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- u
- by Dave Moorman
- and Many Others
- It all started with the C64 LIST
- published last month. This was from an
- old issue of LOADSTAR, so I didn't pay
- much attention to it. But after
- mastering and copying 246, I checked
- it out. The print-out was not as clean
- and nice as I would have liked.
- Then, I had need of a certain ROM
- routine that clears a chosen screen
- line. This is a handy command I use
- from time to time -- but have not
- written down anywhere. Besides, when I
- write something down, I soon lose the
- paper anyway.
- What we need is a complete, easy
- to use encyclopedia of C-64 POKES,
- PEEKS, AND SYSes. So I went through
- the texts of C64 LIST I and II and
- formatted them for our 38-column
- screen. Nicer, but not perfect. One
- still must search visually through a
- lot of stuff one does not necessarily
- want at the moment.
- Recently, I discovered a great way
- to do hypertext using the scrolling
- menu of Mr.Mouse or DotBASIC. The
- technique is simple: put the hyper-
- text on a line by itself. When clicked
- on, examine the resulting W$. If it is
- a hyperlink, load and display the
- appropriate text file.
- So, I broke down the POKES, PEEKS,
- and SYSes into single text files and
- created an easy to use menu file with
- hyperlinks. [Voila!] A great and
- powerful encyclopedia! (I am ever
- thankful that Jiminy Cricket spelled
- out that word on Mickey Mouse Club!)
- One thing I wanted to do was offer
- intelligable menu names for the
- routines. Over the years, I have had a
- heck of a time figuring out how to get
- the information I wanted from the "on-
- line help" feature in Visual Basic. I
- spent a month figuring out how to
- erase, delete, remove, or otherwise
- get rid of a disk file. Who'd have
- thought the magic word was "KILL!"
- So the items are listed in general
- areas (BASIC, ML, etc.) and
- alphabetically, using the most
- significant word first. And, for a
- number of items, I included two or
- more menu listings. All the better to
- find what you need.
- But, as with all such collections
- of knowledge, the best way to know
- what is available is to look! Check
- out each item. You can print it out
- with a click on PRINT THIS. Then play
- with the code to see how it works.
- Most everything is here -- tricks,
- tips, ML routines, everything. OK, I
- bet I missed some esoteric presto-
- digitalizations. YOU can add any that
- you want. Use Mr.Edstar to add new
- menu items to "e.encyclopedia", that
- edit lines 2000-2199 to include the
- new filename. Look at the code for the
- format.
- Then again, who is doing plain old
- C-64 programming these days? Who wants
- to learn to create great programs on
- this old platform? I don't know. I do
- know that this encyclopedia is now on
- my Utility disk image. Any time I need
- to know a certain trick, it is there
- in an instant.