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- Part 2
- Program by
- Dave Moorman and Lee Novak
- Text by Lee Novak
- Here is the Mr. Mouse portion of
- the documentation for DotBASIC. I have
- edited the following to refer to
- DotBASIC commands. Otherwise, Lee sees
- all and tells all.
- I am pleased to finally present
- the reworking of one of LOADSTAR's
- most popular toolboxes. I'd like to
- thank Jeff Jones for his help in this
- project. Without it, DotBASIC would
- have been quite different. He stopped
- me from making a couple of BIG
- mistakes, and even some of his ideas
- are among this mess of code.
- [NOTE:] I do not know of anyone who
- did more to make BASIC programming
- easy and elegant than Jeff Jones. He
- introduced the earliest Toolbox back
- on LOADSTAR 91, and proceeded to
- improve it until Lee got into the act
- with Mr.Mouse. DMM
- Programs written with DotBASIC
- (DB) automatically support both a
- mouse in port 1 and a joystick in port
- 2. The FIRE button on the joystick is
- the same as the left mouse button. For
- joystick users, any key can be defined
- to replace the missing right mouse
- button. The middle button (on CMD's
- SmartMouse) will double the mouse's
- speed.
- Lee has included many internal
- variables and controls that can be
- accessed with POKE MV+offset. The
- variable MV is automatically assigned
- when DotBASIC is initiated.
- Let's go over the features
- included in DotBASIC. First off, the
- keyboard can mimic the mouse buttons.
- Related Variables: (& defaults)
- MV+14 Right Keycode (F7 = 3)
- MV+14 holds the keyboard
- equivalent to the right mouse button.
- The spacebar serves as the left button
- -- people expect this. The right
- button is defined as F7, but you could
- change it if you've assigned a
- function to the right mouse button and
- would like to use F7 (and F8) as
- hotkeys instead.
- Note that MV+14 is not an ASCII
- code. "Keycodes" are generated by the
- SCNKEY routine during the interrupt.
- They can be determined with this
- one-line program:
- 10 print peek(203):goto 10
- When you RUN it, hold down the key
- you want to designate as a button and
- note the number showing. Be aware that
- keycodes are not affected by the
- special (SHIFT) keys, and these
- special keys don't have keycodes - so
- they can't be used as mouse buttons.
- MV+18 Keyboard Enable (default 129)
- +128 = Return can click
- +64 = Space can click
- +32 = Commodore can click.
- +1 = CRSR keys move arrow
- Even the CRSR keys can control the
- arrow pointer around the screen. This
- makes it especially easy to add
- "keyboard support" to your programs
- without having to think about it. By
- default, the RETURN key serves as the
- left mouse button.
- With a POKE, you could enable
- the COMMODORE key to also serve as
- the left mouse button. This would be
- useful for any "click and drag"
- situations within your program, only
- because the Commodore key can be read
- independently of the CRSR keys. It is
- awkward to use, but it works. RETURN
- or SPACE can be used to "click" the
- rest of the time. It's more natural.
- You can change the appearance of
- the mouse arrow with
- MV+17 Twin Flag (default is 128)
- A Twin Flag setting of 128 (or
- higher) will cause sprite 1 to be
- enabled as a black shadow arrow. After
- that, it is the interrupt's job to
- ensure the shadow arrow follows the
- other sprite. The Twin Flag may be set
- to these values:
- 0 = Single sprite only
- 128 = Dual sprite, shadow @ x+2,y+1
- 192 = Dual sprite, perfect sync
- Although 192 would cause the
- shadow sprite to be directly under the
- pointer sprite, and thus unseen, there
- ARE other uses for this feature. The
- sprites don't have to share the same
- shape, you know.
- --------------
- This crucial command is the only
- way to get feedback from DotBASIC
- outside the Main Event Driver Loop
- (line 100 on the template program).
- Feedback is deposited in integer
- variables. Here's the wealth of
- information you will get:
- Mouse position information
- PX% Pixel-X location (0-319)
- PY% Pixel-Y location (0-199)
- CX% Cell-X location (0-39)
- CY% Cell-Y location (0-24)
- Mouse button information
- L1% Left button (0=up, 1=down)
- R1% Right button (0=up, 1=down)
- L2% New left push (0=no, 1=yes)
- R2% New right push (0=no, 1=yes)
- While L1% and R1% merely return
- the state of the buttons, L2% and R2%
- tell you if the press is NEW. This is
- useful for clicking on things. Here is
- a sure-fire way to sense a new click:
- 100 .MA
- 101 IF(L1% AND L2%)=0 THEN 100
- [NOTE:] Use the .DO loop:
- .DO:.MA:.UN L2%
- This works splendidly. DMM
- There are also other times when
- you want to do something when the
- button is pressed, but not continually
- as the user holds the button down and
- scoots across the screen.
- Internally, new button presses are
- nulled when the button is lifted or
- the .MA routine is called.
- Text screen information
- SC% Screen Code under mouse
- CC% Color Code under mouse
- PP% Pointer Position of mouse
- The color data is stripped of its
- upper (garbage) nybble. The pointer
- position is the RAM location of the
- screen cell right under the mouse.
- Since PP% is an integer, values above
- 32767 will be negative.
- [NOTE:] This won't be a problem is you
- use the default screen at $0400
- (1024). But should you get brave, use
- .IU,PP% to put the full, positive
- value in FP! DMM
- Region information
- RG% Region # mouse is over (0-64)
- CR% Region # being clicked (0-64)
- A "region" is an area of the
- screen that you can define by its
- x1,x2,y1,y2 limits. (The Event Regions
- you define with VDOT are these very
- regions!) RG% will be zero unless the
- mouse pointer is currently on top of
- an ACTIVE region. CR% will be zero
- unless the user is currently
- left-clicking on a particular region.
- In the case of overlapping regions,
- the higher number is returned.
- The "freshness" of all mouse
- feedback depends on how often you are
- able to call the ASK routine, and how
- quickly your program can respond to
- the data.
- PRINT AT: .P@,x,y,string
- ------------------------
- This prints a string as you'd
- expect - with one exception. To aid in
- readying lists and menus, any F7's
- embedded in the string (inside quote
- mode) will result in a tab back to the
- X coordinate and a cursor down.
- .RD,region #,x1,x2,y1,y2
- ------------------------
- Any area of the screen can be
- defined as a "region". You specify the
- region number (1-64) and its cellular
- limits. By using regions, you can
- easily tell if the mouse is over an
- icon, box, or whatever. You can
- re-define a region on the fly and
- indefinitely.
- [NOTE:] Remember, Event Regions are
- regions, too. Define Regions only in
- Event Handling routines or when the
- Event Driver has been disabled. Also,
- it is a good idea use a different
- Region Data Zone for your own regions.
- One place that is handy (unless you
- are using sprites) is page 35.
- POKE MV+1,34
- When the code returns to the Main
- Event Driver Loop, the Event
- Region Data is restored automatically.
- (DMM)
- Related variables: (& defaults)
- MV+0 Region Data Zone: LB (0)
- MV+1 Region Data Zone: HB (4)
- MV+2 Number of Active Regions (0)
- Defined regions are not "seen" by
- the mouse unless you mark them as
- ACTIVE, by placing a value into MV+2.
- For example, if this number is 7, then
- regions 1-7 are active. Each time you
- define a region, that region number is
- automatically placed into MV+2 for
- your convenience. You may change this
- number at will.
- Region data can be placed almost
- anywhere in memory, the exception
- being under the ROMS or I/O. As
- mentioned in the NOTE above, if you
- are defining and using run-time
- regions, you should first set the
- Region Data Zone with POKEs to MV+1
- and MV+0 before defining regions. It's
- your job to ensure this area is safe
- from BASIC and your other data.
- [NOTE:] As I was doing the final edit
- on this text, I tried an experiment. I
- POKEd MV+2 with a 0 in line 99 -- just
- before the Main Event Driver Loop. The
- Event Driver was very uneventful!
- Nothing happened. No roll-over, no
- clicks. Dead!
- So, If you want to disable certain
- Event Regions, organize them so the
- ones you want to disable are higher
- numbered than the ones you want
- active. Then reduce the value in MV+2.
- But remember, you [cannot] add Event
- Regions on the fly. You will get a
- Syntax Error. DMM
- CAGE MOUSE: .MC,x1,x2,y1,y2
- ---------------------------
- This command confines the mouse
- pointer's movement within an area. It
- is almost not even needed, since menus
- automatically alter the cage and the
- .QR command ensures you start out
- with a full-screen cage.
- Check out QUICKSMITH (on LS #164)
- to see a use I have found for CAGE.
- When you are using the slider bar, the
- mouse is caged within the range of
- movement the bar allows. On more
- expensive computers, the mouse can
- "slip" off the slider bar and cause
- confusion.
- ----------------------
- Use this command to place the
- mouse at any cellular X,Y location. If
- you attempt to place the mouse outside
- of its "cage", it will be snapped back
- inside instantly.
- PAUSE: .@Z,jiffies
- ------------------
- This routine waits for the
- specified number of mouse interrupts
- to pass before returning control to
- you. The wait is (usually) measured in
- sixtieths of a second, and the value
- cannot exceed 255.
- PRINT CENTER: .PC,y,string
- --------------------------
- This routine prints your string
- (up to 40 characters) centered on any
- line y (0-24). Don't use F7's in these
- strings as you probably won't get the
- effect you were looking for.
- BLOCK: .BX,x1,x2,y1,y2,sc,color
- -------------------------------
- The BLOCK command is able to
- perform a variety of tasks, based on
- the parameters you feed it. The last
- two parameters specify what to do
- within the boundaries:
- BLOCK: To fill an area with a
- character, just specify its screen
- code (0-254) and the color you
- want it to be (0-15).
- PAINT: Using 255 for a screen code
- causes the routine to only color
- the area, leaving screen RAM
- intact.
- SHADE: Using 255 for a color code
- causes all of the colors in the
- area to be assigned a darker shade
- than each currently has. Screen
- RAM is not affected.
- 128 to the color code to invoke
- reverse, 64 for un-reverse, and
- 192 for flip. Color RAM will not
- be affected unless you add an
- additional 16 to the values above.
- FRAME: Adding 32 to the color code
- will draw a frame (like BOX below)
- that ignores the center area
- automatically.
- BOX: Adding 16 to the color code
- results in a box made up of nine
- specific characters. The defaults
- work well with either case font.
- They can be changed for use with
- custom fonts that have their
- box-making characters elsewhere.
- BOX refuses to use screen code 0
- in what it draws. This is so you
- can set MV+41 (the screen code
- used to draw the interior of
- boxes) to zero. The effect is that
- BOX now behaves like FRAME,
- leaving the center alone.
- AFFECT REGION: .RA,region #,sc,color
- ------------------------------------
- This command is just like BLOCK.
- But instead of specifying x1,x2,y1,y2
- parameters, you indicate which region
- you want to affect.
- AFFECT is most often used in
- causing visible changes to a region
- when it is clicked on. It can also
- help in setting up screens. Event
- Regions can be affected at will!
- ------------------------
- SCREEN STASH will store the text
- screen and color map anywhere in
- memory, even under ROM and I/O. 8
- consecutive pages (2048 bytes or 2K)
- are needed to save both areas. The
- border and background colors are also
- saved.
- SCREEN RESTORE displays a stashed
- screen from anywhere in memory. The
- border and background colors are also
- restored.
- [TECHNICAL NOTE:] The stash/restore
- routines copy 1002 bytes each of the
- screen and color map. STASH will put
- the border and background colors into
- locations $d800+1000 and $d800+1001
- before doing the memory transfer.
- After RESTOREing, the colors are
- brought back from those locations. The
- two bytes after the end of the screen
- are stashed and restored also, but
- they have no significance.
- We are just getting started. More
- fun to come in Part 2!