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- The Commodore Gallery
- Text by Dave Moorman
- Thanks to JPZ, the JPEG image
- viewer written by Stephen Judd and
- Adrian Gonzolez, we Sixtyfourians can
- now enjoy photos and other images made
- for other computers.
- [NOTE:] Rendering a JPEG takes time.
- See below.
- It is only fitting that our first
- installment of The Commodore Gallery
- looks at Steve. Much of what we have
- is in his own words, ripped from his
- web site. So, print out this article,
- Run the JPZ View program, and enjoy
- visiting with this bright star in the
- C= galaxy.
- Stephen Judd grew up in northern
- New Mexico, got his Ph.D. at
- Northwestern University in Evanston,
- IL (north edge of Chicago) then
- returned to Los Alamos to work for the
- government. Exactly what Steve does is
- not to be bandied about in an
- international disk digest. What he
- does it on is one of the fastest
- computers known to humanity.
- So friends and associates alike
- ask:
- WHAT kind of computer did you say
- you use at home?
- "A Commodore 64, of course.
- "Well, what can I say? After
- spending years with the big and
- expensive modern computers, I decided
- to go back to using a computer which
- was actually fun.
- "Fun to use, fun games, and
- extremely fun to program -- pure
- computing satisfaction.
- "Let's face it; computing is no
- longer fun. It is extremely expensive
- and often very frustrating. And there
- is a rather dull sameness to computer
- hardware and software -- the same as
- other programs, and just a bigger/
- faster version of last year's hardware
- and software. There is a distinct lack
- of imagination and inventiveness these
- days. Ho hum, how droll.
- "But then there's the amazing
- little 64, king of the amazing 8-bit
- computers. A guy can understand every
- bit of every byte of the machine, and
- still think up new things to do with
- it. The older games and such are still
- awfully cool. And the new hardware is
- quite nifty too -- users today have
- megabytes of RAM, large hard drives,
- and high speed modems, among other
- clever gadgets."
- When it comes to clever software
- gadgets, Steve is one of the great
- innovators. Here is the listing of
- programs and other stuff he has put on
- his web page -- The Fridge: A Code
- Storage Unit. (Note: I just ripped
- this list and removed neat stuff that
- was obviously by others. Anything
- below that is [not] by Steve is
- certainly something he considers very
- useful for C= programmers.)
- [Magazines]
- C=Hacking (Steve became editor of
- C=Hacking on issue #17)
- disC=overy (Co-editor)
- [SuperCPU]
- pppatch: 24-bit peek/poke load/save
- patch.
- detect-scpu.s: Routine to detect a
- 65816.
- brixpack.s: SuperCPU pack/depack
- routine.
- [Utilities]
- kobb.s: My custom "kernal" routines:
- block move, string/number
- manipulation, screen i/o, etc.
- ascii32.s: A routine to convert a 32
- bit number to ASCII and print it
- to the screen.
- ascii2bin.text: A description of an
- ASCII to binary number converter.
- hextodec.txt: Another routine to
- convert hex/decimal numbers to
- strings, and vice-versa.
- numinput.txt: Another routine for
- reading in numbers from keyboard.
- 8to9.txt: A routine for converting
- between eight- and nine-bit
- numbers.
- [Programs]
- Sirius: 65816 Assembler (massively
- upgraded El Cheapo)
- jpx/jpz: JPEG viewers for the C64.
- obj3d: The 3d object library, for
- creating 3D worlds.
- El Cheapo Assembler: A 65816
- assembler for the SCPU.
- Tunesmith: A powerful music
- composer.
- supermon.s: Original SuperMON
- source code.
- super64.o: Original SuperMON
- binary.
- jammon: A SuperCPU ML monitor.
- lib3d: The 3d toolbox.
- Blahtune: A music composer.
- BLARG1.0: Basic Language Graphics
- extension (hires bitmapped).
- To get a perspective on the rest
- of Steve's life, check out his
- observations on and interest in
- astronomy and music.
- "I had the good fortune of growing
- up in a small mountain town with
- clear, unpolluted skies. And like much
- of my good fortune I was too dumb to
- recognize or take advantage of it. By
- the time I hit graduate school, I was
- pretty interested in science, and so
- was interested in things like black
- holes and the universe in general --
- but still never went out looking at
- stars.
- "Towards the end of graduate
- school, while writing my Ph.D. thesis,
- I thought it would be nice to buy my
- dad a telescope for Christmas, as he
- used to do a fair amount of
- stargazing. So I began researching the
- issue -- and became so doggone
- interested, nay, obsessed, that I
- started to figure, heck with 'ol dad.
- "Not very healthy as far as a
- Ph.D. thesis is concerned, and Chicago
- isn't exactly a prime observing spot,
- but I was able to get in a bunch of
- good observing sessions, both with
- friends and alone. (In fact, once I
- got busted by the cops, for being in a
- forest preserve after sundown, which
- made me feel like a REAL astronomer).
- "Now, it just so happens that I
- got a job in the same town as dear old
- dad, and knew I would be staying at
- his place until I found one of my own,
- so...
- "I bought an 8 inch Newtonian
- scope (Celestron Starhopper, if you're
- interested) for dad (i.e. me!). Those
- clear mountain skies are just perfect
- for deep sky observing.
- "Naturally I took it for several
- test drives before wrapping it up. I
- mean, this is my dad, right? I don't
- want to give him something that
- doesn't even work, right? And I was
- never alone with Miss Lewinsky,
- right?
- "For myself, I also bought a pair
- of binoculars. Between the binos and
- the scope I have had many thoroughly
- enjoyable viewing sessions, both in
- Chicago and in Los Alamos. As a rank
- amateur, I can only look forwards to
- all the new adventures and discoveries
- to come.
- "I enjoy performing music,
- listening to music, and writing music.
- I began playing violin when I was five
- and played through high school, but
- wasn't all that good (probably because
- I didn't practice much). Midway
- through college, I started taking it
- seriously.
- "I bought a beautiful new violin
- the summer before my senior year in
- college. In graduate school I got to
- play in several chamber groups. It
- turned out our department had several
- musicians in it. I also played in
- summer orchestra one year. I would
- love to play regularly again, so if
- anyone out there in the northern New
- Mexico area wants to play, please
- email me!
- "I also figured out how to sing
- while in graduate school, and sang
- with a good church choir for several
- years.
- "Currently I direct a youth choir,
- recently started a handbell choir, and
- sometimes sing in an adult choir. I
- also sometimes play in the community
- orchestra.
- "I also enjoy listening to music.
- I used to make tapes off the radio
- when I was 5 or so, and still have a
- few. I grew up listening to rock and
- roll, later learned to like classical
- (helpful for a violinist...), and more
- recently have gotten strongly into
- jazz. I sure do listen to a lot of
- jazz these days -- I'd even like to
- learn to improvise on piano -- so
- email me if you want to talk some
- jazz, or suggest some stuff for me to
- listen to, or, heck, talk about any
- good music.
- "Finally, I became inte ested in
- music composition a few years back. I
- wrote a composition program for my
- computer, and have used it to write
- several tunes. Composition is really
- unexplored territory for me, but very
- enjoyable -- a different kind of
- problem solving than usual."
- Steve and Laura married this
- August. We wish them the best --
- hoping, of course, that marital bliss
- does not interfere [too] much with
- Steve's other love!
- We do need to warn you if you have
- not used JPZ before: rendering a JPEG
- image takes quite awhile --
- 4 minutes on a stock 64.
- 2 minutes on VICE in Warp Mode.
- 0.75 minutes with a Super CPU.
- Also, VICE and other emulator users
- MUST switch on True Drive. The Drive
- Setting must be on 1581 (for a D81
- LOADSTAR). Then press <Alt-O><T>.
- (Then again, if you are using an
- emulator, copy the file "A" to a
- regular subdirectory on you PC, rename
- it to "steve.jpg", and look at it in
- full VGA splendor.)