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- P O N D E R A T I O N S
- by Dave Moorman
- The other night, Sheri and I saw
- the movie Matrix. I have seen it
- several times -- once on a friends
- DVD with all the Behind the Scenes
- stuff. Fascination and Fun!
- And thought provoking, too. OK,
- the business of the Machines keeping
- humans alive for their energy is a
- bit -- well -- hokey. But the story
- had to get there [some] way. I had
- contemplated something along the same
- lines -- everyone plugged into a
- virtual reality -- even since the
- advent of video games. But I couldn't
- come up with a working explanation as
- to [why] everyone would be harnessed
- into a virtual world.
- And since the melodramatic plot
- put a few "free" humans against The
- Machine, I suppose the "sucking
- energy" rationale is fair enough.
- But more over, Matrix taps that
- inexplicable notion we all have that
- there [must] be something more out
- there somewhere. Something beyond the
- mere physics we can touch, see, hear,
- taste, smell, and now measure through
- remakably subtle machines.
- Last week I had a chance to hear
- Huston Smith speak at the Iliff Week
- of Lectures in Denver. He used an
- analogy of being inside a big
- balloon. Science, the testing,
- questioning, theorizing discipline of
- "How It Works," can shine its
- methodical light all around the
- interior of that balloon. But Science
- cannot see or describe or even
- account for whatever is [beyond] the
- balloon.
- Human minds seem to be
- universally equipped with a notion of
- "infinity." No matter how many
- numbers one might count, another
- number awaits just beyond. No matter
- how emense the universe is that we
- can quantify and measure, our minds
- can at least wonder about what is on
- the other side.
- We also have this notion of
- Quality -- which is beyond the pale
- of Science. Quality. Beauty. Good.
- Virtue.
- Aristotlean/Scientific philosophy
- tries to relegte Quality as a subset
- or mere appearance of things.
- Something without substance or form.
- Quality is -- after all -- whatever
- you say it is. Always subjective.
- And yet, in [Zen and the Art of]
- [Motorcycle Maintenance], John Pirsig
- posited that Quality Undefined is at
- the pinnacle of Being. And there is
- reason to believe that. For example
- (again from Huston Smith), if you
- built a better mousetrap, the world
- may or may not beat a path to your
- door. But no one would question your
- effort. However, if one should set out
- to build a [worse] mousetrap...!
- We are driven by this undefinable
- thing called Quality. What we
- consider quality may and must vary.
- But we reach -- always reach --
- toward some sort of perfection.
- The Machine in Matrix has an
- interesting point of view. It had
- tried to create an absolute utopia
- within the Matrix. Humans have moaned
- and groaned about reaching for
- perfection for all of history. It
- seemed logical that humans would
- thrive in a perfect world.
- But they did not. They died. Of
- [boredom]! Now this brings up very
- real questions about Eternity and all
- the promises of Paradise in many
- religions. We all want a Perfect
- Heaven, right? "No more crying there,
- we are going to see the King!"
- No crying. No laughing. No
- struggles. Such a heaven would be a
- cruel joke -- a joke infinitely more
- cruel than no heaven at all!
- If there is some Reason for
- living within this balloon, or some
- Person Beyond this balloon with Value
- and Conscious Purpose for mortal
- life, that Reason or Purpose must
- have something to do with struggle.
- The poor Machine in Matrix. It
- failed when it offered Perfection
- Attained. And it failed to realize
- that in any population, some would
- opt for the Meta-Struggle -- against
- the Machine Itself. All the Machine
- wanted to do is Run. Run with
- smoothness and efficiency. And yet It
- is tied with karmic chains to
- Humanity.
- Pity poor Smith (the Agent, not
- Huston) who delivers the diatribe to
- the nearly unconscious Morpheus. For
- when he pulled the plug from his ear
- -- he became essentially [human]
- himself. He had hopes and fears, and
- wanted to succeed in the struggle for
- his own sense of Quality and
- Perfection!!