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- By Shaun Bebbington.
- PREMUMBLE: Shaun is a Brit fan of all
- Retro Computing. He has convinced the
- editors of Computer Mart, a UK
- "Computer Shopper", to include a page
- on news of the old classic machines
- like the C-64 that have a life of
- their own. This is his first article:
- Remember the old days? Those
- multi-load tapes? When most things
- only needed 8 bits, and you where
- lucky to have a massive 128k.... Ahh..
- great times, great games and great
- machines. It's a shame that you can't
- find any use for them except to
- collect dust in the attic, and that
- those days have been lost forever.
- Right, what if I were to say that
- (the majority of) those retro machines
- are in some way getting legitimate
- support, even as you read... Imagine
- some of these:
- Commodore Plus/4 with 1mb ram,
- Commodore 64 & 128 with 32mbs and
- 56.6kbps external fax/modem,
- 64kb ZX81,
- Super fast Sinclair QL and more.
- Ok, so you may be thinking "What
- good's a 64k ZX81?". Luckily, help is
- at hand, as MM will guide you through
- the wierd and wonderful world of retro
- computing, So get in that attic, find
- your old machines, clean the dust off
- and let us begin - and where better to
- begin than games?
- One thing that surprises many is
- the amount of new games that are still
- being developed. As with previous
- years, 2002 will still have it's big
- releases in retro computing terms.
- Take Newcomer Enhanced for the
- C64, a game that has taken nearly 10
- years to develope. This a traditional
- RPG in the same vain as the cult
- classic Dragon Wars (Interplay) and
- other early D&D type games. In the
- game, you find that you have been
- teleported to an island, and are
- unable to remember who you are and
- excatly why you are there.
- Conversations with other residents
- shed some light on a ruling local sect
- and on another ruling power, the
- militant "Colonel". You, as a
- Newcomer, have freedom of choice to
- join any of them, or to try to find
- your own way.
- The presentation and graphics are
- certianly very polished, and the game
- itself is 8 x 5.25" disk sides, and
- that's huge in C64 terms (although
- programs are starting to get bigger).
- As well as running on a real C64, the
- programmers have kindly given
- instructions to run it on emulators,
- such as ccs64.
- Another C64 game being developed
- is Protovisions' Metal Dust - many of
- today's userbase are looking forward
- to this game with great anticipation
- and expectation.
- Metal Dust is believed to be the
- first new game to fully utilise the
- CMD SCPU accelerator card - indeed, it
- wont run without one. The game is a
- traditional horizontally scrolling
- shoot 'em up - R-Type for the 21st
- century, if you like. It will also
- feature music composed by WELLE:
- ERDBALL - a German techno/dance band.
- The samples won't be short jingles,
- but full tracks - probably another
- first for a C64 game.
- Whilst on shoot 'em ups, Commodore
- Plus/4 users will be happy to know
- that Xeo3 is being developed. Even
- with the graphical limitations of the
- machine, Xeo3 looks impressive. The
- game supports SIDcard for the Plus/4,
- to allow improved sound tracks in
- game. You can hear these on the web
- site, just download a copy of sidplug
- for your internet explorer.
- I have located a Spanish company
- that have a string of recent releases
- for the MSX, which include Sir Dan,
- Kpi Ball, and others. All come with
- colour packaging and English manuals.
- There is also an imminent release for
- the Atari Lynx and Jaguar - Cyber
- Virus from Songbird Productions.
- As for other machines such as the
- lovely ZX Spectrum, well, plenty
- happening, just not many recent or new
- games (somebody please prove me worng
- on this!), and next week? We will look
- at clones, such as the Sprinter 2000
- Spectrum clone, the Q40 Sinclair QL
- sucessor and the C64 based
- CommodoreONE machine.
- Happy computing!
- - Shaun.
- Contacts -
- C64 and C128.
- Commodore Scene Magazine and
- Importing Service,
- 14 Glamis Close, Garforth, Leeds,
- LS25 6NQ UK. (0113) 286 1573
- Email: Allan.Bairstow@btinternet.com
- Home page: www.commodorescene.org.uk
- Protovision,
- Jakob Voos, Niersstr. 1, 40547
- Duesseldorf, Germany
- Email: jtr@protovision-online.de
- Home page:www.protovision-online.de
- Commodore Plus/4.
- Xeo3,
- Email: mike@plus4.org -
- lucaoffire@hotmail.com Home page:
- www.xeo3.com
- Solder of Senergy,
- Email: solder@gmx.net Home
- page:solder-synergy.de
- Atari Jaguar and Lynx.
- Songbird Productions,
- 1736 Chippewa Drive NW, Rochester, MN
- 55901 USA
- Email:songbird@atari.net Home
- page:songbird.atari.net
- MSX.
- Club Hnostar MSX,
- Apartado de Correos, 168 - 15780
- Santiago de Compostela, Espaqa
- Email: hnostar@ctv.es Home page:
- www.hnostar.co