Little Red Reader (LRR) is a program for the C128 that will read and
- write files to and from MS-DOS floppy disks using a 1571, 1581, CMD FD-
- 2000, or CMD FD-4000 disk drive. With the FD drives, you can use High
- Density (HD) MS-DOS disks. The program copies files from drive to drive (no
- internal buffering), so you need a second disk drive (either real or
- virtual) to copy files to. You can use RAMDOS for the second drive if you
- have an REU and you execute a GRAPHIC CLR after starting it up. The menu-
- driven full-screen user interface is written in BASIC so it is mildly
- sluggish, but the actual file copying is written in machine language and
- operates as fast as the disk drives will go.
- This document presents a program that reads and writes MS-DOS files and
- the root directory of MS-DOS disks. The program copies only from drive to
- drive without buffering file data internally. This is simpler and imposes
- no limits on the size of the files transferred, although it requires the
- use of two disk drives (or a logical drive). The user-interface code is
- written in BASIC and presents a full-screen file selection menu. The grunt-
- work code is written in assembly language and operates at maximum
- velocity.
- The program also allows MS-DOS files to be deleted and to allows the
- copying of Commodore-DOS files between CBM-DOS disks (this makes it more
- convenient to use the program with a temporary logical drive like RAMDOS).
- Also, since I have a CMD FD-4000 floppy disk drive, I know that this
- program works with MS-DOS disks with this drive (for both the 720K and
- 1.44M MS-DOS formats). The FD disk drives are logically referred to below
- as being the 1581.
- The Burst Command Instruction Set of the 1571/81 is used to read the
- MS-DOS disk blocks and the standard kernel routines are used for outputting
- the data. (I am an operating systems specialist, so I call it a kernEl!)
- Thus, the MS-DOS files must be read from a 1571 or 1581 disk drive, but the
- output device may be any disk drive type, the screen or a printer, or a
- virtual drive type such as RAMLink, RAMDrive, or RAMDOS (for the REU). It
- is interesting to note that the data can be read in from an MS-DOS disk
- faster than it can be written out to a 1571, 1581, or even a RAMDOS file. A
- RAMLink can swallow the data only slightly faster than it can be read.
- Little Red Reader (LRR) supports double density 3.5" disks formatted
- with 80 tracks, 9 sectors per track, and 2 sides with a 1581 and 5.25"
- double density disks formatted with 40 tracks, 9 sectors per track, and 2
- sides with a 1571, and more recently, high density 3.5" disks formatted
- with 80 tracks, 18 sectors per track, 2 sides, and a "12-bit FAT". A limit
- of 224 directory entries and 9 File Allocation Table (FAT) sectors is
- imposed. There must be 2 copies of the FAT and the cluster size may be 1 or
- 2 sectors. The sector size must be 512 bytes.
- The program runs on either the 40 or 80-column screens, but you will
- get much better performance from the BASIC portion of the program by being
- in 80-column mode and FAST mode. A modification that someone might want to
- make would be to spread-out the display for the 80-column screen and add
- color to the rather bland display.
- Oh, about the name. It is a play on the name of another MS-DOS file
- copier available for the C-128. "Little" means that it is smaller in scope
- than the other program, and "Red" is a different primary color to avoid any
- legal complications. It is also the non-white color of the flag of the
- country of origin of this program (no, I am not Japanese). Also, this
- program is Public Domain Software, as is all software I develop for 8-bit
- Commodore Computers. Feel free to E-mail me if you have questions or
- comments about this article.
- LOAD and RUN the "lrr270" BASIC program file. When the program is first
- run, it will display an "initializing" message and will load in the binary
- machine language package from the "current" Commodore DOS drive (the
- current drive is obtained from PEEK(186) - the last device accessed). The
- binary package is loaded only on the first run and is not reloaded on
- subsequent runs if the package ID field is in place.
- The system is designed to have two file selection menus: one for the
- MS-DOS disk drive, and one for the Commodore-DOS disk drive (which may be a
- logical disk drive). The idea for copying is that you select the files in
- one of these menus, and then program knows to copy them to the disk for the
- other menu.
- 2.1. MS-DOS MENU
- The main screen of the program is then displayed. The main screen of
- the program will look something vaguely like this:
- --- - --- --- -------- --- ------
- 1 * ASC SEQ HACK4 TXT 120732
- except that immediately after starting up, "<directory not loaded>" will
- be displayed rather than filenames. The "MS-DEV" and "MS-TYPE" fields give
- the device number and type of the drive containing the MS-DOS disk to copy
- from, and the "CBM-DEV" gives the device number of the drive/virtual
- drive/character device to copy file data to. The number of bytes free on
- the drive are also displayed (which is useful to know when writing files)
- and there are some more commands.
- Information about all MS-DOS files in the root directory of the MS-DOS
- disk is displayed in columns below the drive information. "NUM" gives the
- number of the MS-DOS file in the directory listing, and "S" indicates
- whether the file is "selected" or not. If the file is selected, an asterisk
- (*) is displayed; otherwise, a blank is displayed. When you later enter
- Copy Mode, only the files that have been "selected" are copied.
- The "TRN" field indicates the character translation scheme to be used
- when the file is copied. A value of "BIN" (binary) means no translation and
- a value of "ASC" (ascii) means the file characters are to be translated
- from MS-DOS ASCII (or "ASCII-CrLf") to PETSCII. The "TYP" field indicates
- the type of Commodore-DOS file to create for writing the MS-DOS file
- contents into. The possible values are "SEQ" (sequential) and "PRG"
- (program). The values of the TRN and TYP fileds are set independently, so
- you can copy binary data to SEQ files and ascii data to PRG files if you
- wish.
- The "FILENAME" and "EXT" fields give the filename and extension type of
- the MS-DOS files and "LENGTH" gives the exact length of the files in bytes.
- Note that if you perform "ASC" translation on a file, its PETSCII version
- will have a shorter length.
- The bottom of the screen gives the command summary. After starting the
- program, you will want to setup the MS-DOS and CBM-DOS drives with the "M"
- and "F" commands. Simply press the (letter) key corresponding to the
- command name to activate the command. Pressing M will prompt you for the
- MS-DOS Drive Number and the MS-DOS Drive Type. In both cases, type the
- number and press RETURN. (Sorry for insulting all non-novices out there,
- but I want to be complete). The MS-DOS drive number cannot be the same as
- the CBM-DOS drive number (since the program copies from drive-to-drive
- without internal buffering). For the drive type, enter an "8", "81", or
- "1581" for a 1581 drive or FD-series drive, or a "7", "71", or "1571" for a
- 1571 drive.
- Pressing F will prompt you for the CBM-DOS device number. You may enter
- a number from 0 to 30, except that it must not be the MS-DOS drive number.
- Enter a "1" for Cassette Drive (God forbid!), a "3" for the screen, a "4"
- for the printer (with an automatic secondary address of 7 (lowercase)), any
- number above 7 for a Commodore disk drive or special virtual drive, or a
- value of "0" for the special "null" drive. A CBM-DEV value of 0 will case
- the program to read MS-DOS files and do nothing with the output. You can
- use this feature to check out the raw reading speed of the program.
- After setting up the drives, press D to read in the root directory off
- the MS-DOS disk. The data will come blazing in from the disk but BASIC will
- take its good ole time sifting through it. Filenames are displayed on the
- screen as they are scanned in. The program will (eventually) return to the
- main screen and display the formatted file information. One note: the
- process of logging in a 1581 MS-DOS disk takes about 12 seconds (on my
- 1581, anyway), so be patient. An MS-DOS disk will have to be "logged in"
- every time you change MS-DOS disks. (Disks are logged in automatically).
- A couple of notes about accessing MS-DOS disks: don't try to access a
- device that is not present because the machine language routines cannot
- handle this error for some reason and will lock up, requiring a
- STOP+RESTORE. Also, make sure that an actual MS-DOS disk is loaded into the
- drive. If you accidentally place Commodore-DOS disk into the MS-DOS drive,
- the 1581 will report an invalid boot parameters error (#60), but a 1571
- will lock up (since I don't check the sector size and my burst routines are
- expecting 512 bytes to come out of a sector whereas Commodore disks have
- only 256 bytes per sector).
- Now you are ready to pick what files you want copied and how you want
- them copied. You will notice that a "cursor" appears in the "S" column of
- the first file. You may move the cursor around with the cursor keys: UP,
- DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, HOME, and CLR. CLR (SHIFT-HOME) will move the cursor
- back to the first file on the first screen. You can move the cursor among
- the select, translation, and file-type columns of all the files. Pressing a
- SPACE or a RETURN will toggle the value of the field that the cursor is on.
- To toggle all of the values of the "cursor" column (including files on all
- other screens), press T. You will notice that moving the cursor around and
- toggling fields is a bit sluggish, especially if you are in Slow mode on
- the 40-column screen. Did I mention that this program will run on either
- the 40 or 80-column screen? Toggling an entire column can take a couple of
- seconds.
- If there are more than 18 MS-DOS files, you can press the "+" and "-"
- keys to move among all of the screens of files. The cursor movement keys
- will wrap around on the current screen. "+" is page forward, and "-" is
- page backward. The screens wrap around too.
- After you have selected all of the files you want to copy and their
- translation and file-type fields have been set, press the C key to go into
- Copy Mode (next section). After copying, you are returned to the main
- screen with all of the field settings still intact. To exit from the
- program, press Q.
- Additional commands are: "R" (remove == delete), "/" (change menu), and
- "X" (copy CBM files == "Xerox"). The remove command is used to delete
- selected files from the MS-DOS disk. After selecting this option, you will
- get an annoying "are you sure" question and the the selected files will
- quickly disappear and the changes will finally be written to disk. Deleting
- a batch of MS-DOS files is much quicker than deleting Commodore-DOS files
- since MS-DOS disks use a File Allocation Table rather than the linked list
- of blocks organization that CBM uses. In order to make the BASIC program
- execute quicker, after deleting, the original order of the filenames in the
- directory listing will be changed. Be forewarned that the delete operation
- is non-recoverable.
- The change menu command is used to move back and forth between the
- Commodore-DOS and MS-DOS menus.
- When you enter copy mode, the screen will clear and the name of each
- selected file is displayed as it is being copied. If an error is
- encountered on either the MS-DOS or CBM-DOS drive during copying, an error
- message will be displayed and copying will continue (after you press a key
- for MS-DOS errors).
- To generate a CBM-DOS filename from an MS-DOS filename, the eight
- filename characters are taken (including spaces) and a dot (.) and the
- three characters of the extension are appended. Then, all spaces are
- removed, and if the name ends with a dot (.) character, then that dot
- character is removed as well. I think this is fairly reasonable.
- If there already is a file with the same filename on the CBM-DOS disk,
- then you will be prompted if you want to overwrite the file or not.
- Entering an "n" will abort the copying of that file and go on to the next
- file, and entering a "y" (or anything else) will cause the CBM-DOS file to
- be "scratched" and then re-written.
- The physical copying of the file is done completely in machine language
- and nothing is displayed on the screen while this is happening, but you can
- follow things by looking at das blinkin lichtes and listening for clicks
- and grinds. You will probably be surprised by the MS-DOS file reading speed
- (I mean in a good way). The disk data is read in whole tracks and cached in
- memory and the directory information and the FAT are retained in memory as
- well. The result is that minimal time is spent reading disk data, and no
- costly seeks are required for opening a new MS-DOS file. A result is that
- small files are copied one after another very quickly. You will have to
- wait, however, on the relatively slow standard kernel/Commodore-DOS file
- writing.
- A few changes had to be made to the program to accomodate the RAMDOS
- program. RAMDOS uses memory from $2300 to $3FFF of RAM0, which is not
- really a good place for a device driver, and it uses some of the zero-page
- locations that I wanted to use. But, difficulties were overcome. The
- importance of RAMDOS compatibility is that if you only have one disk drive
- but you have an REU, you can use RAMDOS to store the MS-DOS files
- temporarily. Since the new version has greater memory requirements, after
- starting up "ramdos" (if you use it) you will have to execute the "graphic
- clr" BASIC command. If you only have one disk drive and no REU, you are SOL
- (Out of Luck) unless you can get a RamDisk-type program for an unexpanded
- 128. The RAMDOS program is available from FTP site "ftp.jbrain.com" in
- directory "/pub/cbm/software/utils/128/OLDIES92" in file "ramdosii.sfx".
- One note I found out about RAMDOS: you cannot use a
- DOPEN#1,(CF$),U(CD),W
- with it like you are supposed to be able to; you have to use a
- DOPEN#1,(CF$+",W"),U(CD)
- Here is a table of copying speeds for copying from 1571s and 1581s with
- ASC and BIN translation modes. All figures are in bytes/second. These
- results were obtained from copying a 127,280 byte text file (the text of C=
- Hacking Issue #3).
- FROM TO: "null" RAMLink RAMDOS JD1581 JD1571
- ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------
- 81-bin 5772 3441 2146 n/a 644
- 81-asc 5772 3434 2164 n/a 661
- 71-bin 4323 2991 1949 1821 n/a
- 71-asc 4323 2982 1962 1847 n/a
- The "null" device is that "0" CBM-DOS device number, and a couple of
- entries are "n/a" since I only have one 1571 and one 1581. Note that my 71
- and 81 are JiffyDOS-ified, so the performance of a stock 71/81 will be
- poorer. JiffyDOS gives about a 2x performance improvement for the standard
- file accessing calls (open, close, chrin, chrout). RAMDOS doesn't seem to
- be as snappy as you might think.
- The "null" figures are quite impressive, but the raw sector reading
- speed without the overhead of mucking around with file organization is 6700
- bytes/sec for a 1581 and 4600 B/s for a 71. The reason that the 1571
- operates so quickly is that I use a sector interleave of 4 (which is
- optimal) for reading the tracks. I think that other MS-DOS file copier
- program uses an interleave of 1 (which is not optimal). I lose some of the
- raw performance because I copy the file data internally once before
- outputting it (to simplify some of the code).
- In a couple of places you will notice that ASC translation gives
- slightly better or slightly worse performance than BIN. This is because
- although slightly more work is required to translate the characters,
- slightly fewer characters will have to be written to the CBM-DOS file,
- since PETSCII uses only CR where MS-DOS ASCII uses CR and LF to represent
- end-of-line. Translation is done by using a table (that you can change if
- you wish). Many entries in this table contain a value of zero, which means
- that no character will be output on translation. Most of the control
- characters and all of the characters of value 128 (0x80) or greater are
- thrown away on being translated. The table is set up so that CR characters
- are thrown away and the LF character is translated to a CBM-DOS CR
- character. Thus, both MS-DOS ASCII files and UNIX ASCII files can be
- translated correctly.
- The Commodore-DOS menu, which displays the names of the Commodore files
- selected for various operations, looks and works pretty much the same as
- the MS-DOS menu:
- CBMDOS MS=10:1581 CBM=8 FREE=3211476
- --- - --- ---------------- - ------
- 1 * BIN LRR-128 P 9876
- 2 ASC COM-HACKING-005 S 175412
- You'll notice, however, that the filetype field ("T" here) is moved and
- is unchangable. Also, the file lengths are not exact; they are reported as
- the block count of the file multiplied by 254. This menu is not maintained
- for files being copied to the CBM-DOS disk from an MS-DOS disk. You'll have
- to re-execute the Directory instruction to get an updated listing.
- The "D" (directory) command has local effect when in this menu. The
- Commodore-DOS directory will be loaded from the current CBM device number.
- Note that in order for this to work, the CBM device must be number eight or
- greater (a disk drive). Originally, the subroutine for this command was
- written using only GET#'s from the disk and was very slow. It was modified,
- however, to call a machine language subroutine to read the information for
- a directory entry from the directory listing, and hence the subroutine now
- operates at a tolerable speed.
- The "C" (copy) command also has a different meaning when in this menu.
- It means to copy the selected CBM files to the MS-DOS disk. See details
- below.
- The copy CBM files ("X") command is used to copy the files in the CBM-
- DOS menu to another CBM-DOS disk unit. Select the files you want to copy
- and then press X. You will then be asked what device number you want to
- copy the files to. The device can be another disk drive or any other device
- (except the keyboard). Using device number 0 does not mean the "null"
- device as it does with copying MS-DOS to CBM. If you are copying to a disk
- device and the file already exists, then you will be asked if you wish to
- overwrite the file. You cannot copy to the same disk unit. Also, all files
- are copied in binary mode (regardless of what translation you have selected
- for a file).
- The copy CBM files command was included since all of the low-level gear
- needed to implement it (specifically "commieIn" and "commieOut" below) was
- also required by other functions. This command can be very convenient when
- working with RAMDOS. For example, if you only had a 1571 as device 8 but
- you have a RAM expander and have installed RAMDOS as device 9, then you
- would copy MS-DOS files to RAMDOS using the MS-DOS menu, and then you would
- go to the Commodore-DOS menu ("/"), read the directory, select all files,
- insert an Commodore-DOS diskette into your 1571, and then use "X" to copy
- from the RAMDOS device to the 1571.
- The remove command ("R") does not work for this directory. You can
- SCRATCH your CBM-DOS files your damn self.
- Before you can copy selected CBM-DOS files to an MS-DOS disk, the MS-
- DOS disk directory must be already loaded (from the MS-DOS menu). This is
- required since the directory and FAT information are kept in memory at all
- times during the execution of this program.
- When you enter copy mode, the screen will clear and the name of each
- selected file is displayed as it is being copied. If an error is
- encountered on either the MS-DOS or CBM-DOS drive during copying, an error
- message will be displayed and copying will continue (after you press a key
- for MS-DOS errors). Please note that not a whole lot of effort was put into
- error recovery.
- To generate an MS-DOS filename from an CBM-DOS filename, the following
- algorithm is used. The filename is searched from right to left for the last
- "." character. If there is no "." character, then the entire filename, up
- to 11 characters, is used as the MS-DOS filename. Characters 9 to 11 will
- be used as the extension. If there is a "." character, the all characters
- before it, up to eight, will be used as the MS-DOS filename and all
- characters after the final ".", up to three, will be used as the MS-DOS
- extension.
- Then, the newly generated MS-DOS filename is scanned for any extra "."
- characters or embedded spaces. If any are found, they are replaced by the
- underscore character (" ", which is the backarrow character on a Commodore
- display). Finally, all trailing underscores are removed from the end of
- both the filename and extension portions of the MS-DOS filename. Also, all
- characters are converted to lowercase PETSCII (which is uppercase ASCII)
- when they are copied into the MS-DOS filename. Note that if the Commodore
- filename is not in the 8/3 format of MS-DOS, then something in the name may
- be lost. Some examples of filename conversion follow:
- ---------------- ---------------
- "lrr.bin" "lrr.bin"
- "lrr.128.bin" "lrr 128.bin"
- "hello there.text" "hello th.tex"
- "long filename" "long fil.ena"
- "file 1..3.s5" "file 1.s"
- It would have been time-consuming to have the program scan the MS-DOS
- directory for a filename already existing on the disk, so LRR will put
- multiple files on a disk with the same filename without complaining. This
- also gets rid of the problem of asking you if you want to overwrite the old
- file or generate a new name. However, in order to retrieve the file from
- disk on an MS-DOS machine, you will probably have to use the RENAME command
- to rename the first versions of the file on the disk to something else so
- MS-DOS will scan further in the directory for the last version of the file
- with the same filename. There is no rename command in LRR because I never
- thought of it in time. It would have been fairly easy to put in.
- The date generated for a new MS-DOS file will be set from the default
- time.
- The physical copying of the file is done completely in machine language
- and nothing is displayed on the screen while this is happening, but you can
- follow things by looking at the blinking lights and listening for clicks
- and grinds.
- Since the FAT and directory are maintained in RAM during the entire
- copying process and are only flushed to disk after the entire batch of
- files are copied, copying is made more efficient, since there will be no
- costly seek back to track 0 after writing each file (like MS-DOS does). If
- you have a number of small files to copy, then they will be knocked off in
- quick succession, faster than many MS-DOS machines will copy them.
- To simplify the implementation, the current track of disk blocks for
- writing is not maintained like it is for reading. Also, a writing
- interleave of 1:1 is used for a 1571, which is not optimal. However, since
- writing is such a slow operation anyway, and since the 1571 is particularly
- bad by insisting on verifying blocks, not much more overhead is introduced
- than is already present.
- An interesting note about writing MS-DOS disks is that you can
- terminate LRR in the middle of a copy (with STOP+RESTORE) or in the middle
- of copying a batch of files, and the MS-DOS disk will remain in a perfectly
- consistent state afterwards. The state will be as if none of the files were
- copied. The reason is that the control information (the FAT and directory)
- is maintained internally and is flushed only after copying is all
- completed. But don't terminate LRR while it is flushing the control
- information.
- Here is a table of copying speeds for copying to 1571, 1581, and CMD
- FD-4000 disk units with ASC and BIN translation modes. All figures are in
- bytes/ second, which includes both reading the byte from a C= disk and
- writing it to the MS-DOS disk. The average speed for either the read or
- write operation individually will be twice the speed given below. These
- results were obtained from copying a 156,273 byte text file (the text of C=
- Hacking Issue #4).
- FROM TO: FD-bin FD-asc 81-bin 81-asc 71-bin 71-asc
- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
- RAMLink 2,332 2,200 2,332 2,200 1,594 1,559
- RAMDOS 1,070 1,053 1,604 1,600 1,561 1,510
- FD4000 - - 1,645 1,597 1,499 1,464
- JD1581 1,662 1,619 - - 1,474 1,440
- JD1571 1,050 1,024 953 933 - -
- These figures are for transfer speed only, not counting the couple of
- seconds of opening files and flushing the directory. Note that all my
- physical drives are JiffyDOS-ified, so your performance may be slower. I am
- at a loss to explain why an FD-4000 is so much slower than a 1581 for
- copying from a RAMDOS file, but the same speed or better for copying from
- anything else.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\