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- id room
- short The Exit
- action look
- ptell At last, you see the exit! But it's
- ptell guarded by a mean-looking goblin who
- ptell blocks your way north!
- ptell
- ptell Back south is the rest of the dungeon.
- action south
- alias s
- pmove 4
- action north
- alias n
- ptell The goblin blocks your way and says:
- ptell Over my dead body, scumbreath!
- action hint
- ptell Kill goblin! Kill goblin!
- action exa goblin
- ptell As you look at it, it peers back at
- ptell you. It's certainly not friendly!
- fset? 2
- goto hey
- return
- label hey
- ptell The goblin says: Hah! Back again, eh?
- action kill goblin
- pgot? 2
- goto kill
- fset? 2
- goto die
- ptell You have no weapon to defend yourself!
- ptell The goblin strikes you a bloody blow
- ptell and you feel half dead! Quickly, you
- ptell retreat, blood dripping off you.
- fset+ 2
- return
- label die
- ptell The goblin says: I warned you!
- ptell The goblin strikes again, and you fall
- ptell back on the ground ... dead!
- pkill
- label kill
- ptell The goblin proves no match against
- ptell the powerful sword and you make short
- ptell work of it! Quickly you run for free
- ptell air, knowing only all you have left
- ptell is to write a better ending to this
- ptell adventure game! What fun!
- pkill