home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 goto17
- 2 g$="":poke198,0:u=53280
- 3 geta$:print"[164]"+chr$(157);
- 4 ifa$=""then3
- 5 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprintchr$(32):return
- 6 if(a$=chr$(20)andlen(g$))theng$=left$(g$,len(g$)-1):goto15
- 7 iflen(g$)>=ln%thent%=peek(u):pokeu,1:pokeu,t%:goto3
- 8 if((ty%and2)=2)and(a$>="[193]")and(a$<"[218]")then14
- 9 if((ty%and2)=2)and(a$>="a")and(a$<="z")then14
- 10 if((ty%and4)=4)and(a$>="0")and(a$<="9")then14
- 11 if((ty%and8)=8)and(a$>=chr$(32))and(a$<=chr$(127))then14
- 12 ifa$=chr$(32)then14
- 13 goto3
- 14 g$=g$+a$
- 15 printa$;:ifa$=chr$(34)thenpoke212,0
- 16 goto3
- 17 poke53281,.:poke53280,.:print"[147][154]"
- 18 poke56,63:poke55,253:clr
- 19 v=13*16*256:open2,0
- 20 pokev+17,peek(v+17)and239
- 21 fort=1to6:print" [207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208][207][208]"
- 22 print" [204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186][204][186]":next
- 23 print"[154][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]"
- 24 print"[180] video pro-titler[154] [167]"
- 25 print"[180] [155]video pro-titler[154] [167]"
- 26 print"[180] [152]video pro-titler[154] [167]"
- 27 print"[180] [151]video pro-titler[154] [167]"
- 30 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]"
- 31 gosub61000
- 32 pokev+17,(peek(v+17)and239)or16
- 34 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 36 dim mt%(210),tm%(62),nb%(62),co$(7)
- 37 poke147,.:sys57812"pro-titler.ml",8,1:sys62631
- 38 a=49152
- 39 fort=0to210:mt%(t)=peek(a):a=a+1:next
- 40 fort=0to62:tm%(t)=peek(a):a=a+1:next
- 41 fort=0to62:nb%(t)=peek(a):a=a+1:next
- 42 fort=828to887:poket,peek(a):a=a+1:next
- 43 fort=49152to49673:poket,peek(a):a=a+1:next
- 44 fort=0to7:readco$(t):next
- 45 poke147,0:sys57812"nofrills",8,1:sys62631
- 46 fi=16384:la=fi:ma=32768:cu=la:nx=ca:cn=1
- 47 cf$="nofrills":tc=14:bc=0:sc=0:mc=7
- 48 sp$=" "
- 49 data"end of sequence","","","clear screen"
- 50 data"enter scroll mode","enter fixed mode","pause for","go to line"
- 51 print"[147][152][213][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][201]"
- 52 print"[221] [158]v[154]ideo [158]p[154]ro-[158]t[154]itler [152][221]"
- 53 print"[202][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][203]"
- 54 print"[158]press"
- 55 print"1 [154]add to current sequence"
- 56 print"[158]2 [154]edit current sequence"
- 57 print"[158]3 [154]clear current sequence"
- 58 print"[158]4 [154]load a sequence"
- 59 print"[158]5 [154]save a sequence"
- 60 print"[158]6 [154]view current sequence"
- 61 print"[158]7 [154]load a font"
- 62 print"[158]8 [154]change screen colors"
- 63 print"[158]9 [154]exit to loadstar"
- 64 print"[152][171][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][179]"
- 65 print"[154]current font: "+cf$
- 66 print"[154]memory free:";max-la;"[154] bytes"
- 67 print "memory used:";la-fi;"[154] bytes"
- 68 print "[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][158]-->[154] ";
- 69 gosub 274
- 70 ifg$<"1"org$>"9"thenprint"[157]";:goto69
- 71 g=val(g$)
- 72 onggoto73,74,193,197,202,211,245,250,264
- 73 cu=la:g$="[158]add to current sequence[154]":goto75
- 74 cu=fi:g$="[158]edit current sequence[154]"
- 75 print"[147]"+g$
- 76 print"ctrl-c: clear screen":print"ctrl-g: goto line [210][210]"
- 77 print"ctrl-p: pause for [210][210] seconds"
- 78 print"ctrl-s: enter scroll mode":print"ctrl-f: enter fixed mode"
- 79 print"ctrl-b: [210][210] blank lines":print"ctrl-l: enter a line of text"
- 80 print"ctrl-1/2/3: left/center/right justify"
- 81 print"ctrl-u: underline the above line"
- 82 print"ctrl-x: return to main menu"
- 83 print"return: go to next command"
- 84 print"inst/del: insert or delete a command"
- 85 print"[152][171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][154]"
- 86 print"[152] [192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192] [154]"
- 87 gosub291
- 88 poke1983,32:getg$:ifg$=""then88
- 89 poke1983,42:poke56255,14
- 90 ifg$<>""then92
- 91 nn=1:gosub314:pokecu,4:goto87
- 92 ifg$<>""then 94
- 93 nn=1:gosub314:pokecu,5:goto87
- 94 ifg$<>""then96
- 95 nn=1:gosub314:pokecu,3:goto87
- 96 ifg$<>""then105
- 97 print"goto what line (1-23)? ";:ty%=4:ln%=2:gosub2
- 98 print"";
- 99 ifval(g$)>23orval(g$)<1thenprintsp$;"[145]";:goto97
- 100 nn=3:gosub314
- 101 pokecu,7:g=(val(g$)-1)*40
- 102 pokecu+1,(g/256-int(g/256))*256
- 103 pokecu+2,g/256
- 104 printsp$;"[145]";:goto87
- 105 ifg$<>""then115
- 106 print"how many seconds (.1-60)? ";:ty%=8:ln%=2:gosub2:sd=val(g$)
- 107 print"";
- 108 ifsd<0orsd>60thenprintsp$;"[145]";:goto106
- 109 gosub326
- 110 nn=3:gosub314
- 111 pokecu,6:g=val(g$)*120
- 112 pokecu+1,(g/256-int(g/256))*256
- 113 pokecu+2,g/256
- 114 printsp$;"[145]";:goto87
- 115 ifg$<>""then122
- 116 print"how many blank lines? ";:ty%=4:ln%=3:gosub2
- 117 print"";
- 118 ifval(g$)<1thenprintsp$;"[145]";:goto116
- 119 nn=val(g$):gosub314
- 120 fort=1toval(g$):pokecu+t-1,1:next
- 121 printsp$;"[145]";:goto87
- 122 ifg$=""then51
- 123 ifg$<>chr$(13)then126
- 124 ifcu=lathen87
- 125 cu=nxt:goto87
- 126 ifg$<>"[148]"then130
- 127 fort=latocustep-1
- 128 poket+cn,peek(t):next
- 129 la=la+cn:goto87
- 130 ifg$<>chr$(20)then134
- 131 for t=cu to la-cn
- 132 poke t,peek(t+cn):next
- 133 la=la-cn:goto 87
- 134 ifg$<>""then149
- 135 print"enter line":ty%=8:ln%=39:gosub2:ifg$=""theng$=" "
- 136 print" ":printsp$
- 137 nn=82:gosub314:poke cu,2:poke cu+41,2:n=1:m=1
- 138 ca=asc(mid$(g$,n,1))-32:ifca>62thenca=0
- 139 pokecu+m,tm%(ca):pokecu+m+41,tm%(ca)
- 140 ifnb%(ca)>1thenpokecu+m+41,tm%(ca)+1
- 141 ifnb%(ca)=4thenpokecu+m+1,tm%(ca)+2:pokecu+m+42,tm%(ca)+3
- 142 n=n+1:m=m+1:ifnb%(ca)>2thenm=m+1
- 143 ifn>len(g$)then146
- 144 ifm<40then138
- 145 goto87
- 146 pokecu+m,0:pokecu+m+41,0
- 147 m=m+1:ifm<41then146
- 148 goto87
- 149 ifg$<>"[144]"then160
- 150 ifpeek(cu)<>2then87
- 151 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t)):next
- 152 t=0
- 153 ifleft$(x$,1)=chr$(0)thenx$=right$(x$,39)+chr$(0):t=t+1:ift<41then153
- 154 fort=1to40:pokecu+t,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 155 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t+41)):next
- 156 t=0
- 157 ifleft$(x$,1)=chr$(0)thenx$=right$(x$,39)+chr$(0):t=t+1:ift<41then157
- 158 fort=1to40:pokecu+t+41,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 159 goto87
- 160 ifg$<>""then172
- 161 ifpeek(cu)<>2then87
- 162 t=40
- 163 ifpeek(cu+t)=0thent=t-1:ift>1then163
- 164 x=int((40-t)/2):ifx=0then87
- 165 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t)):next
- 166 fort=1tox:x$=chr$(0)+x$:next:x$=left$(x$,40)
- 167 fort=1to40:pokecu+t,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 168 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t+41)):next
- 169 fort=1tox:x$=chr$(0)+x$:next:x$=left$(x$,40)
- 170 fort=1to40:pokecu+t+41,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 171 goto87
- 172 ifg$<>""then183
- 173 ifpeek(cu)<>2then87
- 174 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t)):next
- 175 t=0
- 176 ifright$(x$,1)=chr$(0)thenx$=chr$(0)+left$(x$,39):t=t+1:ift<41then176
- 177 fort=1to40:pokecu+t,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 178 x$="":fort=1to40:x$=x$+chr$(peek(cu+t+41)):next
- 179 t=0
- 180 ifright$(x$,1)=chr$(0)thenx$=chr$(0)+left$(x$,39):t=t+1:ift<41then180
- 181 fort=1to40:pokecu+t+41,asc(mid$(x$,t,1)):next
- 182 goto87
- 183 ifg$<>""then88
- 184 ifpeek(cu-82)<>2then87
- 185 nn=41:gosub314
- 186 s=1:fort=1to40
- 187 ifpeek(cu-82+t)=0then191
- 188 ifs=0then pokecu+t,173
- 189 ifs=1thenpokecu+t,193:s=0
- 190 goto192
- 191 pokecu+t,32:s=1
- 192 next:pokecu,2:goto87
- 193 print"[147][158]clear current sequence[154]"
- 194 print"are you sure? (y/n) ";:gosub274
- 195 ifg$="y"thenla=fi
- 196 goto51
- 197 print"[147][158]load a sequence[154]"
- 198 gosub279
- 199 print"loading... ";
- 200 sys864:la=peek(16382)+peek(16383)*256:rem whoa
- 201 gosub285:goto51
- 202 print"[147][158]save a sequence[154]"
- 203 gosub279:x$=g$
- 204 print"delete old file with same name? (y/n) ";:gosub274
- 205 print:print"saving... ";:ifg$<>"y"then207
- 206 open15,8,15:print#15,"s0:"+x$:close15
- 207 poke16382,(la/256-int(la/256))*256
- 208 poke16383,la/256
- 209 poke857,peek(16382):poke859,peek(16383)
- 210 sys828:gosub285:goto51:rem whoa
- 211 print"[147][158]view current sequence[154]"
- 212 print"enter the scrolling speed (1-30):"
- 213 print"1=fastest;30=slowest"
- 214 print"enter speed: ";:ty%=4:ln%=2:gosub2:g=val(g$):ifg<1org>30theng=3
- 215 poke49450,g:poke251,g
- 216 print"auto-repeat? (y/n) ";:gosub274:x$=g$:print
- 217 print"[158]instructions:[154]"
- 218 print"1. press return"
- 219 print"2. wait for the tone"
- 220 print"3. prepare recording equipment (if"
- 221 print" applicable)"
- 222 print"4. press return to start sequence"
- 223 print
- 224 gosub274:ifg$<>chr$(13)then224
- 225 print"[147]initializing... wait for tone"
- 226 fort=34816to35816:poket,0:next
- 227 fort=35840to36840:poket,0:next
- 228 print"[147]":poke56578,peek(56578)or3
- 229 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1
- 230 poke53272,32:poke53265,(peek(53265)and240)or7
- 231 pokela,0:poke53281,sc:poke53280,bc
- 232 fort=55296to56295:poket,tc:next
- 233 poke151,140:poke150,136
- 234 v=(13*16+4)*256
- 235 pokev,0:pokev+1,40:pokev+5,0:pokev+6,250
- 236 pokev+23,0:pokev+24,15:pokev+4,33:pokev+4,32
- 237 getg$:ifg$<>chr$(13)then237
- 238 sys49168:getg$:rem whoa
- 239 ifx$="y"then 238
- 240 pokev+24,0:poke56578,peek(56578)or3
- 241 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3
- 242 poke53272,20:poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 243 poke53265,(peek(53265)and240)or11
- 244 goto 51
- 245 print"[147][158]load a font[154]"
- 246 gosub279
- 247 print"loading... ";
- 248 sys864:cf$=g$:rem whoa
- 249 gosub285:goto 51
- 250 print"[147][158]change screen color"
- 251 print"[154]color values:"
- 252 print"0 - black[146] [129]8 - orange"
- 253 print"1 - white [149]9 - brown"
- 254 print"2 - red [150]10 - lt red"
- 255 print"[159]3 - cyan [151]11 - dk grey"
- 256 print"[156]4 - purple [152]12 - med grey"
- 257 print"5 - green [153]13 - lt green"
- 258 print"6 - blue [154]14 - lt blue"
- 259 print"[158]7 - yellow [155]15 - lt grey[154]"
- 260 print"enter border color: ";:ty%=4:ln%=2:gosub2:bc=val(g$)and15
- 261 print"enter screen color: ";:ty%=4:ln%=2:gosub2:sc=val(g$)and15
- 262 print"enter text color: ";:ty%=4:ln%=2:gosub2:tc=val(g$)and15
- 263 goto51
- 264 print"[147][158] exit to loadstar[154]"
- 265 print" are you sure? (y/n)";
- 266 gosub274:ifg$<>"y"andg$<>"n"then266
- 267 ifg$="n"then51
- 268 poke56,160:poke55,0:clr
- 269 poke53281,6:poke53280,14:print"[147]";
- 270 close2
- 271 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%:close15
- 272 ifer%<>63thenend
- 273 load"hello connect",8
- 274 print" [146]";
- 275 getg$:ifg$=""then275
- 276 ifg$=>"0"andg$<="9"thenprint"[157]";g$;
- 277 ifg$=chr$(30)then274
- 278 return
- 279 print"enter filename: ";:ty%=8:ln%=8:gosub2
- 280 ifg$=""then return
- 281 iflen(g$)>8theng$=left$(g$,8)
- 282 g=len(g$):poke838,g:poke874,g
- 283 fort=820to819+g:poket,asc(mid$(g$,t-819,1)):next
- 284 return
- 285 if(statusand131)=0thenreturn
- 286 print"disk error: ";
- 287 if(statusand128)>0thenprint"device not present"
- 288 if(statusand2)>0thenprint"can't read"
- 289 if(statusand1)>0thenprint"can't write"
- 290 print"[154]press any key... ";:gosub274:open15,8,15,"io":close15:return
- 291 print"";sp$;"[145]";
- 292 ifcu=lathencn=0:print:goto313
- 293 c=peek(cu):print" "+co$(c);
- 294 oncgoto296,304,312,312,312,300,302
- 295 goto312
- 296 n=0:t=cu
- 297 ifpeek(t)<>1ort=lathen299
- 298 n=n+1:t=t+1:goto 297
- 299 printn;"blank lines":nxt=cu+n:cn=n:goto313
- 300 cn=3:nxt=cu+3:g=peek(cu+1)+peek(cu+2)*256
- 301 sh=g/120:gosub329:printsk;"seconds":goto313
- 302 cn=3:nxt=cu+3:g=peek(cu+1)+peek(cu+2)*256
- 303 g%=g/40:printg%+1:goto313
- 304 ifpeek(cu+1)=32orpeek(cu+1)=193then311
- 305 t=1
- 306 ca=mt%(peek(cu+t)):printchr$(ca);
- 307 t=t+1:ifca>31thenifnb%(ca-32)>2thent=t+1
- 308 ift<41then306
- 309 cn=82:nxt=cu+82:print"[154]":goto313
- 310 nxt=cu+41:goto313
- 311 print"underline[154]":cn=41:nxt=cu+cn:goto310
- 312 nxt=cu+1:cn=1
- 313 print"";:return
- 314 ifcn>0then316
- 315 cn=nn:la=la+nn:nxt=cu+nn:return
- 316 ifcn=nnthenreturn
- 317 ifcn>nnthen322
- 318 x=nn-cn
- 319 fort=latocu+cnstep-1
- 320 poket+x,peek(t):next
- 321 la=la+x:nxt=nxt+x:cn=nn:return
- 322 x=cn-nn
- 323 fort=cu+nntola
- 324 poket,peek(t+x):next
- 325 la=la-x:nxt=nxt-x:cn=nn:return
- 326 ifsd>1thengoto328
- 327 sf=sd/2:g$=str$(sf):return
- 328 sg=sd-2:sf=3+(sg*.5):g$=str$(sf):return
- 329 ifsh<3thengoto331
- 330 sj%=sh*2:sk=sj%-4:return
- 331 sj%=sh*20:sk=sj%/10:return
- 61000 poke214,15:print:print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][152]"
- 61130 fori=1to3:print" ":next
- 61150 print" published on loadstar #61 "
- 61160 print" subscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
- 61170 print" changing this notice is illegal "
- 61180 print" "
- 61190 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185]"
- 61200 au$="video pro-titler":poke214,17:print:printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$
- 61210 au$="by bill wind & john allen (c) 1988":poke214,18:print
- 61220 printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$"":return