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- 100 print"[147]"
- 215 poke 53280,00: poke 53281,00
- 265 bl$=" "
- 270 t=ti: po$="[207][198][198][146][154].": dn=3: sa=0
- 280 if (ti-t)<60 then 280
- 290 print "[147][153] [212]rail [215]est [201]nstructions [205]enu"
- 300 print " 1[152]) [154][199]eneral [208]rinciples."
- 310 print " 2[152])[154] [195]reating and [205]erging a [212]rail."
- 320 print " 3[152])[154] [194]uying [211]tock."
- 330 print " 4[152])[154] [215]inning the [199]ame."
- 335 print " 5[152])[154] [208]rinter [207]ption: ";po$
- 345 print " 6[152])[154] [210]eturn to [212]rail [215]est menu"
- 350 print"[197]nter [211]election :"
- 360 get mn$: if mn$="" then 360
- 370 mn=val(mn$): if mn<1 or mn>6 then 360
- 380 on mn goto 400, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000
- 390 print "[208]ress c[146] to continue."
- 392 get a$: if a$<>"c" then 392
- 393 print "[147]";: return
- 400 gosub 2990
- 410 print#4,left$(bl$,11-20*(dn<>3));"[199]eneral [208]rinciples"
- 420 print#4
- 430 print#4,"[212]he object of [212][210][193][201][204] [215][197][211][212] is to become ";
- 440 if dn=3 then print#4
- 450 print#4,"wealthiest player by the end of the"
- 460 print#4,"game. [212]he way to accumulate wealth is ";
- 470 if dn=3 then print#4
- 480 print#4,"to establish freight companies between"
- 490 print#4,"the cities of the [207]ld [215]est shown on ";
- 500 if dn=3 then print#4
- 510 print#4,"the screen map. [201]f you shrewdly buy"
- 520 print#4,"the right stock at the right time and ";
- 530 if dn=3 then print#4
- 540 print#4,"merge companies in which you think you"
- 550 print#4,"have a controlling interest, you will ";
- 560 if dn=3 then print#4
- 570 print#4,"find yourself quite rich indeed."
- 590 print#4
- 600 print#4,"[212]he game can be played by 2 to 4 play";
- 610 if dn=3 then print#4,"-"
- 620 print#4,"ers. [201]t is a very absorbing strategy"
- 630 print#4,"game which will take about an hour to ";
- 640 if dn=3 then print#4
- 650 print#4,"finish. [212]he game requires a joystick"
- 660 print#4,"plugged into game port 2 of your ";
- 670 if dn=3 then print#4
- 680 print#4,"[195]ommodore-64."
- 690 print#4
- 700 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 710 print#4,"[212]o begin the game, enter the names of ";
- 720 if dn=3 then print#4
- 730 print#4,"all players into the computer. [201]t will"
- 740 print#4,"then select which player will have the ";
- 750 if dn=3 then print#4
- 760 print#4,"first turn."
- 770 print#4
- 780 print#4,"[193] turn consists of placing a player's ";
- 790 if dn=3 then print#4
- 800 print#4,"piece on the matching square on the"
- 810 print#4,"game map. [201]f this creates a new trail ";
- 820 if dn=3 then print#4
- 830 print#4,"or causes a merger, the computer will"
- 840 print#4,"automatically handle the details of ";
- 850 if dn=3 then print#4
- 860 print#4,"these items. [211]ee [195]reating and [205]erging"
- 870 print#4,"a [212]rail."
- 880 print#4
- 890 print#4,"[212]hen you may purchase stock in any of ";
- 900 if dn=3 then print#4
- 910 print#4,"the active trails on the map. [212]he only"
- 920 print#4,"limit to the number of stocks you may ";
- 930 if dn=3 then print#4
- 940 print#4,"purchase is the amount of cash you have"
- 950 print#4,"on hand. [211]ee [194]uying [211]tock."
- 951 print#4
- 955 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 960 print#4,"[193]fter purchasing stock, the play goes ";
- 965 if dn=3 then print#4
- 970 print#4,"to the next player. [201]n the meantime"
- 971 print#4,"the computer will pay you interest on ";
- 972 if dn=3 then print#4
- 973 print#4,"your entire holdings - cash and stock."
- 974 print#4
- 975 print#4,"[212]here are two more options on the play ";
- 976 if dn=3 then print#4
- 977 print#4,"menu: the [211][212][203] and [195][193][204] options. [212]he [211][212][203]"
- 978 print#4,"option will display your stock hold";
- 979 if dn=3 then print#4,"-"
- 980 print#4,"ings and the amount of cash you have."
- 981 print#4,"[212]he [195][193][204] option is described in [215]inning ";
- 982 if dn=3 then print#4
- 983 print#4,"the [199]ame."
- 984 print#4
- 985 print#4,"[211]ince there is a limit of five active ";
- 986 if dn=3 then print#4
- 987 print#4,"[212]rail [195]ompanies on the map, it may be"
- 988 print#4,"possible that you cannot play any of ";
- 989 if dn=3 then print#4
- 990 print#4,"your pieces. [201]f, after trying them all,"
- 991 print#4,"you find none can be played, a [208][193][211] ";
- 992 if dn=3 then print#4
- 993 print#4,"option is added to the play menu. [212]his"
- 994 print#4,"permits you to discard one piece, and ";
- 995 if dn=3 then print#4
- 996 print#4,"continue your turn."
- 997 print#4
- 998 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 999 close 4: goto 290
- 1000 gosub 2990
- 1010 print#4,left$(bl$,6-20*(dn<>3));"[195]reating and [205]erging a [212]rail"
- 1020 print#4
- 1030 print#4,"[193][160][212]rail [195]ompany is created at any time ";
- 1040 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1050 print#4,"you play a piece on the map that is"
- 1060 print#4,"adjacent to one already on the map ";
- 1070 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1080 print#4,"(vertical or horizontal [206][207][212] diagonal)."
- 1090 print#4,"[201]n addition, placing a piece adjacent ";
- 1100 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1110 print#4,"to one of the cities (yellow diamonds)"
- 1120 print#4,"will create a [212]rail [195]ompany. [195]reating ";
- 1130 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1140 print#4,"a new [212]rail [195]ompany brings a bonus of"
- 1150 print#4,"five shares of stock in that company."
- 1160 print#4
- 1170 print#4,"[193] maximum of 5 [212]rail [195]ompanies may be ";
- 1180 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1190 print#4,"on the map at any given time. [193]ny piece"
- 1200 print#4,"which would create a sixth trail may ";
- 1210 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1220 print#4,"not be placed on the map."
- 1230 print#4
- 1240 print#4,"[208]laying a piece adjacent to one in an ";
- 1250 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1260 print#4,"existing trail will expand the length"
- 1270 print#4,"of that trail and increase the value ";
- 1280 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1290 print#4,"of all stock in that [212]rail [195]ompany by"
- 1300 print#4,"$100 ($600 if the piece adds a city)."
- 1310 print#4
- 1320 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 1330 print#4,"[205]erging two or more [212]rail [195]ompanies ";
- 1340 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1345 print#4,"is done when a piece is placed on the"
- 1350 print#4,"map so that it is adjacent to all of ";
- 1355 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1360 print#4,"the [212]rails. [212]he [212]rail with the greater"
- 1365 print#4,"length becomes the controlling [212]rail ";
- 1366 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1367 print#4,"and takes over the now defunct [212]rails."
- 1370 print#4
- 1375 print#4,"[193]t merger time, the stock market will ";
- 1380 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1385 print#4,"pay a bonus to the two shareholders"
- 1390 print#4,"with the largest number of shares in ";
- 1395 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1400 print#4,"the defunct trail. [212]he computer will"
- 1405 print#4,"calculate these bonuses which are ";
- 1410 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1415 print#4,"based on the price of the stock, [206][207][212] on"
- 1420 print#4,"how many shares are held."
- 1425 print#4
- 1430 print#4,"[201]n addition, the stock in the defunct ";
- 1435 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1440 print#4,"[212]rail [195]ompany is traded at the rate of"
- 1445 print#4,"two shares of defunct stock for one ";
- 1450 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1475 print#4,"share of the controlling stock."
- 1480 print#4
- 1485 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 1490 close 4: goto 290
- 1500 gosub 2990
- 1510 print#4,left$(bl$,14-20*(dn<>3));"[194]uying [211]tock"
- 1520 print#4
- 1530 print#4,"[211]tock purchases are made by selecting ";
- 1540 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1550 print#4,"one of the stock types from the stock"
- 1560 print#4,"menu. [205]ove the joystick up or down to ";
- 1570 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1580 print#4,"circle the name of the stock you wish"
- 1590 print#4,"to purchase. [217]ou may purchase stock ";
- 1600 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1610 print#4,"only in an active [212]rail [195]ompany. [212]o"
- 1612 print#4,"buy stock, press the fire button."
- 1620 print#4
- 1630 print#4,"[193] window opens and you can select the ";
- 1640 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1650 print#4,"number of stocks to purchase. [212]his is"
- 1660 print#4,"accomplished by again moving the joy";
- 1670 if dn=3 then print#4,"-"
- 1680 print#4,"stick up or down to select the number"
- 1690 print#4,"of stocks and pressing the fire button."
- 1700 if dn=4 then print#4
- 1704 print#4,"[211]tock prices may be calculated by mul";
- 1705 if dn=3 then print#4,"-"
- 1706 print#4,"tiplying the number of pieces in the"
- 1707 print#4,"[212]rail [195]ompany by $100, the number of ";
- 1708 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1709 print#4,"cities connected by $500, and adding"
- 1710 print#4,"the two numbers. [215]hen the stock price ";
- 1711 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1712 print#4,"passes $3000, it then splits 2 for 1."
- 1713 print#4
- 1714 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 1716 print#4,"[201]f this stock purchase window does not ";
- 1717 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1718 print#4,"open, then you have requested to make"
- 1719 print#4,"a stock purchase in an inactive [212]rail ";
- 1720 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1722 print#4,"[195]ompany. [212]his is against the rules."
- 1728 print#4
- 1730 print#4,"[212]here are two options shown below the ";
- 1740 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1750 print#4,"stock names. [212]he first, abbreviated as"
- 1760 print#4,"[211][212][203], will simply open a window to show ";
- 1770 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1780 print#4,"your current stock portfolio and the"
- 1790 print#4,"amount of cash you have."
- 1800 print#4
- 1810 print#4,"[212]he other is the [197][206][196] option. [212]his will ";
- 1820 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1830 print#4,"signal the computer that your turn is"
- 1840 print#4,"complete."
- 1850 print#4
- 1860 print#4,"[212]he strategy for purchasing stock is ";
- 1870 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1880 print#4,"quite simple. [217]ou wish to have more"
- 1890 print#4,"stock in a given [212]rail [195]ompany than ";
- 1900 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1910 print#4,"any other player in the game."
- 1920 print#4
- 1925 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 1930 print#4,"[212]his stock majority will pay off when ";
- 1940 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1950 print#4,"a merger occurs in the form of a cash"
- 1960 print#4,"bonus paid to the top two stock owners.";
- 1965 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1967 if dn<>3 then print#4," ";
- 1970 print#4,"[212]hus you will wish to purchase stock"
- 1975 print#4,"in those smaller [212]rail [195]ompanies that ";
- 1977 if dn=3 then print#4
- 1980 print#4,"seem close to a takeover by a larger"
- 1985 print#4,"[212]rail [195]ompany."
- 1987 print#4
- 1988 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 1990 close 4: goto 290
- 2000 gosub 2990
- 2010 print#4,left$(bl$,12-20*(dn<>3));"[215]inning the [199]ame"
- 2020 print#4
- 2030 print#4,"[212]here are two ways of ending a game of ";
- 2040 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2050 print#4,"[212][210][193][201][204] [215][197][211][212]. [212]he first is to call the"
- 2060 print#4,"game using the [195][193][204] option on the play ";
- 2070 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2080 print#4,"menu. [212]his will allow any player to end"
- 2090 print#4,"the game if it is to his advantage, ";
- 2100 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2110 print#4,"but only if any trail is more than 41"
- 2120 print#4,"segments in length."
- 2130 print#4
- 2140 print#4,"[212]he second way to end a game is to let ";
- 2150 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2160 print#4,"the computer do so after about 80"
- 2170 print#4,"plays have been made. [212]his number ";
- 2175 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2180 print#4,"appears in the upper right corner of"
- 2185 print#4,"the map."
- 2190 print#4
- 2200 print#4,"[193]fter either condition has been met, ";
- 2210 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2220 print#4,"the computer will calculate the total"
- 2230 print#4,"value of cash and stocks for each of ";
- 2240 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2250 print#4,"the players in the game. [212]he player"
- 2260 print#4,"with the highest net worth is the ";
- 2270 if dn=3 then print#4
- 2280 print#4,"winner."
- 2290 print#4
- 2480 if dn=3 then gosub 390
- 2490 close 4: goto 290
- 2500 if po$="[207][206][146][154]. " then po$="[207][198][198][146][154].": dn=3: sa=0:goto290
- 2510 po$="[207][206][146][154]. ":dn=4:sa=7
- 2515 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>0then 2520
- 2517 goto 290
- 2520 print" [208][210][201][206][212][197][210] [206][207][212] [196][197][212][197][195][212][197][196] "
- 2530 ford=1to2000:next
- 2590 goto 2500
- 2600 print "[147] [195]redits"
- 2610 print
- 2620 print "[212]rail [215]est [195]reated by:"
- 2630 print
- 2640 print " [210]ichard [198]. [196]aley, [208]h[196]"
- 2650 print " [197]asy[215]are"
- 2660 print " [208].[207]. [194]ox 217"
- 2670 print " [195]ollege [208]lace, [215][193] 99324"
- 2680 print
- 2690 end
- 2990 print"[147]";
- 2991 ifdn<>3thenprint"[208]rinting....[208]lease [215]ait"
- 2992 open4,dn,sa:return
- 3000 close dn:
- 3020 print"[147][208]lease wait while loading..."
- 3030 print "[144]load "chr$(34)"trail west"chr$(34)",8"
- 3040 print"run":poke631,asc(""):poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:end