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- L O A D S T A R # 2 1 2
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Moaning and groaning about disk
- compatibility problems. It's
- always [something]!
- [Credits/Warranty].............Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
- Text, Title Screen, Contents, and
- Directory Printer
- [The LOADSTAR Billboard].......Side 1
- See what's showing -- and Post Your
- Bills Here!
- [LOADSTAR Label 211]...........Side 1
- Now email subscribers can stick it
- with the best of them.
- [Cheap Upgrade]................Side 1
- by Ira Sloke
- A clever an inexpensive way to get
- mass storage for your C-64.
- [Centsible Software]...........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- A look at what the largest C=
- software retailer has for you.
- [Dream Camp]...................Side 3
- by Gaelyne Gasson
- Here is a real dream that sounds
- like a lot of fun.
- [Gazette News].................Side 1
- by Christopher Ryan
- Our favorite PD Disk Monthly wants
- you to know where to send your
- order. Now with a correct address!
- [UCUGA FAQs 1].................Side 2
- by Gaelyne Gasson & Rolf Miller
- Some questions and answers about
- the United Commodore Users Group
- Association.
- [UCUGA FAQs 2].................Side 2
- by Gaelyne Gasson &
- K. Dale Sidebottom
- Some more questions and answers
- about the Association.
- [Evil Axis?]...................Side 1
- submitted by Andrew Curry
- Pres. Bush has his most hated
- threesome -- but others want in on
- the fun!
- [Heaviest Metal?]..............Side 3
- ripped from the Web
- Elementary chemistry that can have
- a lot of mass.
- [A R C A D E W A R E]
- [SuperBike]....................Side 3
- by Scott Elder
- Feel the rumble between your legs
- as you navigate four torturous
- courses.
- [It's Magic]...................Side 4
- by Andre Zschiegner, Kirk Heinrich,
- & Mark Haldukat
- Tom needs your help to jump and run
- through a world that would make
- Mario mad.
- [B R A I N W A R E]
- [Life 2].......................Side 2
- by Lance Thomas
- It's LIFE, but you take turns with
- the computer trying to eliminate
- the other.
- [Famous Americans].............Side 2
- by Roger Norton
- A famous Norton brain challenge that
- should improve your AIQ (American
- Information Quotient).
- [When Was That]................Side 2
- by Penny De Groff
- It's a quiz! It's a joystick
- challenge! It is both! You will
- need smarts and reflexes!
- [Triangulation]................Side 2
- by Dave Johannsen
- A very challenging game against
- a perfect computer. Don't forget
- that triangles can be catywompus.
- The computer certainly won't!
- [Sliding Blocks]...............Side 2
- by Brian Boese
- It looks so [easy] when you look
- at the solution! Errrr!
- [Shove It].....................Side 2
- by Dave Johannsen
- More sliding block puzzles, with
- a different style. Double Errrr!
- [H E L P W A R E]
- [LS Scroller]..................Side 3
- by Terry L. Flynn
- Add scrolling credits to your
- videos.
- [U T I T L I T Y W A R E]
- [LS Fonts].....................Side 3
- by Various LOADSTAR People
- The LS Scroller has 10 fonts
- available. Look at them here.
- [BMP to DOODLE!]...............Side 4
- by Dave Moorman
- A Q&D program that converts 320 x
- 200 black and white BMP images to
- Doodle! etchings.
- [G E O S W A R E]
- [GEOBeap 1.5]..................Side 3
- by Bo Zimmerman
- Pack and unpack 1541 disks as D64
- disk images -- plus archive any
- C= disk.
- [M E D I A W A R E]
- [Escher Gallery]...............Side 4
- by Marion Finsterwald
- Stroll through this Multi-Media
- exhibition and enjoy the etchings.
- [GoDot GIFS]...................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman with Arndt Dettke
- Bringing in the GIFS -- And seeing
- what our favorite machine can do
- with them.
- [Using GoDot]..................Side 1
- by Arndt Dettke
- The "god of GoDot" tells how to
- import GIFS, and make them look
- good.