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- L O A D S T A R # 224
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Dave's Marxist angst rises with his
- blood pressure.
- [Masthead].....................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
- Every good LOADSTARite does Fine.
- [Emulation]....................Side 1
- by Ken "Professor Dredd" Kill
- Here is an excellent summary on the
- subject of emulation and notes on
- one emulator in particular. In three
- parts.
- [Home Remedies]................Side 1
- from Al Edlund
- If you've got the right stuff, you
- can fix most anything.
- [How to Stay Young]............Side 1
- from Al Edlund
- Good advice for keeping the years
- at bay.
- [The Rules of Life]............Side 1
- from Al Edlund
- Finally, we found the user's manual!
- [LOADSTAR Label 224]...........Side 1
- Have gluestick, will travel.
- [Send In Your Quotes]..........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Clever quotes mean free issues.
- Everybody who enters wins. Better
- than Lotto!
- [Zero Page: Basics]............Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Getting a directory into a program
- is really not that hard. The
- actual program is a "fix" for Letter
- Drop Writer.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Franatic Fredie]..............Side 1
- by Chris Hateleid & Gregor Larsson
- A great "grab and run" game that has
- destroyed not a few joysticks.
- [Galaxian].....................side 1
- from Atarisoft
- The arcade favorite that replaced
- Space Invaders.
- [Jawbreaker]...................Side 1
- from Sierra Online
- This "PacMac meets Frogger" game
- will keep you challenged for hours.
- [Matrix].......................Side 1
- by Jeff Minter
- Though it has nothing to do with
- the hit movies, this little shoot-
- 'em-up will have you cursing the
- Machine.
- [Saddam Darts].................Side 1
- NEW PROGRAM by Robert Woolf
- A new program of good clean fun
- pitching darts at the face of the
- Evil Dictator. Maybe he will come
- out of hiding to sue us!
- [H E L P W A R E]
- [DataTool].....................Side 1
- NEW PROGRAM by Franz Kotteri
- A powerful spreadsheet that uses
- normal Basic programming commands.
- [B R A I N W A R E]
- [States].......................Side 1
- NEW PROGRAM by Dennis Hildreth
- Two players vie to identify states
- as the image mists into view. Also
- has single practice mode.
- [Awari]........................Side 1
- NEW PROGRAM by Lance C. Thomas
- An ancient game of pits and pebbles
- with a very smart computer player!
- [Letter Drop]
- by Bob Markland...............Side 1
- More quixotic quotes for this great
- adaptation of the pencil puzzle.
- [M U S I C W A R E]
- [About Corky Cochran]..........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Meet the man behind the music.
- [Old Time Hits]................Side 1
- Favorite songs and melodies for
- your audio enjoyment.
- [G E O S / G R A P H I C S W A R E]
- [GEOS Orchids].................Side 1
- NEW SCANS by Jane Voskamp-Jones
- Beautiful line art of orchids. Also
- displayed on non-GEOS machines.
- [Other Cats Fixed].............Side 1
- by Jane Voskamp-Jones
- If you could not successfully un-
- Wraptor "Other Cats" from LOADSTAR
- 222, here is a better file to try.
- [L A G N I A P P E W A R E]
- [Mr. Do's Castle]..............Side 1
- from Parker Bros.
- Another classic from the days of
- real arcades. Run, grab, Konk!