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- u
- D O T B A S I C
- (version 1.01)
- Program by
- Dave Moorman and Lee Novak
- Text by Dave Moorman
- The more I use DotBASIC, the more
- power I find. Most of that power is
- the work of Lee Novak, who took the
- ideas of a mouse driver module
- and a screen effects toolbox and
- merged them into to the legendary Mr.
- Mouse.
- DotBASIC begins with Mr.Mouse, but
- adds incredible features of its own --
- not the least of which being Event
- Driven programming.
- The Dot Commands consist of a dot
- (period) and two characters. They are
- two characters long for two reasons.
- Two is better than one, and two
- characters correspond in memory to the
- two byte jump addresses they refer to.
- The method is quick! Just look up the
- name in one table, then use the index
- to point to the address in another
- matching table.
- One feature you have to remember
- is that when using a Dot Command after
- a THEN, put a colon in the way.
- IF A=5 THEN:.RK,40960
- Here is the full documentation for
- DotBASIC Commands.
- START: SYS 4608,med page
- ------------------------
- This command is already done for
- your in the template program (the one
- given your PROGNAME.DOT when you begin
- programming. MED PAGE is the location
- where the .MED file was bloaded by the
- boot program -- normally page 224. You
- can modify the boot and load the .MED
- file anywhere you have 18 free pages.
- Just be sure this command points to
- your file.
- STOP: SYS 4611
- --------------
- This is exactly the same as the
- .OF command below. It is here, just in
- case.
- ----------
- Probably the single most powerful
- feature of DotBASIC is Do-Looping. I
- borrowed the code from Lothar Englisch
- who explained the technique in the
- 1984 Abacus book, [Advanced Machine]
- [Language Programming for the]
- [Commodre 64]. It uses ML methods that
- cannot be easily adapted to our
- favorite [SYS ADD, param] module
- structure -- hence the new command
- names.
- The program will loop between the
- .DO and the terminal comparison --
- either .UN or .WH, without having to
- hunt down line numbers as is the case
- with GOTO.
- DO: .DO
- -------
- Begins the Do-Loop. Do-Loops can
- be nested indefinitely (up to the
- capacity of the processor stack).
- UNTIL: .UN comparison
- ---------------------
- Note that there is [no comma]
- between the command and the parameter.
- This is a remnant of Lothar's code and
- I couldn't fix it.
- COMPARISON can be anything that
- has a value of either 0 or not 0.
- A>5, (Q>2 and Q<7), RG%
- I have learned to use variables as
- Boolean controls -- True or False --
- with False being 0 and True being not
- 0. So you will see in line 100:
- 100 .DO:.EE:.WB:.UN E%:.OF
- were E% is 0 until acted upon by
- other code.
- UNTIL loops until the comparison
- is True.
- WHILE: .WH comparison
- ---------------------
- WHILE loops while the comparison
- is True.
- -----------------
- This command turns off DotBASIC
- and puts all its toys away. The Dot
- Commands do not work after .OF has
- been executed. If you are putting
- STOPs in your code while debugging,
- include .OF first.
- 4982 .OF:STOP
- -----------------
- This is used in the Main Event
- Driver Loop -- line 100 -- and you
- will probably never need to use it in
- your own code. When an Event happens
- and the Event Handling code is called,
- the Event Driver is disabled (which
- keeps other Events from getting in the
- way). When the Event Handler is
- finished and RETURNs to the Main Loop,
- .EE is there to re-enable the Event
- Driver.
- ------------------
- Allows you to disable the Event
- Driver. Useful when you want to do
- everything by hand, rather than use
- the Main Event Driver Loop as given.
- Also, you may have some set-up code
- that happens after DotBASIC is started
- and the Main Event Driver Loop. Use
- .ED so your set-up code will not be
- interrupted by an Event.
- --------------------
- This command was also created for
- the Main Event Driver Loop. .WB
- watches the <BACK ARROW> key, and when
- the key is depressed, E% becomes -1.
- This then ends the loop.
- YES/NO: .YN,x,y,u,h
- -------------------
- Putting a simple Yes/No response
- in a dialog box can be a pain. But not
- anymore! Just use this command. X and
- Y are the screen coordinates. U is the
- unhighlighted (and box) color and H is
- the highlighted color.
- Use the add-on values shown in the
- BLOCK command to make the Yes and No
- change when highlighted or not. I find
- that +208 to each color gives a neat
- unreversed-when-pointed-to effect.
- The user's response is returned in
- I% -- No = 0, Yes = -1.
- ---------------------
- This puts a nice dialog box in the
- center of the screen in the U color
- that asks, appropriately enough, Are
- Your Sure? The YES/NO command and the
- u and h colors work the same as above.
- -----------
- The RACK command (covered later in
- these docs) is powerful. You can BLOAD
- an Edstar text file (with a 0 byte at
- the end), do a RACK, and have the data
- become a virtual string array. The
- data can be anywhere in memory --
- under ROM or I/O -- and not occupy
- precious BASIC memory. With RACK
- INDEX, every string line can be
- accessed.
- This was too good to leave alone.
- So we added the String Data commands
- that allow you to put strings into
- memory for RACKing and INDEXing.
- LOCATE STRING DATA: .$L,location
- --------------------------------
- This must be done first, telling
- DotBASIC where in memory your string
- data will start.
- PUT STRING DATA: .$P,string
- ---------------------------
- This puts strings into the string
- data area, beginning at the location
- specified with .$L. Each string is
- ended with a 0 byte. The next string
- is put over the previous 0 byte. When
- finished, the data can be RACKed and
- INDEXed like an Edstar file.
- INSTRING: .$I,search$,target$
- -----------------------------
- Ever wanted to find out if one
- string of characters is contained in
- another string. You can certainly use
- a FOR-NEXT loop with MID$. But
- INSTRING does it at lightning ML
- speed. If found, the position of the
- first character of the search string
- contained in the target string is
- returned in I%. If not found, I%=0.
- -------------
- Does the same as:
- 10 GETZ$:IFZ$=""THEN10
- 20 I%=ASC(Z$)
- ----------------
- One should disable Sprites and IRQ
- interrupts during disk access. .QS
- does this for you, turning off the
- mouse and arrow.
- ----------------
- Restores the mouse and arrow after
- a .QS and disk access.
- .IU,value
- -------------------------------
- Don't you hate it when a two-byte
- positive value, such as FRE(0) goes
- negative when reported to BASIC. A
- number of Mr.Mouse commands return
- information in signed integers that
- should be unsigned. So we added this
- command. VALUE is any value, -32768 to
- 32768. The two-byte positive value is
- returned in FP.
- POKE TWO BYTES: .P2,location,value
- ----------------------------------
- You can now poke a two-byte value
- into two bytes. For example, if you
- want to put the REGION DATA for your
- own region work at 50123, all you need
- to do is
- .p2,MV,50123
- This replaces
- POKE MV,203:POKE MV+1,195
- GET TWO BYTE VALUE: .G2,location
- --------------------------------
- A two-byte PEEK. .G2,MV returns
- PEEK(MV)+PEEK(MV+1)*256 in FP.
- POKE ONE BYTE: .P1,location,byte
- --------------------------------
- Talk about not necessary!
- GET ONE BYTE: .G1,location
- --------------------------
- This is a little more useful
- because the result is returned in I%.
- TEXT COLOR: .TX,color
- ----------------------------
- The three commands BASIC 2.0 left
- out when ported to the C-64 from
- monochrome PET. I have added [one]
- more feature for this release:
- For .TX,color add 128 to the color
- code for reverse text. As I was going
- through the Cookbook docs, I realized
- it was stupid to have to
- .BX,x1,x2,y1,y2,160,7
- .TX,7
- >>>> PRINT"<rev>";
- .PC,y1+1,"This Is REVERSED"
- every time one does a BOX. The code
- now will be
- .BX,x1,x2,y1,y2,160,7
- .TX,7 + 128
- .PC,y1+1,"This IS Reversed"
- Now, that was easier, wasn't it?
- The next three docs cover the
- Mr.Mouse commands and related Dot
- Commands. Don't forget to print out
- the DB Command Sheet for a three page
- reminder of the power of DotBASIC.