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- by Earle P. Mitschke
- We've all encountered the hassle of fumbling through our disk
- collections, looking for a particular program; then when we find the disk
- and look at the directory, trying to figure out which is the boot file, and
- whether it's a BASIC boot or a ML boot, and if it's ML, then what is the
- address to SYS to. Whew! There's gotta be a better way!
- And there is. It's called a LOADER program -- a program that provides
- a menu when you RUN the first file on the disk and allows you to boot any of
- the bootable programs on the disk with a few simple keystrokes.
- There have been many loader programs. Some are slower than others,
- though. Since LOADSTAR LOADER uses a SEQuential list of programs that you
- have selected to be loadable from that disk, setup time is minimized. Not
- only that, you don't have to deal with the cryptic names that some boot
- files are tagged with. Call each program whatever you like. There's even a
- field to describe the program.
- LOADSTAR LOADER, which is written in BASIC 7.0, can be loaded and run
- from any normal BASIC start position. If you have a directory sorter, it's
- best to make LOADSTAR LOADER the first file on the disk. Then you can load
- the disk with SHIFT-RUN/STOP or have it auto-boot. If you really want
- speed, then use the sorter to put the SEQuential file that LOADER makes,
- "loader.dta", second on the directory.
- With LOADSTAR LOADER you can add to, edit and delete from a database
- of up to 36 programs per directory. We've put a "loader.dta" file for Side
- Two of LOADSTAR 128 #13 on Side Two already, so when you Run It from the LS
- menu, it gives you a menu of the programs on this side, complete with
- comments.
- So you see, LOADSTAR LOADER gives you the convenience of our LOADSTAR
- menu -- without all the work!
- Starting off: Boot LOADSTAR LOADER and insert a disk that has some
- RUNnable programs on it. Use the "P" command to PUT a copy of
- LOADSTAR LOADER onto the disk. Now use the "A"dd command to enter data.
- Just follow the prompts. Don't worry if you enter the wrong data, it won't
- save the data till you're happy with it. After the data is added you can
- still edit or delete it. You then can save it to disk or continue adding
- data. If you don't save it to disk, a command box will come up before you
- exit LOADSTAR LOADER, so you can save the data before it disappears into
- electron heaven.
- To load and run a program use the "L"oad Program command from the Help
- Screen. LOADSTAR LOADER will default to Load Screen upon running. Just
- enter the number of the program you want and sit back. LOADSTAR LOADER will
- load the program into the proper environment and check to see if there is
- any new data to save before exiting.
- Extra Features : These next three options will check to see if there
- is any new data to save before proceeding.
- aNother Disk : With this command you can load another disk with the
- file "loader.dta" on it. If it is found it will load the file and come up
- into the load environment.
- Current Device: Press C and you can change the device you're working
- with. LOADSTAR LOADER doesn't have to exist on the device, but the
- directory in the drive (whether hard disk or RAMDisk) should have a
- "loader.dta" file on it. You can boot a program on any drive.
- @ Disk Command : With this command you can get a directory (to check a
- listing) or issue a disk command. So if you are using a hard drive,
- RAMLink, 1581, etc. you can open a sub-directory with a disk command.
- Other Stuff :
- (1) If you are a two-monitor Commodore 128 user you can turn off the "Goto
- 40 Col." prompt by changing the variable "se" in line 10 to a 2 from 1.
- There is a REM on this line concerning this.
- (2) On the "A"dd or "E"dit sections. On the "Insert Into Position" command
- line LOADSTAR LOADER does a simple alphabetical sort. This will give you an
- idea where the listing would fit in an alphabetical database. You can set
- up the database any way you wish.
- (3) For those machine language programs without BASIC LOADers, you can write
- simple BASIC patch programs to BLOAD and SYS to them. Check the file
- "128patch" to see how I do it.
- Give LOADSTAR LOADER a try. We have it set up to run any program on
- Side Two of this issue. Only "loader.dta" is needed on a side you want to
- access. "loader" needs only to be in memory.
- Use this handy program to make your disk collection easier to boot --
- you'll be glad you did.
- **** End of Text ****