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- 100 rem ******************************
- 110 rem * video pro-titler companion *
- 120 rem * font editor version 2.1 *
- 130 rem * programmed by john allen *
- 140 rem * fonts & docs by bill wind *
- 150 rem * m-l code by scott e. resh *
- 160 rem * *
- 170 rem * (c) 1989 by john f. allen *
- 180 rem * william c. wind *
- 190 rem * scott e. resh *
- 200 rem ******************************
- 210 poke53281,.:print"[147]":gosub1290
- 220 poke147,.:sys57812"fe.ml",8,1:sys62631
- 230 print" [208]lease press any key to begin..."
- 240 geta$:ifa$=""then240
- 250 printchr$(9);chr$(142);chr$(9);
- 260 poke56,128:clr:rem do not remove!!
- 270 sp$=" "
- 280 print "[147]";
- 290 printtab(22);"draw/erase"
- 300 printtab(22)"char reverse"
- 310 printtab(28)"change"
- 320 printtab(28)"clear"
- 330 printtab(28)"copy"
- 340 printtab(22)"paste over"
- 350 printtab(28)"with"
- 360 printtab(28)"reverse"
- 370 printtab(22)"shift up"
- 380 printtab(28)"down"
- 390 printtab(28)"left"
- 400 printtab(28)"right"
- 410 printtab(22)"flip left-right"
- 420 printtab(22)" top-bottom"
- 430 printtab(22)"font load"
- 440 printtab(22)" save"
- 450 printtab(22)"exit to loadstar"
- 460 printtab(27);"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]";
- 470 print"video pro-titler companion font editor "
- 480 print"[144] (c) 1989 by john allen and bill wind"
- 490 print" [151]machine language by scott e. resh"
- 500 :
- 510 print"";
- 520 fort=1to16:print" [204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][204][146]":nextt
- 530 dimn$(63)
- 540 fort=0to62:readn$(t):nextt
- 550 ch=0:fe=34500
- 560 sysfe+18:rem init sprites
- 570 :
- 580 print"";:printn$(ch);sp$
- 590 sysfe+21:rem call 'wkrp'
- 600 onpeek(252)goto640,800,830,1080
- 610 :
- 620 rem ------ c h a n g e ------------
- 630 :
- 640 poke53280,(peek(53280)and15)+1
- 650 sysfe+9:j=peek(252)
- 660 ifj<>4then690
- 670 ifch=0then650
- 680 ch=ch-1:poke251,ch:sysfe+15:goto750
- 690 ifj<>2then720
- 700 ifch=62then650
- 710 sysfe+12:ch=ch+1:poke251,ch:goto750
- 720 ifj<>5then650
- 730 poke53280,abs((peek(53280)-1))and15
- 740 sysfe+24:poke53269,63:goto580
- 750 sysfe+6:print"";:printn$(ch);sp$
- 760 goto650
- 770 :
- 780 rem ----- load & save fonts ------
- 790 :
- 800 gosub890:ifp=0thengoto580
- 810 sysfe:sysfe+6:ch=0:goto580
- 820 :
- 830 gosub890:ifp=0thengoto580
- 840 open15,8,15:print#15,"s0:"+a$
- 850 close15:sysfe+3:ch=0:goto580
- 860 :
- 870 rem-------------------------------
- 880 :
- 890 print"";sp$
- 900 print"[156]";
- 910 a$="":poke198,.
- 920 getf$:print"[164][157]";
- 930 iff$=""then920
- 940 iff$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":goto1010
- 950 if(f$=chr$(20)andlen(a$))thena$=left$(a$,len(a$)-1):print"[157] [157][157]";:goto920
- 960 iflen(a$)=16then920
- 970 iff$=chr$(34)then920
- 975 av=asc(f$)
- 980 if((av<32)or(av>127))then920
- 990 a$=a$+f$:printf$;:goto920
- 1000 :
- 1010 print"[145] ";
- 1020 p=len(a$):ifp=0thenreturn
- 1030 ifp>16thenp=0:return
- 1040 poke252,p:fort=1top:poke679+t,asc(mid$(a$,t,1)):nextt:return
- 1050 :
- 1060 rem----- return to loadstar ------
- 1070 :
- 1080 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 1090 ifer<>63thenprint"[147]":end
- 1100 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke53281,7:poke53280,7:print"[147]"
- 1110 print"[158]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 1120 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 1130 :
- 1140 dataa,b,c,d,e,f,g,!,quotes
- 1150 datah,i,1,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t
- 1160 datau,v,w,x,y,z,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
- 1170 datacopyright (@),$,dot (%),&
- 1180 dataapostrophe,(,),comma,*
- 1190 dataunderline,double line (=)
- 1200 datadash,period,/,colon,semicolon
- 1210 dataleft end of thick line ([)
- 1220 dataright end of thick line (])
- 1230 dataleft end of underline,space
- 1240 datathick line (\),?
- 1250 dataright end of double line (>)
- 1260 dataleft end of double line (<)
- 1270 datacheck mark (#)
- 1280 :
- 1290 poke214,13:print:print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][152]"
- 1300 fori=1to5:print" ":next
- 1310 print" [208]ublished on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] #61 "
- 1320 print" [211]ubscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
- 1330 print" [195][200][193][206][199][201][206][199][160][212][200][201][211][160][206][207][212][201][195][197][160][201][211][160][201][204][204][197][199][193][204] "
- 1340 print" "
- 1350 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185]"
- 1360 au$="[214]ideo [208]ro-[212]itler [195]ompanion":poke214,15
- 1370 print:printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$
- 1380 au$="[198] [207] [206] [212] [197] [196] [201] [212] [207] [210]":poke214,16:print
- 1390 printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$""
- 1400 au$="[194]y [202]ohn [193]llen & [194]ill [215]ind ([195]) 1989":poke214,18:print
- 1410 printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$"":return