home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 rem trail west game
- 110 rem and window magic routines
- 120 rem trail west copyright 1987
- 130 rem window magic copyright 1986
- 140 rem by richard f. daley
- 150 rem
- 160 rem may be copied for personal use only
- 170 rem any form of sale or distribution
- 180 rem without permission is forbidden.
- 190 rem
- 200 poke 53280,13: poke 53281,11: sys 14848: a=rnd(rnd(-ti))
- 210 rem
- 220 rem *** initialization segment ***
- 230 rem
- 240 print "[147]";chr$(142);chr$(8): gosub 3930
- 250 dim bd%(10,13),cc(5),sh%(5,4),nm$(5),pn$(4),s(5),sp%(5),as%(5)
- 260 dim xb%(4,5),yb%(4,5),pc%(10,13),bc%(8)
- 270 for i=1 to 5
- 280 for j=1 to 4: sh%(i,j)=0: xb%(j,i)=-1: yb%(j,i)=-1: next j
- 290 ts(i)=0: sp%(i)=100: as%(i)=0: cc(i)=6000: next i
- 300 nm$(1)="[150]apache courier ltd": nm$(2)="[156]buffalo freight"
- 310 nm$(3)="[152]canyon shipping co": nm$(4)="[154]denver stage inc"
- 320 nm$(5)="[153]eldorado express": (NULL)
- 330 ex$(1)="[150]aph": ex$(2)="[156]buf": ex$(3)="[152]cny": ex$(4)="[154]dnv": ex$(5)="[153]eld"
- 340 tk$="[146].[146]+[158][146][218][150]a[156]b[152]c[154]d[153]e": sp=0
- 350 cd$=""
- 360 jy$="[158][213][195][195][195][201][157][157][157][157][157][194][194][157][157][157][157][157][202][195][195][195][203]"
- 370 bj$="[158] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] "
- 380 bl$=" ": bl$=bl$+bl$
- 390 for i=1 to 9: for j=1 to 12: pc%(i,j)=0
- 400 if int(rnd(1)*20)+1<>10 then bd%(i,j)=1: goto 420
- 410 bd%(i,j)=3
- 420 next j,i: (NULL)(4,5,5,23): (NULL)(1,15,0,32,20,20)
- 430 t$="[150]plug a joystick into port 2, then press"
- 440 t$=t$+chr$(13)+"fire[146] to continue."
- 450 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 460 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb then 460
- 470 (NULL)(3)
- 480 (NULL)(13,9,4,20): (NULL)(1,14,0,32,20,20)
- 490 t$="[159]how many players are there (2-4)?": (NULL)(1,t$): pl=2
- 500 print left$(cd$,16);tab(26);pl
- 510 for i3=1 to 50: next i3
- 520 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): jy=15-(15 and jv)
- 530 if fb=0 then 590
- 540 if jy=1 then pl=pl+1
- 550 if jy=2 then pl=pl-1
- 560 if pl<2 then pl=4
- 570 if pl>4 then pl=2
- 580 goto 500
- 590 print "[147][158]"
- 600 get a$: if a$<>"" then 600
- 610 for i=1 to pl: print
- 620 print "player";i;: input "what is your name [157][157][157][157]";pn$(i)
- 630 next i: print "now i[146] will decide who will go first..."
- 640 ma=80-(pl=3)
- 650 for i3=1 to 100: j3=j3+1: next i3
- 660 i=int(pl*rnd(1)+1): print pn$(i);" is the first player to move."
- 670 for i3=1 to 500: j3=j3+1: next i3
- 680 mv=0: (NULL): print "[147]": gosub 2190
- 690 ps=3000
- 700 p=i: goto 790
- 710 rem
- 720 rem *** main game loop ***
- 730 rem
- 740 mv=mv+1: if mv=ma then 3780
- 750 p=p+1: if p=pl+1 then p=1
- 760 rem
- 770 rem *** select playing pieces ***
- 780 rem
- 790 for i3=1 to 5
- 800 if yb%(p,i3)>0 then if xb%(p,i3)>0 then 880
- 810 y%=9*rnd(1)+1: x%=12*rnd(1)+1
- 820 if pc%(y%,x%)=1 then 810
- 830 for i1=i3-1 to 0 step-1
- 840 if y%=yb%(p,i1) then if x%=xb%(p,i1) then i1=0: next i1: goto 810
- 850 next i1
- 860 if bd%(y%,x%)>1 then 810
- 870 pc%(y%,x%)=1: yb%(p,i3)=y%: xb%(p,i3)=x%
- 880 next i3
- 890 rem
- 900 rem *** get player move ***
- 910 rem
- 920 for i3=1 to 5: mv%(i3)=0: next i3: ap=0
- 930 print left$(cd$,24);"";pn$(p);", your move. ": jy=1
- 940 t$=chr$(13)+"[159]":for i=1 to 5
- 950 t$=t$+str$(yb%(p,i))+" "+chr$(64+xb%(p,i))+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 960 next i: t$=t$+" stk"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+" cal"
- 970 if ap=1 then t$=t$+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+" pas"
- 980 (NULL)(4,31,(17+2*ap),8): (NULL)(0,1,42,32,5,5)
- 990 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 1000 print left$(cd$,6+2*(jy-1));tab(32);jy$
- 1010 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): jv=15-(jv and 15)
- 1020 if fb=0 then 1140
- 1030 if jv=1 or jv=2 then 1050
- 1040 goto 1010
- 1050 print left$(cd$,6+2*(jy-1));tab(32);bj$
- 1060 if jv=1 then jy=jy-1
- 1070 if jv=2 then jy=jy+1
- 1080 if jy<1 then jy=7+ap
- 1090 if jy>(7+ap) then jy=1
- 1100 goto 1000
- 1110 rem
- 1120 rem *** perform selected move ***
- 1130 rem
- 1140 (NULL)(3)
- 1150 if jy=6 then gosub 3100: goto 930
- 1160 if jy=7 then 3300
- 1170 if ap=1 then if jy=8 then 3510
- 1180 r=yb%(p,jy): c=xb%(p,jy)
- 1190 a1=bd%(r-1,c): a2=bd%(r+1,c): a3=bd%(r,c+1): a4=bd%(r,c-1)
- 1200 for i1=1 to 5: if as%(i1)=0 then i1=5: next i1: goto 1310
- 1210 next i1
- 1220 if a1>3 or a2>3 or a3>3 or a4>3 then 1310
- 1230 if a1=2 then if a2<4 then if a3<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1240 if a2=2 then if a1<4 then if a3<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1250 if a3=2 then if a1<4 then if a2<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1260 if a4=2 then if a1<4 then if a2<4 then if a3<4 then 3430
- 1270 if a1=3 then if a2<4 then if a3<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1280 if a2=3 then if a1<4 then if a3<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1290 if a3=3 then if a1<4 then if a2<4 then if a4<4 then 3430
- 1300 if a4=3 then if a1<4 then if a2<4 then if a3<4 then 3430
- 1310 yb%(p,jy)=-1: xb%(p,jy)=-1
- 1320 if a1>1 then 1340
- 1330 if a2<=1 then if a3<=1 then if a4<=1 then bd%(r,c)=2: goto 1690
- 1340 if a1=<3 then 1380
- 1350 if a2>3 then if a2<>a1 then gosub 2340
- 1360 if a3>3 then if a3<>a1 then gosub 2340
- 1370 if a4>3 then if a4<>a1 then gosub 2340
- 1380 if a2>3 then if a3>3 then if a3<>a2 then gosub 2340
- 1390 if a2>3 then if a4>3 then if a4<>a2 then gosub 2340
- 1400 if a3>3 then if a4>3 then if a4<>a3 then gosub 2340
- 1410 if a1<4 then if a2<4 then if a3<4 then if a4<4 then 1490
- 1420 if bd%(r,c)>3 then 1690
- 1430 if a1>3 then i=a1-3
- 1440 if a2>3 then i=a2-3
- 1450 if a3>3 then i=a3-3
- 1460 if a4>3 then i=a4-3
- 1470 bd%(r,c)=i+3
- 1480 as%(i)=as%(i)+1: sp%(i)=sp%(i)+100: goto 1540
- 1490 for i=1 to 5: if as%(i)=0 then 1510
- 1500 next i: if bd%(r,c)<3 then bd%(r,c)=2: gosub 2190: goto 1730
- 1510 t$="a new shipping company has been formed! "
- 1520 t$=t$+"it's name is "+chr$(13)+" "+nm$(i)
- 1530 sh%(i,p)=sh%(i,p)+5: as%(i)=1: hs=1
- 1540 if a1=3 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+500
- 1550 if a2=3 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+500
- 1560 if a3=3 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+500
- 1570 if a4=3 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+500
- 1580 if a1=2 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+100: as%(i)=as%(i)+1: bd%(r-1,c)=i+3
- 1590 if a2=2 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+100: as%(i)=as%(i)+1: bd%(r+1,c)=i+3
- 1600 if a3=2 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+100: as%(i)=as%(i)+1: bd%(r,c+1)=i+3
- 1610 if a4=2 then sp%(i)=sp%(i)+100: as%(i)=as%(i)+1: bd%(r,c-1)=i+3
- 1620 if sp%(i)>=ps then t1=i: gosub 2970
- 1630 bd%(r,c)=i+3: as%(i)=as%(i)+1: gosub 2190: (NULL)
- 1640 if hs=1 then hs=0: gosub 3710
- 1650 if sp=0 then 1730
- 1660 print left$(cd$,23);tab(4);"[153]press fire[146] to continue.": sp=0
- 1670 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb then 1670
- 1680 (NULL)(3): goto 1730
- 1690 gosub 2190
- 1700 rem
- 1710 rem *** check for stock buys ***
- 1720 rem
- 1730 for i=1 to 5: cc(p)=cc(p)+int(.05*sh%(i,p)*sp%(i)): next i
- 1740 t=0: for i=0 to 5: t=t+as%(i): next i
- 1750 if t=0 then 740
- 1760 t$="[159]purch"+chr$(13): for i=1 to 5
- 1770 t$=t$+" "+ex$(i)+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 1780 next i: t$=t$+" [155]stk"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+" end"
- 1790 (NULL)(4,31,18,8): (NULL)(1,13,0,32,5,5)
- 1800 (NULL)(1,t$): jy=1
- 1810 print left$(cd$,7+2*(jy-1));tab(32);jy$
- 1820 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): jv=15-(jv and 15)
- 1830 if fb=0 then 1920
- 1840 if jv=1 or jv=2 then 1860
- 1850 goto 1820
- 1860 print left$(cd$,7+2*(jy-1));tab(32);bj$
- 1870 if jv=1 then jy=jy-1
- 1880 if jv=2 then jy=jy+1
- 1890 if jy<1 then jy=7
- 1900 if jy>7 then jy=1
- 1910 goto 1810
- 1920 if jy=6 then gosub 3100: goto 1810
- 1930 if jy=7 then: (NULL)(3): goto 740
- 1940 if as%(jy)=0 then: (NULL)(3): goto 1760
- 1950 t$="[155]how many shares of "+nm$(jy)
- 1960 mx=int(cc(p)/sp%(jy)): t1$=str$(mx): t1$=right$(t1$,len(t1$)-1)
- 1970 t$=t$+"[155] to buy? (max ="+t1$+")"+chr$(13)
- 1980 t$=t$+"your cash $"+str$(cc(p))+chr$(13)+"?[154]"
- 1990 (NULL)(16,6,7,22): (NULL)(1,5,0,32,1,1)
- 2000 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 2010 ct=0
- 2020 print left$(cd$,22);tab(8);ct;"[157] "
- 2030 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): jv=15-(jv and 15)
- 2040 if fb=0 then 2120
- 2050 if jv=1 or jv=2 then 2070
- 2060 goto 2030
- 2070 if jv=1 then ct=ct+1
- 2080 if jv=2 then ct=ct-1
- 2090 if ct<0 then ct=mx
- 2100 if ct>mx then ct=0
- 2110 goto 2020
- 2120 sh%(jy,p)=sh%(jy,p)+ct: cc(p)=cc(p)-(ct*sp%(jy))
- 2130 (NULL)(3)
- 2140 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb=0 then 2140
- 2150 goto 1810
- 2160 rem
- 2170 rem *** screen update routine ***
- 2180 rem
- 2190 if wn=3 then 2250
- 2200 print "[147][155]";tab(15);"trail west"
- 2210 (NULL)(3,3,14,29): (NULL)(1,14,0,32,5,5): wn=3
- 2220 t$=" map of the west "+chr$(13)
- 2230 t$=t$+" a b c d e f g h i j k l"
- 2240 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 2250 print left$(cd$,5);tab(28);"[158]";mv
- 2260 print left$(cd$,7)
- 2270 for r2=1 to 9: print tab(4);"[155]";r2;: for c2=1 to 12
- 2280 print mid$(tk$,1+(3*(bd%(r2,c2)-1)),3);"[146] ";
- 2290 next c2: print: next r2
- 2300 (NULL): (NULL): return
- 2310 rem
- 2320 rem *** check for chain adjacent to piece played ***
- 2330 rem
- 2340 f1=a1-3: if f1<0 then f1=0
- 2350 f2=a2-3: if f2<0 then f2=0
- 2360 f3=a3-3: if f3<0 then f3=0
- 2370 f4=a4-3: if f4<0 then f4=0
- 2380 t=as%(f1): t1=f1: if as%(f2)>as%(f1) then t=as%(f2): t1=f2
- 2390 if as%(f3)>t then t=as%(f3): t1=f3
- 2400 if as%(f4)>t then t=as%(f4): t1=f4
- 2410 if f1=t1 or a1<4 then 2430
- 2420 x=f1: gosub 2530
- 2430 if f2=t1 or a2<4 then 2450
- 2440 x=f2: gosub 2530
- 2450 if f3=t1 or a3<4 then 2470
- 2460 x=f3: gosub 2530
- 2470 if f4=t1 or a4<4 then 2490
- 2480 x=f4: gosub 2530
- 2490 return
- 2500 rem
- 2510 rem *** announce merger ***
- 2520 rem
- 2530 t$=" [218][218][218] special announcement[146] [218][218][218]"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 2540 t$=t$+nm$(x)+" has just been "
- 2550 t$=t$+"merged into "+nm$(t1)+"!"+chr$(13)
- 2560 t$=t$+"please note the following transactions:"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 2570 t$=t$+" old stock = "+nm$(x)+chr$(13)
- 2580 t$=t$+" new stock = "+nm$(t1)+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 2590 t$=t$+" player old new total bonus[159]"+chr$(13)
- 2600 (NULL)(3,2,(pl+16),37): (NULL)(0,7,81,32,5,5)
- 2610 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 2620 for i=1 to pl: th=sh%(x,i)
- 2630 t$=left$(pn$(i)+bl$,7)+left$(bl$,4+(th>9)+(th>99)+(th>999)): th=sh%(t1,i)
- 2640 t$=t$+str$(sh%(x,i))+left$(bl$,4+(th>9)+(th>99)+(th>999))
- 2650 th=sh%(t1,i)+int((.5*sh%(x,i))+.5)
- 2660 t$=t$+str$(sh%(t1,i))+left$(bl$,4+(th>9)+(th>99)+(th>999))+str$(th)+" $"
- 2670 x1=0: for i1=1 to pl: x1=x1+sh%(x,i1): next i1
- 2680 th=int(10*((sh%(x,i)/x1)*sp%(x)))
- 2690 t$=t$+left$(bl$,5+(th>9)+(th>99)+(th>999)+(th>9999))+str$(th)
- 2700 (NULL)(t$): next i
- 2710 for i=1 to pl: sh%(t1,i)=sh%(t1,i)+int((.5*sh%(x,i))+.5)
- 2720 cc(i)=cc(i)+int(10*((sh%(x,i)/x1)*sp%(x))): next i
- 2730 for i=1 to 9: for j=1 to 12: if bd%(i,j)=x+3 then bd%(i,j)=t1+3
- 2740 next j,i
- 2750 a1=bd%(r-1,c): a2=bd%(r+1,c): a3=bd%(r,c+1): a4=bd%(r,c-1)
- 2760 fi=a1-3: if f1<0 then f1=0
- 2770 f2=a2-3: if f2<0 then f2=0
- 2780 as%(t1)=as%(t1)+as%(x): sp%(t1)=sp%(t1)+sp%(x)
- 2790 if sp%(t1)>ps then gosub 2970
- 2800 f3=a3-3: if f3<0 then f3=0
- 2810 f4=a4-3: if f4<0 then f4=0
- 2820 sp%(x)=100: as%(x)=0: for i=1 to pl: sh%(x,i)=0: next i
- 2830 if a1=2 then sp%(t1)=sp%(t1)+100: as%(t1)=as%(t1)+1: bd%(r-1,c)=t1+3
- 2840 if a2=2 then sp%(t1)=sp%(t1)+100: as%(t1)=as%(t1)+1: bd%(r+1,c)=t1+3
- 2850 if a3=2 then sp%(t1)=sp%(t1)+100: as%(t1)=as%(t1)+1: bd%(r,c+1)=t1+3
- 2860 if a4=2 then sp%(t1)=sp%(t1)+100: as%(t1)=as%(t1)+1: bd%(r,c-1)=t1+3
- 2870 if sp%(t1)>ps then gosub 2970
- 2880 bd%(r,c)=t1+3
- 2890 print left$(cd$,pl+17);tab(3);"[155]press fire[146] to continue."
- 2900 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb then 2900
- 2910 (NULL)(3): gosub 2190
- 2920 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb=0 then 2900
- 2930 return
- 2940 rem
- 2950 rem *** announce 2 for 1 stock split ***
- 2960 rem
- 2970 t$=nm$(t1)+" [158]stock"
- 2980 t$=t$+" has split 2: 1!"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"[153]press fire[146] to continue."
- 2990 sp%(t1)=int(sp%(t1)/2)
- 3000 for i1=1 to pl: sh%(t1,i1)=2*sh%(t1,i1): next i1
- 3010 (NULL)(14,8,6,28): (NULL)(1,15,0,32,5,5)
- 3020 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 3030 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb then 3030
- 3040 (NULL)(3)
- 3050 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb=0 then 3050
- 3060 return
- 3070 rem
- 3080 rem *** display individual holdings ***
- 3090 rem
- 3100 ns=0: for i3=1 to 5: if sp%(i3)>100 then ns=ns+1
- 3110 next i3
- 3120 (NULL)(10,2,(8+ns-(ns=0)),28): (NULL)(1,13,0,32,5,5)
- 3130 t$="stock price holdings"+chr$(13)+chr$(13)
- 3140 if ns=0 then t$=t$+" none"+chr$(13)
- 3150 for i3=1 to 5: if sp%(i3)=100 then 3180
- 3160 t$=t$+" "+ex$(i3)+""+left$(bl$,3+(sp%(i3)>999))+str$(sp%(i3))
- 3170 t$=t$+left$(bl$,6+(sh%(i3,p)>9)+(sh%(i3,p)>99))+str$(sh%(i3,p))+chr$(13)
- 3180 next i3
- 3190 t$=t$+chr$(13)+" available cash $"
- 3200 t1$=str$(cc(p)): t1$=right$(t1$,len(t1$)-1)
- 3210 t$=t$+t1$+chr$(13)+chr$(13)+"[153]press fire[146] to continue."
- 3220 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 3230 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb then 3230
- 3240 (NULL)(3)
- 3250 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): if fb=0 then 3250
- 3260 return
- 3270 rem
- 3280 rem *** check for valid call game request ***
- 3290 rem
- 3300 for i3=3 to 7: bc%(i3)=0
- 3310 next i3
- 3320 for i3=1 to 9: for j3=1 to 12
- 3330 if bd%(i3,j3)<3 then 3350
- 3340 bc%(bd%(i3,j3))=bc%(bd%(i3,j3))+1
- 3350 next j3: next i3
- 3360 ns=0: for i3=3 to 7: if bc%(i3)=0 then 3380
- 3370 if bc%(i3)>ns then ns=bc%(i3)
- 3380 next i3: if ns>40 then 3780
- 3390 goto 930
- 3400 rem
- 3410 rem *** check to set pass flag ***
- 3420 rem
- 3430 mv%(jy)=1: kk=0: ap=0
- 3440 for i3=1 to 5: if mv%(i3)=1 then kk=kk+1
- 3450 next i3
- 3460 if kk=5 then ap=1
- 3470 goto 930
- 3480 rem
- 3490 rem *** discard player selected piece ***
- 3500 rem
- 3510 (NULL)(17,5,6,27): (NULL)(1,4,0,32,5,5)
- 3520 t$="which piece to discard:"+chr$(13)+chr$(13): for i=1 to 5
- 3530 t$=t$+str$(yb%(p,i))+" "+chr$(64+xb%(p,i))+" ": next i
- 3540 (NULL)(1,t$): jy=1
- 3550 print left$(cd$,20);tab(1+5*jy);jy$
- 3560 jv=peek(56320): fb=(jv and 16): jv=15-(jv and 15)
- 3570 if fb=0 then 3660
- 3580 if jv=4 or jv=8 then 3600
- 3590 goto 3560
- 3600 print left$(cd$,20);tab(1+5*jy);bj$
- 3610 if jv=4 then jy=jy-1
- 3620 if jv=8 then jy=jy+1
- 3630 if jy<1 then jy=5
- 3640 if jy>5 then jy=1
- 3650 goto 3550
- 3660 (NULL)(3): pc%(yb%(p,jy),xb%(p,jy))=0
- 3670 yb%(p,jy)=-1: xb%(p,jy)=-1: goto 1730
- 3680 rem
- 3690 rem *** display merger announcement ***
- 3700 rem
- 3710 (NULL)(16,3,8,32): (NULL)(0,14,90,32,20,5)
- 3720 t$=" [218][218][218] special announcement[146] [218][218][218]"++chr$(13)+chr$(13)+t$+chr$(13)
- 3730 (NULL)(1,t$)
- 3740 sp=1: return
- 3750 rem
- 3760 rem *** end of game standings ***
- 3770 rem
- 3780 print "[147]the game is over.": print"here are the final standings."
- 3790 print tab(10);"cash value";tab(22);"cash"
- 3800 print "player","of stock","on hand","net worth"
- 3810 print "[168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168]"
- 3820 for i=1 to pl: for j=1 to 5: ts(i)=ts(i)+(sp%(j)*sh%(j,i)): next j,i
- 3830 for i=1 to pl: print pn$(i);tab(11)"$";ts(i);tab(20);"$";cc(i);
- 3840 print tab(30);"$";ts(i)+cc(i): next i
- 3850 print "another game? ";
- 3860 get a$
- 3870 if a$="y" then print a$: clr: goto 240
- 3880 if a$<>"n" then 3860
- 3890 sys 64738
- 3900 rem
- 3910 rem *** title page ***
- 3920 rem
- 3930 print "[147]";tab(2);"[158] [146] [223][146] [169] [223][146] [146] [146]"
- 3940 print tab(2);" [146] [146] [146] [169][146][169] [223][223][146] [146] [146]"
- 3950 print tab(2);" [146] [146] [146] [169][146][169] [223][223][146] [146] [146]"
- 3960 print tab(2);" [146] [146][169] [146] [146] [146]"
- 3970 print tab(2);" [146] [146][223][223][146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 3980 print tab(2);" [146] [146] [223][223][146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 3990 print tab(2);" [146] [146] [223][223][146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 4000 print tab(19);"by"
- 4010 print tab(12);"richard f. daley"
- 4020 print tab(19);"and"
- 4030 print tab(13);"sally j. daley"
- 4040 print tab(6);"[158] [146] [146] [146] [169] [223][146] [146]"
- 4050 print tab(6);" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 4060 print tab(6);" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 4070 print tab(6);" [146] [169][223][146] [146] [146] [223] [223][146] [146]"
- 4080 print tab(6);" [146] [169][146][169][223][223][146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 4090 print tab(6);" [169][146][169] [223][223] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
- 4100 print tab(6);" [146][169] [223] [146] [146] [223] [146][169] [146]"
- 4110 return