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- D A T A T O O L
- The program offers no drivers for
- different sorts of printers, but still
- it has a few features for controlling
- the output. The output consists of
- worksheet headline, comment, column
- title and a range of worksheet rows,
- except rows containing BASIC. Row
- number and row setting also will not
- be printed.
- Print From / To Row is updated by the
- system itself, but you can change it,
- of course.
- Same with Print From / To Column: The
- range of printed columns is proposed
- by the system, but it can be changed.
- Beside that, specific columns can be
- set not printable in the worksheet
- setting.
- You will have to watch the length of
- a line on the printer output. To the
- width of every printable column one
- character has to be added for the grid
- line (or space) between rows, plus one
- character for the grid line at the
- very left. If your printer allows it,
- the system will be able to output 160
- characters each line.
- In the Column Grid Line cell, a
- single character in ASCII code can be
- specified which will be printed
- between the columns. If no value is
- set, a space will be printed instead.
- In the Row Grid Line cell a character
- can be specified that will be printed
- between the rows for the entire row
- length. If space (ASCII 32) is set, an
- empty row will be printed. If no value
- is set, there will be no extra line
- between the rows.
- In the Intersection cell another
- character can be defined that will be
- printed wherever the grid line of
- column and row intersect.
- The Perform / Reset Headline allows
- you to set a code (or a code sequence)
- that will be sent to the printer
- before and after printing the
- worksheet headline. If more then one
- ASCII code is needed, the codes have
- to be separated using SHIFT RETURN .
- If no value or zero is set, the cell
- has no function.
- Likewise, Perform / Reset Col. Titles
- can be used to control the appearance
- of the column titles in the same way.
- The Define Print Codes cell can be
- used to assign a specific ASCII code
- to any character. There are a lot of
- printers around, requiring different
- ASCII codes for non-standard
- characters. For example, you can
- specify the actual printer code for
- special characters. Please note: the
- Shifted SPACE is internally processed
- as ASCII 224. You maybe have to set
- the common ASCII 160 here.
- The input form requires that you type
- in the referred character first, and
- (with or without space) the ASCII code
- in numbers afterwards. You are free to
- write a comment after the digits. You
- must use a new line for each character
- and code number using <Shift-RETURN>.
- The system will skip failed syntax
- without an error message.
- If ASCII set IBM is selected, the
- characters a...z will be converted to
- ASCII code 97...122, and A...Z to
- 65...90, instead of the CBM standard
- in lower case, where a...z are
- represented by code 65...90 and A...Z
- by 193...218.
- The BASIC Open Printer and BASIC
- Close Printer cells must be filled
- with an executable BASIC code.
- Printers have different needs and
- opportunities, concerning the opening
- procedure. Maybe you have to open
- several files in order to adjust your
- printer, and maybe you have to send a
- few commands first. In case you open
- more then one file, the output of the
- actual worksheet data will be sent to
- the file number that was opened or
- used last. The output itself can't be
- controlled by BASIC, because it is a
- copy of the screen display. But there
- are several options anyway: You may
- use the export data option for sending
- data to a printer, as well as you may
- print to a file if you open a disk
- file instead of a printer.
- This part of the main menu offers
- miscellaneous features. Run some by
- simply pushing RETURN in the left part
- of the screen, and others by providing
- input into the right part of the
- screen.
- BASIC Memory shows the present load
- of the memory. The available capacity
- is split into a main memory,
- containing the worksheet, and a BASIC
- area, temporary used for BASIC code
- and variables. You can check this, and
- you can change the amount of bytes
- reserved for BASIC by entering a new
- value. Changing the setting will clear
- the temporary BASIC Memory.
- The system can't manage arbitrary
- memory requirements of both areas
- automatically while running BASIC. If
- you get a BASIC error message "out of
- memory", you should increase BASIC
- memory; if you get a system error
- message complaining about the same
- thing, try to decrease it. The minimum
- size of BASIC memory is 256 bytes, the
- maximum is determined by the amount of
- worksheet data.
- If you Enter BASIC, the C64 BASIC
- interpreter will welcome you with the
- well known READY prompt. You should be
- able to do anything that can be done
- in BASIC. Push the BACK-ARROW-key to
- quit this mode. This feature could be
- useful if BASIC errors pop up. Memory
- content will be as when the error
- occured, so you may list the code and
- check the variables.
- The option to Load extension with a
- specified name currently is useless.
- It's meant to load executable code -
- whatever that might do. Maybe an
- extension for creating charts will be
- added in future. The code-area is
- restricted to less then 1.5 KB, a
- working area would be accessable
- behind the kernal-ROM (normally used
- for buffers). The structure of a
- worksheet file would allow to append
- external data and settings, and parts
- of the main program could be used as
- well. The loading address is 51713 /
- $CA01. Don't try to load unknown files
- as extension, because it may load into
- sensitive areas.
- Run extension will start the code, if
- its first 22 bytes fit into the
- reference code of Datatool, which
- mainly is the BASIC command to load
- the loader.
- The option Set Drive Numer sets any
- drive from 8 to 15. If you change the
- drive numer in the input cell on the
- right, the new number will be valid
- for the next drive access. If you push
- RETURN in the left cell, it just
- checks whether the drive is present,
- and reads the error channel. Thus, if
- you want to receive a drive error
- message that wasn't reported
- automatically, use this option to read
- it.
- View Directory calls the drive to
- show the directory. A directory longer
- then one screen page can be scrolled
- by moving the cursor down. Scrolling
- upwards is not possible, but pressing
- <HOME> will bring you back to the top.
- Pressing <RETURN> will store a
- filename both to character buffer and
- cellbuffer, in order to call this
- filename for loading, saving or
- sending disk commands, using <C=-DEL>.
- Disk Command will send the command in
- the input cell to the drive. The error
- channel is checked afterwards, but
- only shown if the drive reports an
- error. Only inputting a command
- without calling the action will not
- cause anything.
- Clear Data will erase the content of
- all data- and result-rows in the
- worksheet. Settings, however, will
- stay unchanged. As in similar tasks,
- an error warning will let you know if
- the present state of the worksheet is
- not saved to disk. Please note, that
- the performance of this option is
- pretty slow if the worksheet is large.
- Clear All will erase all data and all
- settings, and reset everything to what
- it was as at boot up.
- Exit Program will call the operating
- system routine that resets the C64 to
- warmstart condition. However, program
- and data still are intact. In order to
- undo the exit
- poke 2049,21:poke2050,8:sys 33019
- Or you load "b.unexit",8 and run it.
- This will reload the program, keeping
- all data - provided the data is valid.
- Errors come in several flavors:
- errors issued by the BASIC
- interpreter, drive errors and lastly
- system errors and warning messages.
- BASIC error message: The system tells
- you in which task the error
- happened, and passes on the error
- message of the BASIC interpreter.
- Drive error message: The system
- checks the error channel after
- drive access, and passes on the
- message if the first error number
- digit is greater then 1.
- System warning messages:
- Task unfinished: During running,
- searching, sorting, printing or
- clearing data, you may suspend the
- process by pushing <STOP>. The
- warning message gives you the
- chance either to cancel the
- STOP command by pushing the <BACK
- ARROW> key or to confirm that you
- want to abort by pushing <RETURN>.
- Changes not saved: This warning
- message pops up if you want to
- clear, load or exit a worksheet
- without having saved the file. This
- goes for workssheet data as well as
- any input in any menu item, except
- entries in the filename cells.
- System error messages:
- Task unfinished: Push STOP during
- load or save to abort the task.
- Concerning drive access there is no
- way back, and the results will be
- invalid.
- Out of memory: Main memory is full;
- you should reduce the BASIC memory
- area (System options) if possible.
- Buffer overflow: In input mode, the
- system will tell you that the
- character buffer is full. You still
- can read the buffer, unless you
- fill it again. If the error occurs
- in outline mode, the system will be
- unable to copy a very large column
- to the cellbuffer. <DEL> and
- <C=-HOME> will not work, but you
- still can clear a column with
- <CLR>.
- Incompatible format: This message
- pops up if you try to copy the
- content of the cellbuffer to a
- destination of different type or
- structure. Another reason for this
- error could be that you tried to
- start an extension which didn't
- have the required format.
- Input out of range: The input doesn't
- fit the format of the cell, usually
- due to numeric input that was too
- small or too big.
- Entry too long: Maximum capacity for
- BASIC cells is 1020 bytes, and 255
- bytes for text cells, but some
- cells (e.g. specifying a variable)
- are assigned to hold merely a few
- characters.
- BASIC lines too long: A BASIC line
- can't be longer then 80 characters.
- You need to split a longer chain of
- commands into several lines, using
- <shift-RETURN>. This error message
- will pop up when you run BASIC, not
- when you input it.
- Can't convert data: Once data is
- stored in a column you can't change
- this column's type. Either clear
- the data, or use BASIC for
- converting and copying data into
- another column. Same with row type.
- No variables assigned: You tried to
- run a worksheet without naming at
- least one variable in one column.
- No BASIC found: You tried to run a
- worksheet without inputting at
- least one BASIC statement in one
- column, or you tried to print,
- import or export without BASIC
- opening and closing instruction.
- Missing data: This message pops up if
- you run an empty worksheet without
- setting the number of the last row
- included.
- Device not present: Either drive or
- printer are not online. This
- message will also pop up if your
- BASIC instruction for opening
- printer refers to a device number
- less then 4.
- Verify error: The worksheet file on
- disk doesn't match the one in
- memory. Maybe no need to worry
- about corrupt data, because this
- could be due to inputs into
- menu items. (A native Datatool file
- contains all cells of all
- menu items, so even changing the
- drive number represents a
- modification.)
- Invalid file cleared: Either you
- tried to load a non-native file, or
- a stray process corrupted the data
- structure on disk or in memory.