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- G B A S I C 1 2 8 V 1 . 0
- By Jon Mattson
- When the C-128 first appeared on the scene with its greatly improved BASIC
- 7.0, general consensus was that it would be a boon to anyone who wanted to
- program fast games but didn't have the knowledge to work with machine
- language. The interrupt-based movement commands, in particular, seemed
- ideal for this. For me, it became a challenge to see how few lines I could
- use in the main loop of a game. GANGSTER, on LOADSTAR 128 #4, was one of
- the results of this experiment. A new Renaissance in game programming
- seemed inevitable.
- Of course, as with so many things in life, BASIC 7.0 failed to live up to
- expectations. True, MOVSPR allows interrupt-driven movement, independent of
- the main program, but the coding required to keep the little beggars fenced
- in where you want them almost entirely negates the savings in time and
- space. True, SPRSAV allows relatively simple animation, but it is not very
- fast (compared to ML) and must still be monitored from BASIC, since it is
- not serviced by the interrupt. True, BUMP(1) is easier to remember than
- PEEK(53278), but that is the only real difference: it still doesn't tell you
- which sprite hit which in a mass collision (ditto for COLLISION). True, JOY
- returns a more human-oriented result, but the computer still doesn't do
- anything with it.
- Clearly, what BASIC 7.0 needs is some sort of subset of commands designed to
- deal with all of these shortcomings. That is exactly what you now have at
- your fingertips with GBASIC.
- GBASIC actually began as an attempt to create a sort of "sprite shell" to
- keep tabs on things in the background of a program. Even in its initial
- incarnation, it dealt with all of the problems noted above. However, when I
- noticed that I still had a little memory to play around with in the
- 4864-7168 range, I thought I might as well add a few more commands of use to
- game programmers. The end result is a collection of 14 commands and 2
- functions, all of which operate harmoniously with your usual collection of
- BASIC 7.0 tools.
- Using GBASIC is simple. Just BLOAD it into memory and SYS 4864, either in
- direct mode or early on in your program. If you are in direct mode, a
- message will inform you that it is installed. This message will not appear
- from within a program, however, since it might ruin your screen
- presentation. Generally, a simple BLOAD will suffice, but, if you have been
- playing around with BANKs and the like, you might want to use the full
- syntax: BLOAD "GBASIC",B0,P4864.
- Once GBASIC is installed, the new keywords can be used just like any other
- BASIC commands. You can even abbreviate them by shifting the second letter,
- as usual. Remember that GBASIC must be active (not just resident) while you
- type in a program using its keywords, or they will not be tokenized
- correctly, and you will end up with a jungle of syntax errors. Note also
- that GBASIC uses memory from 4864 to 7167 (only), so avoid POKEing around
- this area.
- Hitting the beloved STOP/RESTORE combination will not deactivate GBASIC, but
- will turn off the interrupt-driven sprite shell. Simple SYS 4864 again to
- bring it back when you need it. The QUIT command (previously unimplemented
- on the 128) will shut off all facets of GBASIC, although SYS 4864 will bring
- it back to life. Resetting the computer will also turn it off; however, due
- to its location, GBASIC will still be resident for later use as long as you
- haven't POKEd over its memory space.
- GBASIC has been designed primarily for use with the 40-column screen, since
- sprites aren't supported in 80-column mode. For this reason, very few of
- the commands will have any visible effect in 80 columns, and STORE, in
- particular, can have disastrous results to your screen presentation.
- Now that we have the preamble out of the way, let's look at your new
- resources. Certain conventions have been followed in this listing. Sprite
- numbers are 1 to 8, as per BASIC 7.0. Screen columns are numbered 0 to 39,
- and screen rows/lines are numbered 0 to 24 (unless, of course, a smaller
- window is in use). In some cases, screen "zones" will be referred to: 0
- indicates normal screen memory, 1 indicates color memory. Most parameters
- MUST be given for each command: those which are optional are noted in "< >"
- ---------
- BANG(sprite)
- Allows you to check for collisions between sprites and operates in a manner
- similar to BUMP (1). However, the parameter specified is the number of the
- sprite in question, and the result will indicate only those collisions which
- affect that specific sprite. For example, BANG(3) would check for
- collisions with sprite 3 ONLY and would return a 0 if none were occurring.
- If sprite 3 was in contact with 5 and 7, this function would return 80 (16 +
- 64), even if other sprites were colliding on the screen. Naturally, a
- sprite must be on to have a collision. Note that this command is based on
- the position of the sprite and so may give unforgiving readings with sprite
- pictures that are much smaller than the actual possible sprite area. For
- best results with small sprites, use the following formula:
- B = BANG(x) AND BUMP(2)
- This will only indicate a collision if the picture portion of the indicated
- sprite is touching another sprite, AND it will indicate exactly which
- sprites are involved in the tangle.
- DICE(range)
- Generates random numbers within a specified range of 2 to 128. For example,
- D=DICE(6) would be the equivalent of rolling a six-sided dice and putting
- the result in D. If the "range" parameter is 0 or 1, a new random seed is
- generated to begin a new sequence of random numbers - the equivalent of
- putting D=RND(-TI) at the beginning of your program. It also generates a
- random number between 0 and 255. Note that this command does not use the
- SID chip in any way, so you need not worry about tinkering with VOICE 3.
- --------
- ANIMATE sprite, base, blocks, speed
- This command animates the indicated sprite by shifting it through each shape
- in a sequence. Since this action is controlled by the GBASIC interrupt, it
- will continue independent of program control. The "base" is the first
- 64-byte block of the sequence, from 0 to 255: use 56 to start the sequence
- in the area reserved for sprites on the C-128 - memory location 3584. The
- sprite will be shifted along the sequence a number of times indicated by
- "blocks" (1-255) before it returns to "base" and starts the sequence over
- again. Thus, a "base" of 56 with 2 "blocks" would run 56, 57, 58, 56, 57...
- ad infinitum. "Speed" (0-255) controls how fast this animation occurs: low
- numbers are fast and high numbers are slow. A "speed" of 5 to 8 generally
- works best. Entering 0 for either "blocks" or "speed" will turn off the
- animation sequence for that sprite. Entering ANIMATE by itself, with no
- parameters at all, will turn off animation for ALL sprites.
- This command allows you to quickly change the various sprite parameters
- without issuing several commands for each sprite. It has the following
- effects:
- 1) Sprite 1 is LINKed to joystick 2 with a speed of 2; all other LINKs are
- turned off. This is the equivalent of issuing a LINK x,0,0,for every sprite
- except 1, and a LINK 1,2,2 for it. See LINK.
- 2) All sprites are FENCEd by the screen borders and will bounce off them
- without disappearing. This is the equivalent of issuing a FENCa
- x,1,24,65,50,229 for every single sarite. See FENCE.
- 3) Animation is unaffected.
- Essentially, this command is a quick way to set up the sprite parameters
- most commonly used in arcade games.
- FENCE sprite, action, < x-left, x-right, y-top, y-bottom >
- This command rides shotgun over your sprites, making sure that they stay
- within the boundaries you specify, regardless of MOVSPR and the like.
- "Action" indicates what should happen when a sprite goes out of bounds:
- 0 - Nothing (FENCE off)
- 1 - Stop
- 2 - Disappear (good for removing shots that go off-screen)
- Note that a "stopped" sprite is only prevented from moving in the blocked
- direction (x or y). If it is moving at an odd angle with both x and y
- vectors, it can still "crawl" along the border in the unblocked direction.
- The "x-left", "x-right", "y-top" and "y-bottom" parameters specify the
- boundary zone. For example, XL=24, XR=65, YT=50 and YB=229 would set the
- boundary exactly at the edges of the screen (the default value). Note that
- the X-MSB is assumed for the right boundary, giving you the full width of
- the screen if you so desire it.
- FILL zone, value
- This command will fill either screen (zone 0) or color (zone 1) memory with
- the given "value" (0-255). Note that only the current window is filled:
- this may or may not be the entire screen, depending on how you have
- specified any WINDOWs (BASIC 7.0) or FRAMEs (GBASIC).
- FRAME top left column, top left row, bottom right column, bottom right row,
- frame character, frame color
- Note: With the exception of the last two parameters, this syntax is as per
- the WINDOW command.
- This command opens a cleared window anywhere on the screen, as per WINDOW.
- However, it puts a frame around the window of the specified character
- (0-255) and color (0-15). Note that the actual window size will be two less
- in width and length to accomodate the frame. Parameters which do not allow
- for this will generate an ILLEGAL QUANTITY error. This command can be
- combined with STORE and RECALL to create true "pop up" windows which
- disappear without a trace when closed.
- Homes the cursor within the current window.
- LCLEAR first line, last line
- This command clears the indicated lines (0-24). Naturally, the last line
- must be higher in value than the first. Note that lines are only cleared
- within the boundaries of the current window, and the line values will be
- offset by the position of the window from the real top of the screen.
- LINK sprite, port, speed
- This command links the indicated "sprite" to the indicated joystick "port"
- (1-2), so that it moves in the appropriate direction when the stick is
- pushed. The "speed" can also be changed from 1 (slow) to 16 (too fast for
- most purposes). Entering 0 for "port" or "speed" will severe the LINK.
- Since this routine is part of the sprite shell interrupt, it will operate
- independently from the BASIC program. As with all sprite-moving commands,
- it is subject to FENCE limits, however. Note that more than one sprite can
- be LINKed to the same stick to create giant-sized objects that move
- seamlessly together.
- MCOPY bytes, from address, from bank, to address, to bank
- This command copies chunks of memory from one location to another. "Bytes"
- (1-65536) indicates the number of bytes to copy. "Address" and "bank"
- ranges are as per usual, 0-65536 and 0-15 respectively. Since it can move
- data from one bank to another, this command has many uses. For example,
- MCOPY 2048,53248,14,14336,0 will almost instantly copy the character set to
- bank 0, address 14336, allowing you to alter it to suit your tastes. POKE
- 2604,30 to see the new set. As with all commands that alter memory
- directly, you should be VERY careful with MCOPY.
- RECALL screen
- This command allows you to RECALL a screen which has been previously STOREd.
- See below.
- STORE screen
- This command and its companion, RECALL, allow you to save and load full
- screens (including color) in memory. You can have up to 8 screens, numbered
- 0 to 7, STOREd at a time. The uses for these commands are infinite. For
- example, you could STORE one or more "help windows" to be RECALLed as needed
- - also STOREing the current screen before the help window is called up so
- that it can be retrieved afterwards. By preceding a FRAME or WINDOW command
- with STORE, you can RECALL the original screen later to create "pop up"
- windows which later vanish, leaving the first screen intact. This
- versatility has one price: the screens are stored in 8563 RAM, making full
- use of the 80-column screen difficult, if not impossible, unless you stick
- to only screens 2 and 3, which cover normally unused 8563 RAM. If this
- situation is intolerable, remember that MCOPY can also be used to save and
- load screens in other areas of memory.
- TRANS from zone, from value, to zone, to value
- TRANS (short for "TRANSMUTE") scans the entire screen and alters only the
- portions of it which you specify. It will look through either screen or
- color memory (zone 0 or 1) for every occurrence of the noted "from value"
- (0-255), and then alter it, in the appropriate "to zone" (0-1), to the new
- "to value" (0-255). A few examples will make this more clear. Remembering
- that the screen codes 1 and 2 are "A" and "B" respectively, and the color
- codes 3 and 4 are cyan and purple respectively:
- TRANS 0,1,0,2: Change every "A" on the screen to a "B"
- TRANS 1,3,1,4: Paint every cyan character on the screen purple.
- TRANS 0,1,1,4: Paint every "A" on the screen purple.
- TRANS 1,3,0,2: Change every cyan character on the screen to a "B"
- Obviously, this command is of particular use in creating interesting
- animation effects.
- This command simply turns off GBASIC. SYS 4864 to reactivate it.
- This is perhaps the most unusual command of all and is aimed mainly at
- machine language programmers. Normally, issuing MINE will give an
- UNIMPLEMENTED COMMAND error. However, by POKEing an address into memory
- locations 7166-7167 (low byte/high byte format), you will cause the MINE
- command to execute a machine language routine of your creation at this
- location. A good place to put this routine is in the mostly unused area
- from $B00 to $BFF, since it is in common RAM and will allow you to avoid
- banking hassles. "POKE 7166,0: POKE 7167,11" will set this up. The demo
- program (see below) uses a short routine of this sort to place the comet and
- get it moving at the chosen speed.
- For really large routines, you can use the area from 7168 to 16383(!), but
- this will necessitate setting up the graphic area without actually using it
- (GRAPHIC1: GRAPHIC0). This has the advantage that you can then BSAVE a new
- version of GBASIC with your routine permanently added on. BSAVE "GBASIC",
- B0, P4864 TO P(x+1), where "x" is the end address of your routine, will
- accomplish this.
- If you would like the MINE command to take in parameters, the following
- coding will usually do the trick:
- JSR $0386
- JSR $AF96
- Place this in your code to retrieve each parameter. It will return the low
- byte in the Y-Register and the high byte in the Accumulator (i.e. "MINE
- 1026" would return 2 in YREG and 4 in ACC). Commas are automatically dealt
- with by the built-in routines. If you want to save some space, the second
- two commands are built into a subroutine in GBASIC itself at $1697, i.e.
- the three can be replaced with: JSR $0386 : JSR $1697. If you want to limit
- input to one byte (numbers from 0-255), there is also a built-in routine for
- this: JSR $0386 : JSR $16A0. Single byte parameters will show up in YREG;
- multi-byte inputs (256+) will generate an ILLEGAL QUANTITY error.
- I have included a demo program to get you used to the capabilities of the
- new commands. Of course, it is more of a game portion than a full program,
- but it will give you some idea of what you can now accomplish. In
- particular, you should list the program and study how each command is used.
- See if you can find the game's main loop: you may be amazed at how short it
- is, since virtually all movement is controlled with the GBASIC and C-128
- interrupts.
- There is one final trick that you might find handy to have in your arsenal.
- As previously noted the GBASIC module must naturally be active to run a
- program using its commands. With a little careful coding, you can link it
- permanently to your program so that the two files LOAD and SAVE together -
- in effect, a GBASIC runtime module. Here's how to do it:
- 1) Design your program using the GBASIC commands as usual. Don't bother
- having it BLOAD GBASIC - this won't be necessary once they are linked
- together. Just make sure that the first line has SYS 4864.
- 2) When you are happy with the results, make sure that both GBASIC and your
- program are in memory. Be certain that your program is in the normal area
- reserved for BASIC and not pushed up above the graphics area. A GRAPHICCLR
- command will do this.
- 3) In direct mode, lower the start of BASIC by entering the following:
- POKE45,0:POKE46,19
- then DSAVE your program normally. Don't forget to push BASIC back to its
- normal location afterwards with:
- POKE45,1:POKE46,28
- If you study the block count of your program, you'll notice that it is now
- longer: the GBASIC module is attached to it.
- There are only two catches to this trick:
- 1) Your program will not work properly if the graphics area is in use when
- it is first loaded, since GBASIC will end up in the wrong place. It WILL
- work all right if the graphics area is set up afterwards, however.
- 2) You must use the LOAD "filename",8,1 syntax to LOAD the program from now
- on. DLOAD will assume that GBASIC is a normal BASIC program itself and
- place it in the wrong area, with your program crammed on top.
- That's about all there is to it. Once you get the syntax down, the commands
- are very easy to use and will perform many tasks in the background that you
- would normally have to code yourself. Now you can create that epic arcader
- you've been dreaming about, and maybe even get it published on LOADSTAR!
- JM
- **** End of Text ****