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- P U Z Z L E P A G E # 8 7
- by Barbara Schulak
- So how do you like the new print
- features? Barbara is open to
- suggestions for improving the PUZZLE
- PAGE so let me know what you want and
- I'll pass the info on to her. If
- you've got an idea for a new kind of
- puzzle, you can have your name
- immortalized on LOADSTAR by simply
- writing the idea down on paper and
- sending it in. No programming
- necessary.
- Ed Fournier noticed that many
- English words form other words when
- read backwards, so he came up with TO
- AND FRO. Simple idea -- good puzzle.
- Ed has been published several
- times on LOADSTAR and each time asks
- to have his subscription extended as
- his payment. Of course we are happy to
- comply. As Managing Editor I'm more
- concerned with subscription numbers
- for LOADSTAR than with petty things
- like the amount of cash Softdisk has
- in the bank. I'm not one to tell you
- what to consider important, too, but a
- drop in subscriptions for LOADSTAR
- poses more of a threat to us than cash
- flow problems.
- Let's all help out keeping
- LOADSTAR at the top of the Tower by
- spreading the word. Anyone who has a
- C-64 or C-128 should at least know
- about us.
- I'm sorry I got off on self-
- serving tangent, but I'd like to think
- that we serve a purpose that no one
- else can fulfill. We can get you
- published! Try sending your puzzles,
- articles or programs to the New Yorker
- or Harpers and you'll soon know the
- meaning of the words "...not suitable
- for our needs at this time..."
- Try us and you'll see the
- difference.
- FT
- [DAVE'S AFTERRAVE:] Anything that
- comes to mind -- music, slide show,
- simple quiz. HARD quiz. When you get
- the idea, plunk it all together in a
- C-64/128 format and send it to us. You
- too can be a published programmer!