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- By Shaun Bebbington.
- I'm informed that cloning
- computers was commonplace in Eastern
- Europe, China and South America (where
- international copyright laws were
- difficult to enforce.) In today's
- world, with the advent of PC
- emulators, companies don't seem
- concerned that their old machines are
- being copied, so the flood gates have
- opened for programmers/engineers to
- "pay tribute" to the great computers
- of years gone. Here are some clones
- currently in production.
- Sprinter SP2000.
- This is the most powerful Spectrum
- clone I could find. Like the Sam
- Coupe, the Sprinter has it's own
- native modes. The manufacturers assure
- me that it is 100% compatible with the
- ZX Spectrum series. It even boasts
- compatibility with other Spectrum
- clones and has a range of new software
- being developed for it.
- At its heart is the Z84C15 CPU
- running up to 21 MHz. It can be
- upgraded to 64mb (from the standard
- 4mb). It also has a built-in IDE
- controller, with the possibility of
- connecting a HDD and CD-ROM. There
- are 2 ISA slots, a dedicated sound
- chip, and new graphics modes (320x256
- at 256 colours or 640x256 at 16
- colours).
- The Sprinter comes in kit form
- (like the ZX80 & ZX81 used to) and
- requires an AT case, power supply,
- keyboard, an MS Mouse, a 3.5" FDD. It
- can be viewed through a CGA monitor,
- TV with Scart socket or RGBI monitor
- like the Commodore 1084. It also has
- the capability to load tapes, so you
- can use your old software. If you want
- a multi-media Spectrum, this is for
- you!
- Q40/Q60
- Whilst researching this article, I
- realised that there are numerous
- SInclair clones. The Q40/60 is QL
- based technology at it's best.
- The QL was Sinclairs' first 16
- bit, with high quality graphics,
- however, sales where sadly lacking for
- this excellent machine. The QL still
- maintained a cult following through
- the 80's and 90's. The Q40/60 has been
- designed to keep and build on the QL's
- loyal user base.
- It's powered by a Motorola 68040
- (40 MHz), 68060 (66 MHz) or a 68LC060
- (80 MHz), expandable up to 128mb, has
- high speed 32 bit graphics at 1024 x
- 512 with 65536 colours and sound at
- 20khz. Software is available for the
- QL modes and it's own native modes.
- Anyone want to take a quantum leap?
- CommodoreONE.
- Commodore 64 has dedicated
- hardware and unique features, such as
- intelligent devices. It is therefore
- difficult to clone, and the C=ONE will
- probably be the first Commodore 64
- clone to have at least 99.9% backwards
- compatibility.
- It has been developed by Jeri
- Ellsworth and Bil Herd (Bil Herd
- worked for Commodore in the eighties).
- Powering the machine is the wdc65c816s
- processor running at 25mhz.
- Potentially, you will have up to 32mb
- graphics card with 65536 colours, and
- it will allow you to use a SCPU
- accelerator as a co-processor. Your
- old Commodore hardware should also be
- compatible with the C=ONE.
- This is work in progress. A
- working prototype has had fine-tuning
- over the last year or so, and if the
- current version proves popular at the
- next Expo in the USA, the CommodoreONE
- will be available to buy from November
- 2002. I am assured that the wait will
- be worth it.
- - Shaun.
- Contacts and links.
- Sprinter SP2000.
- PETERS PLUS LTD, Vosstaniya St.
- 35-31, 191014 St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
- web: www.peterplus.com - e-mail:
- sprinter@petersplus.ru
- Q40/Q60.
- D & D Systems
- D&D Systems, PO Box 5813, Ripley,
- Derbyshire, England. DE5 9ZR
- Tel: 01773-740170 - Fax:01773-748399
- web: www.q40.de
- e-mail: sales@q40.de
- CommodoreONE.
- Jeri Elsworth, 530 NW 152 St.,
- N Miami Fl, 33169, USA.
- Tel: 001 305-688-0167
- web: www.commodoreone.com
- e-mail: cm easy@yahoo.com