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- P A R T Y P I C T U R E
- for the commodore 64
- w/Simons' BASIC
- by Brian Crosthwaite
- Copyright 2005 J&F Publishing,
- 1982, 1983, 1984, 2004, 2005
- Brian Crosthwaite
- All Rights Reserved.
- [Party Picture] began in the
- 1980s. elements of the program are
- from the year the C64 was born --
- 1982. I had this idea of a series of
- pictures that slowly unfold on a TV
- screen at a party. Not any particular
- kind of party, just where people may
- be gathering for any length of time,
- coming and going to and from living
- room, dining room and kitchen, as
- people at parties often do.
- On screen pictures would slowly
- materialize, people might watch a
- while, or glance occasionally at the
- screen, and see a new surprise.
- Well, it got it's debut at one of
- our anniversary parties. Kids who were
- running and playing inside found
- themselves trapped by the mesmerizing
- pictures that played out on screen.
- Soon adults were watching to see what
- would come up next.
- The program was a success!
- The pictures I chose, draw out
- slowly on the screen. Then after the
- program has run it's course, a warning
- to turn on audio comes on screen.
- After the screen flashes a few times,
- LOADSTAR's [Laser Show] loads and
- runs.
- The choice to use SB, was based
- mostly on the ease in which to access
- the hires and multicolor screens and
- the myriad commands that it provided.
- My original intent with this
- LOADSTAR version was to convert the
- program to normal commodore BASIC, but
- it proved to be very complicated.
- Extended BASICs didn't support many of
- the commands used to draw some of the
- pictures. This last point is more than
- just a command used to plot a dot. I
- used some of the idiosyncrasies of the
- commands to my advantage.
- Needless to say, conversion would
- have taken more time than I had.
- Never to be seen in emulation?
- I tried to find utilities to make
- cartridge images. I looked for an
- image of Simons' BASIC. I found
- nothing. Time was running out. Then
- one day I found a site that had a disk
- mage of SB! I think it is the UK
- version, as I believe that version was
- released on floppy. I was now able to
- work on the PRG via VICE!
- The disk version is a little
- different in that the border default
- is red and on the cart it is black (I
- think -- i'm in [geoWrite], in [x64],
- on a thinkpad at the moment). My
- real-time 64 time is limited by my
- schedule. I have more access to
- [VICE].
- I added a copyright screen, but
- the computer's memory was full causing
- the program to stop about midway. I
- had run out of time, so moving memory
- without knowing the layout of SB
- memory at this point is not an option.
- (I can't find my SB manual anywhere --
- drat). So what have you here? This is
- the original version. The very PRG
- played at parties around the world.
- Ok, around Idaho. Ok, a couple of
- parties were in Boise.
- More notes:
- [Laser Show] was renamed to [MENU].
- It should load, just press space after
- it loads. Running with the disk image
- of SB via [VICE], [Laser Show] does
- not load and [VICE] freezes. Bummer.
- On the SX things look different, so I
- wrote an SX version. I hope to post it
- at http://noesiscreation.org shortly.
- Keep in mind, the drawings unfold at a
- rather slow rate since that was the
- original idea.
- Enjoy!
- BC (aka noesis0)
- Here at the Tower, we like things nice
- and simple. When you choose a program
- from our menu, we like to have it load
- and run. So here was the problem.
- Simon's BASIC loads like BASIC,
- expecting to load at 2049. Then, one
- would have to LOAD and RUN Brian's
- great program.
- Bummer!
- There had to be a way to get Simon's
- BASIC up and running, and then load
- the main program -- automatically. And
- there is! One thing I have learned
- here at the Tower is how to jerk
- around BASIC 2.0. It might not be
- pretty inside, but by golly, it will
- work!
- So Party Pictures has three (count
- 'em, three) Boot programs. PP1 moves
- the bottom of basic up to page 155,
- then loads and runs PP2. This little
- boot uses the old
- IF A = 0 THEN A = 1: LOAD"SIM*",D
- routine. Why? Because the file address
- in Simon's BASIC puts it where we want
- it, and the above is smaller than our
- standard BLOAD routine.
- Once Simon is in place, PP2 pokes the
- ASCII codes for the following into
- locations 631 to 640:
- lO"p",8<chr$(13)>rU<chr$(13)>
- Then 198 is set to 10. There is one
- tiny problem with this. We will come
- back to it in a minute.
- Then the Bottom of BASIC is moved back
- down to page 8, and Simon's BASIC is
- executed with SYS 2096 (which is the
- SYS call used by Simon's loader
- program.
- In a second, Simon's BASIC's opening
- screen comes up. And that is when I
- noticed a problem. The screen
- displayed:
- LO"P",8
- rU
- with the cursor sitting on the "U". I
- looked again at what was poked into
- 631 - 640 and discovered it was
- supposed to be [eleven] characters.
- Our keyboard buffer has only 10
- spaces. What to do? What to do!
- The answer was to cheat -- and use
- location 641 for that last Carriage
- Return. 641/642 is supposed to hold
- the Bottom of BASIC, but evidently it
- is not nearly as important as 43/44. I
- got away with it.
- The program "P" then boots PARTY
- PICTURE, and all else goes on
- smashingly. So, three boots for one
- program.
- Oh, yes. This does not return to
- LOADSTASR, so I had to put our "Does
- Not Return" boot in front of all the
- others.
- Clumbsy as all get out. But it works.