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- L O A D S T A R 1 2 8 F O R U M
- Compiled by Fender Tucker
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- On your last issue you gave our group, "Meeting 64/128 Users Through
- the Mail" a plug but you used the address from an old Mail-Link. Letters
- addressed to our club should go to
- Jean Nance
- R1, Box 151
- St. Joseph IL 61873
- We are happy to get inquiries from LOADSTAR subscribers; many of our
- members are subscribers. I just hope no one gets discouraged by a "not at
- this address" sticker on a returned envelope.
- Jean Nance
- St. Joseph IL
- LS: Sorry about that, Jean. I hope I didn't do the same thing on LOADSTAR
- 64! Folks, there's a lot of information passed around by this club in their
- excellent monthly newsletter. I recommend joining it.
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- Why is it on some LOADSTAR 128's I can go right from one thing to
- another without reloading anything? On others, everytime you change
- subjects it has to go clear to the front of a disk and reload it right from
- the front?
- Milford Zeman
- Humboldt IA
- LS: It doesn't have to go to the 'front' of the disk, but it does have to
- reload our LOADSTAR 128 menu system, which happens to be at the 'front' of
- the disk. It could be worse. If we used tapes, we really would have to go
- to the front of the tape. A disk can be accessed at almost any point on it,
- which is why it's called a RANDOM ACCESS medium.
- You can zip right through all of the Read It's without having to reload
- because the reading program is part of the menu system. If you choose Run
- It, however, the menu system needs to be reloaded when you quit the program.
- There are ways to minimize the time it takes to get back to our menu.
- (1) Use a 1571 drive rather than a 1541. Even on 1541-formatted disks like
- ours, a 1571 will load things faster in the 128 mode.
- (2) Use WARP SPEED or other cartridges that work in the 128-mode. WARP
- SPEED is not compatible with compiled programs so it won't help with PHONE
- BOOK, which is on this issue.
- (3) Use JiffyDOS. This is the best way to speed up LOADSTAR 128. I
- couldn't live without JiffyDOS. Besides faster loading, it has a lot of
- other great features.
- (4) Copy LOADSTAR into RAMDrive, RAMLink or a CMD hard drive. Loading a
- program and returning to LOADSTAR will be practically instantaneous. The
- only problem is that you have to spend the time to copy all of our files
- into the device.
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- It would be nice if you had a 1571 version of LOADSTAR 128 using a
- double-sided disk. You've explained how to copy it over to a 1571 disk but
- it's so slow with DISK WHIZ. You also have to weed out duplicate programs
- on Side Two. My other copy programs don't seem to do the job.
- P.J. Devine
- Florissant MO
- LS: You're right about DISK WHIZ. How about trying LOADSTAR COPY on Side
- Two of this issue? It loads as much as it can fit into a buffer then copies
- all of that before loading some more. If you have two drives it's quite
- fast. Have you tried Maverick from Briwall? I use it for all of my
- hi-speed, hi-power file-copying and it works fine with LOADSTAR 128.
- Economics won't permit us to put out two versions of LOADSTAR 128; one for
- 1571 users, one for 1541 users. Since 1541-formatted disks will work on a
- 1571, but not vice versa, we've decided to keep LS 128 formatted for 1541's.
- As for duplicate programs, the only ones should be the --------- divider
- files and the programs on the directory above the first divider line.
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- I would like to see a golf handicapping program in 80 columns. It
- should be able to handle all stats, like greens in regulation, fairways in
- regulation, putts, 9- and 18-hole rounds, and figure your handicap according
- to USGA slope and course ratings. I'd like it to handle different courses,
- more than one player, and use an REU.
- Richard Forgione
- Methuen MA
- LS: I'd like to see that, too, Richard. It should also be menu-driven and
- have a nice graphic layout of a typical golf scorecard for easy entering of
- the numbers from your regular scorecard, DOS support built-in, a quit to
- LOADSTAR and our ubiquitous grey copyright box. If there are any
- programming linksters with an REU out there who want to be a famous LOADSTAR
- author, here is your chance.
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- I like VIDEOPHILE by Robert Cook on LOADSTAR 128 #12 but is there any
- way I can change it to show Rating instead of Speed? I'd like to use it to
- make a catalog for our local video store.
- Ona B. Culley
- Yarnell AZ
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- I have over a thousand cassettes with at least three items on each
- tape. Will VIDEOPHILE accomodate this many items?
- Bill Rave
- Indio CA
- LS: Well, VIDEOPHILEphiles, yes and no. Since VIDEOPHILE is written (and
- published) in BASIC 7.0, all it takes is a little programming to change
- Speed to Ratng. Notice I don't recommend using the word "Rating" in all its
- correctly spelled splendor. In order to minimize the chance of messing the
- screen up, it's best to replace a five-letter word with a five-letter word.
- Bob Cook has purposely made the input routine for VIDEOPHILE easy-going and
- friendly, so you can easily enter G, PG, PG13, R, NC17 or XXX in the spot
- where it says Speed. The rating is limited to 4 characters so don't use
- PG-13 or NC-17. To change the word Speed to Ratng, just press
- RUN/STOP-RESTORE and list line 256, and make the change. Do the same for
- lines 504, 516 and 538. Then, with the disk in the drive, enter GOTO10000
- and the program will be scratched and resaved. You should do this on a copy
- of VIDEOPHILE in case something happens.
- As for cataloging over a thousand tapes, I feel certain that memory will run
- out before you even come close. Let's see, with around 160 characters per
- record, and around 47,000 bytes free, that's 296 records, maybe. That's all
- that would fit into memory and would be one file on disk. Of course, you
- could have more than one disk. You'd just have to work with them
- separately, maybe with ACTION/ADVENTURE on one disk, COMEDY on another.
- VIDEOPHILE is hardcoded for a maximum of 50 records per category (in line
- 622), but you could increase that number to, say, 300, and simply not use
- more than one category on that disk.
- You wouldn't be able to sort one category with another, but you could sort
- within the category. VIDEOPHILE will display a message when memory is
- running out to warn you to save your data while you can.
- By the way, LOADSTAR is the last bastion of modifiable code in the industry.
- All of our other magazines (for IBM, Mac and Apple) publish only compiled
- code. The source code (which is needed to make even a tiny change in the
- program) is hoarded away and kept secret from anyone without a "need to
- know" status and TOP SECRET security clearance. On LOADSTAR you get source
- code. We have no secrets. Bill Casey, former CIA mojo, asked me for a job
- right before he died and I said, "No dice, you don't have the LOADSTAR
- style." Ollie North even got the bum's rush from LOADSTAR when he asked us
- for a hostage/missile database in Spanish and Iranian. If you learn how to
- program a little, you can take our programs and make them work for you
- specifically. Just remember to tell Congress where you got them.
- Dear LOADSTAR 128,
- (1) I use a program from Compute's Gazette to rearrange my directories and
- insert divider files. I've found the divider files to be copyable. Can you
- use their method to make your divider files copyable?
- (2) On the disk label, how about putting an asterisk next to programs that
- won't work with WARPSPEED?
- (3) In your paper catalog of past issues of LOADSTAR the price for shipping
- is $16.00. Is that via messenger? With a singing message thrown in?
- (4) For faster postal handling in Canada, use this format:
- Name
- Address
- City, Province, Canada
- Postal Code
- The post office scanners require that the postal code be on the bottom line.
- For your zip codes I believe the post office wants the zip on the same line
- as the state.
- Gerry Gallinat
- Montreal, PQ, Canada
- LS: Good letter, Gerry. I have no qualms about using Gazette utilities, but
- I prefer to skirt the 0-block divider files issue by not using them. Unless
- we're REALLY hurting for disk space we'll use 1-block divider files which
- can be copied by anything. Try running one of our divider files and see
- what happens. However, since the ones on Side Two have as many dashes as
- ones on Side One, you should rename the ones on one side so there are no
- duplicates, if you want to file-copy LOADSTAR 128 onto a 1571 or 1581 disk,
- and keep the divider files.
- Asterisks on the labels. We often know which programs we are going to
- compile very early in the process (when the labels are ordered), so we
- probably could mark the compiled programs. However, it wouldn't be
- foolproof because we change our minds quite a bit during the programming
- stage of the quarterly cycle. For some reason, our art department wants the
- copy for labels and contents a month or more in advance.
- $16.00 for shipping! That's got to be a mistake! But it's not, I'm afraid.
- I just called to see what this insanity is all about and was told that the
- price for FOREIGN shipping is $16 for 1-25 issues, $26 for 26-50 issues, and
- $46 for 51 or more. Apparently we're penalizing anyone for wanting 51 back
- issues, since he could order 50 in one batch for $26 shipping, and only
- (only!) shell out $16 shipping for that all-important 51st issue, for a
- grand total of $42 shipping. I just wrote a sarcastic memo to the high
- sheriffs about this. For now, all I can say is, "Subscribe now and beat
- those ridiculous back issue shipping prices!"
- Thanks for the tip on addressing correspondence to the Great White North.
- Canada is VERY important to LOADSTAR. It's home of Jon Mattson, Brian
- Boese, Robert Rockefeller, to name but a few -- and I'd like to see mail
- flow like mercury between us. But not cost as much.
- **** End of Text ****