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- D I S K O V E R Y
- Nearly everything on this issue is
- NEW! We have a new, artificially
- intelligent game from Lance C. Thomas,
- a new GEOS application from Brian
- Crosthwaite, a new issue of Scene
- World, and a bunch of new games from
- the 2002 MiniGame Compo (that's Euro-
- Speak for "Competition"). To round out
- the disk blocks, we found a great
- little Putt-Putt Golf game from "way
- back when."
- The C-64 is certainly not dead.
- Things might be a little slow right
- now, but I believe it is the "quiet
- before the storm." The "storm" began
- last Wednesday at our church.
- Holly, Colorado, is certainly not
- a place a big corporation would test
- market a new idea. We are anything but
- a big corporation, so we don't pay
- attention to such things. We just give
- it a try. In fact, I did not expect
- any response at all when I asked the
- Fourth through Sixth graders if they
- wanted to learn how to program a
- computer.
- Every hand went up. The schools
- are doing a fine job of familiarizing
- children with computers. But no one
- seems to think [programming] is a
- necessary skill for the 21st Century.
- They seem to think Microsoft will
- provide whatever they desire. (Boy are
- they naive!). But have you listened to
- 10 to 14 year olds discuss a video
- game or one of their card games? They
- are very cognizant of complex
- properties and functions: just like
- the complex properties and functions
- of programming.
- We had our first meeting of the
- Bible And Computer Adventure last
- week, with three guys. I set up one
- C-64, using the church's television
- set as the monitor and a PC laptop
- with 64HDD installed for the hard
- disk. Unlike schools, which pride
- themselves in having dozens of
- computers for the kids to use, we have
- just one at the meeting. The reason is
- that I expect the kids to really learn
- what the computer does -- and that
- requires [desk checking] programs
- before coding them into the machine.
- We started off the meeting right
- after school by reading a scene from
- Mark's Gospel -- which is an adventure
- story itself. My goal for the kids is
- that they will have an general
- understanding of the plot of this book
- by the end of the school year. The
- next Biblical book will be Genesis!
- Sheri served refreshments while
- the guys took turns playing the Super
- Mario Brothers knock-off from LS 217.
- They kept asking, "Will we be doing
- something like that?" and I kept
- saying, "When you know enough."
- We are following a book entitled
- "Kids and the Commodore 64", which
- teaches Basic BASIC in 34 lessons.
- However, this is just a guide and we
- explore whatever comes up. Printing
- literal strings, and using program
- mode was about all we covered at our
- first session.
- I have installed VICE on each
- boy's family PC, and explained to the
- parents that 30 to 60 minutes a day
- will keep their Adventurer up with the
- group. I also put The Compleat
- Programmer, the Knees Calhoon Method,
- and a Utilities disk image on their
- machines. I will show them how to
- access these if they need more input.
- I have a couple of C-64 bread boxes
- and ancient 1541 drives I will loan
- out to kids who do not have a family
- computer.
- The kids were excited. Even PRINT
- commands were marvelous to them. They
- are encouraging their friends to come
- along on the Adventure.
- As I mentioned before, LOADSTAR
- wants to do whatever we can to promote
- Computer Adventure groups. Your Club
- or UG needs someone to meet with the
- kids, and a place to do it. The Bible
- part is not essential, but it is a
- good way to partner up with a worship
- community. Check with the clergy, who
- might be looking for a hook to get
- kids interested in a faith.
- And give me a call at 719 537
- 6009. We can certainly get you copies
- of the Compleat Programmer, Knees
- Calhoon Method, and the Utility disk
- (image) (which has sprite and gho
- thinks they are smart enough to create
- their own games. I will keep you
- posted on the progress of our Bible
- And Computer Adventure club.