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- L O A D S T A R # 248
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- A night that rocked the LOADSTAR
- Tower -- and set us back six
- months.
- [Credits]......................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [Label 248]....................Side 1
- One of our more stick-to-ative
- features.
- [LOADSTAR by the Dozen]........Side 1
- Get your back issues in a
- convenient Windows-ready format.
- [The Commodore 64 Book]........Side 1
- by Andrew Fisher
- A new published perspective on
- our favorite computer.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Shamrocks Solitaire]..........Side 1
- by Maurice Jones
- A completely different and
- addicting way to play cards.
- [Shisen-Sho]...................Side 1
- by Ron & Kate Slaminko
- It's tile matching with a twist,
- and a little help from the C64.
- [Alfredo's Pitfall]............Side 1
- by Ricky Derocher
- The little guy is back, with
- music and more.
- [Elevator Music]...............Side 1
- by Fender Tucker
- A puzzling piece of cyber-enigma,
- wrapped in a fog of binary pasta.
- [Misfortune]...................Side 2
- by Bad Bytes
- A classy game from Down Under
- that will certainly silence those
- who call LOADSTAR "lame!"
- [M U S I C W A R E]
- [Corky's Classy Classics]......Side 2
- by Henry "Corky" Cochran
- Three songs you will love to
- hear.
- [Graphics and Music with DB+]..Side 2
- by Dave Moorman
- A step by step tutorial for
- putting bitmap graphics and SID
- Songs in your programs -- with
- DotBASIC Plus!
- [M O R E F U N W A R E]
- [Knight's Journey].............Side 3
- by Ricky Derocher
- As a Knight Errant, you must
- carefully pick your way through
- this adventure.
- [Corsair]......................Side 3
- by Jon Mattson
- Make your fortune trading on
- the frontiers of civilization.
- [MOOD].........................Side 3
- by Perff of No Name
- DOOM on the C64 never looked or
- played better.
- [C O D E R W A R E]
- [DotBASIC Plus]................Side 4
- by Dave Moorman
- An Object Oriented BASIC Extension
- that can keep on extending for
- years to come!