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- S U P E R M O L E
- Program by Steve Emsley
- Text by Fender Tucker
- Is there anything in the world of
- computers that inspires more terror
- than the simple word, "bug"? Ever
- since the first "bug" was discovered
- back in the days when RAM was measured
- in dozens of bytes -- it turned out
- that it was a real bug (a moth) that
- caused the problem -- we've come to
- know bugs as those programming
- gremlins that make a computer go
- crazy, right before we were going to
- save what we'd been working on for
- five hours.
- So what do we do to combat these
- horrific bugs? We do what the CIA
- would do; we get ourselves a mole. And
- it just so happens we have a SUPER
- MOLE who loves nothing more than to
- exterminate bugs.
- Here's how it works: There are
- twenty computer configurations on this
- disk (called "levels"). To simplify
- things we show the configurations as
- grids of squares. Squares that are
- forbidden to enter look like brick
- walls. The bugs are hiding in brown
- barrel-like objects. The way to kill a
- bug is to push it with the SUPER MOLE
- to one of the cyan "bug exterminators"
- on the screen. There is always one
- exterminator square for each bug
- barrel, and only one bug can fit in an
- exterminator. Once you have all of the
- bugs moved to the exterminators, that
- "level" is solved and you move up to
- the next level.
- [-------------]
- Use a joystick in Port #2 or the
- keyboard CRSR keys to move the mole,
- which is used as a pointer on the Main
- Menu. By pressing the firebutton or
- RETURN you can select how many moles
- you have (3, 5 or 7) and which Level
- you want to start on. There are twenty
- levels on the disk, but you may add
- more if you want. See the SUPER MOLE
- MAKER program on this side of the disk
- for details.
- When you have the moles and level
- selected, you can Start the program.
- You can also quit to LOADSTAR if you
- have a LS disk in the drive. Selecting
- Help from the menu will show you your
- goal and what the bugs and
- exterminators look like.
- [-----------------]
- You move the SUPER MOLE with the
- CRSR keys or the joystick. You can
- push one (and only one) bug at a time
- with the mole, but you CANNOT pull a
- bug. If you push a bug into a corner,
- or against an edge, you probably can't
- get that bug free again. The level is
- no longer solvable and your only
- recourse is to Quit the Level, which
- destroys your current mole. It sounds
- cruel, but there's no way to kill a
- bug that can't be moved to a cyan
- exterminator, so your mole must be
- forfeited. You do this by pressing Q
- or the firebutton.
- If you are able to move all of the
- bugs to the exterminators, the level
- is "solved" and you move to the next
- level.
- Note that you cannot push two or
- more bugs at a time, and you can't
- push a bug (or even move your mole)
- through a wall.
- [------------------]
- Did I mention that time is of the
- essence when debugging programs? You
- are given ten minutes per level and if
- you don't solve it before time runs
- out you get 0 points and you lose a
- mole. If you forfeit your mole before
- time runs out you get 100 points for
- each bug you have killed, but you stay
- on that level until you solve it or
- run out of moles.
- [----------]
- Maybe this program will give you
- more of an appreciation for the danger
- and pressures that programmers face
- every day of their lives. But then
- again, maybe you'll just lean back in
- your easy chair and enjoy the puzzles,
- which are based upon the Japanese
- puzzle game, Soko Ban. In fact, if you
- like these types of puzzles, check out
- Barbara Schulak's NIGHT MISSION on LS
- #54 or Richard Hansen's WIZARD'S DOOM
- on LS #76. They are both versions of
- Soko Ban, but are quite a bit tougher
- than SUPER MOLE.
- [-----------]
- Steve wrote a little Q&D level
- maker so you can add your own levels
- to SUPER MOLE. It's REALLY Q&D (quick
- and dirty) but it does the job. It
- doesn't return to LOADSTAR so I don't
- have it accessible from the LS menu.
- Just load it directly from the disk.
- load"mole lvlmaker",dv
- Then list it and notice that the
- level you're editing is listed in line
- 5.
- NOTE: You can't edit the 20 levels on
- the LOADSTAR disk. They are in files
- called "lev01" through "lev20".
- However, you can replace them if you
- want to. To do that, just change the
- number in line 5 to the level you want
- to replace. Use two digits for levels
- 1 through 9; in other words, call them
- 01, 02, etc. If you want to keep those
- levels and add some new ones, just
- start with #21. Then you have to
- change the value of "ml" in line 115
- of "super mole" to reflect the number
- of levels you added. As with
- practically all LOADSTAR programs, you
- can then scratch and re-save "super
- mole" with "goto10000".
- The level maker is an unusual
- program because you do all of the work
- OUTSIDE the program. Set the level
- number (say, lv$="21") in line 5, then
- run the program. You'll see a grid of
- zeros in white with some colored lines
- underneath. You'll also see a "ready"
- prompt and a blinking cursor at the
- top of the screen.
- That's right. You're out of the
- program and in the immediate mode. But
- that's how Steve's level maker works.
- Right below the grid is the legend
- showing what numbers to change the
- grid to.
- 1 - will place a brick wall
- 2 - places an "exterminator" where
- a bug must be pushed to
- 3 - places a bug
- Two things to watch for. You MUST:
- (1) leave the bottom left number as
- zero. This is where your mole starts.
- (2) have the same number of 2s as
- there are 3s.
- Move the cursor onto the grid and
- start laying down a pattern. After you
- play a few levels of SUPER MOLE you'll
- get a better idea of how to design a
- level. A level MUST be solvable, or at
- least it should be. I'm afraid you
- can't test a level except by saving it
- as a level, running SUPER MOLE and
- going to that level.
- After you have the grid looking as
- you think you want it, you should save
- it in TWO ways:
- (1) Put the cursor on the green line
- that says, "goto100" and press RETURN.
- This saves the "levXX" file that SUPER
- MOLE uses.
- (2) Put the cursor on the red line
- that says, "goto300" and press RETURN.
- This saves the screen so you can come
- back later and edit it if you find you
- want (or have) to.
- [CAUTION:] In order for this little
- program to work you must be careful
- not to scroll the screen. When you
- press RETURN on any of the "goto"
- lines the "ready" prompt will appear
- below, but you must not move the
- cursor down so that the screen
- scrolls. If it does, you must reload
- the screen by putting the cursor on
- the light blue "goto200" line and
- pressing RETURN. Or you can clear the
- screen and type "goto200" followed by
- RETURN. If you haven't saved the level
- yet, you will probably have to re-run
- the program and re-do the grid.
- So after doing both saves, run
- SUPER MOLE and try out your new level.
- If it has problems, run the Level
- Maker program, set the level number in
- line 5, then put the cursor on the
- light blue "goto200" line and the grid
- will load for you to edit some more.
- You can scratch and save the Level
- Maker program with "goto10000" if you
- want. This will preserve the level
- number in line 5 so you will
- automatically be working on the last
- level you created.
- This is a crazy way of doing
- things but I got a kick out of it. I
- doubt if I would have ever thought of
- it. Steve's method is very clever and
- shows how powerful the C-64's screen
- editor is. I probably could have spent
- a couple of days making a full-
- featured editor, but when deadlines
- are looming over the Tower like a
- swarm of acid-spewing locusts, it pays
- to be a little crazy.
- FT