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- id room
- short The Trash Heap
- action look
- ptell You're in what looks like the goblins'
- ptell trash heap. Crates and barrels are
- ptell strewn everywhere. An exit leads north.
- ptell
- fset? 1
- goto done
- ptell An anvil is in a corner, untouched by
- ptell the trash. A sword is stuck in it.
- return
- label done
- ptell An anvil is in a corner.
- action hint
- ptell The use of tools will help!
- action north
- alias n
- pmove 4
- action exa trash
- alias exa crates
- alias exa barrels
- ptell This place is a mess!
- action exa anvil
- alias exa sword
- fset? 1
- goto yep
- ptell The sword is stuck in the anvil. A
- ptell sharp pull seems to do no good.
- return
- label yep
- ptell The sword in the anvil has been taken.
- action use hammer with sword
- ptell That doesn't work!
- action use hammer with anvil
- pgot? 1
- goto ok
- ptell What hammer?
- return
- label ok
- fset? 1
- goto nope
- ptell With a whack, you free the sword and
- ptell it leaps into your hands!
- pgive 2
- fset+ 1
- return
- label nope
- ptell You just make a lot of noise!
- return