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/ Loadstar 30 / 030.d81 / pt4 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1986-01-01  |  7.3 KB  |  391 lines

  1. 2 dimvt$(24),ht$(40)
  2. 3 vt$(1)="":fori=2to24:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
  3. 4 ht$(1)="":fori=2to40:ht$(i)=ht$(i-1)+"":next
  4. 5 s1$=""+ht$(3):s2$=""+ht$(10):s3$=""+ht$(22):s4$=""+ht$(30):sx$=ht$(3)
  5. 170 print"[147]";
  6. 295 prints1$"7[193]"
  7. 375 prints1$"[198]"
  8. 415 prints1$"[195]l"
  9. 455 prints1$"[194]r"
  10. 495 prints1$"[201]"
  11. 535 prints1$"[193]t"
  12. 575 print""s2$"  [206]ame"
  13. 615 prints2$"[198]luorine"
  14. 625 prints2$"[195]hlorine"
  15. 655 prints2$"[194]romine"
  16. 665 prints2$"[201]odine"
  17. 675 prints2$"[193]statine"
  18. 695 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
  19. 735 prints3$"  9"
  20. 745 prints3$" 17"
  21. 755 prints3$" 35"
  22. 775 prints3$" 53"
  23. 785 prints3$" 85"
  24. 815 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  25. 855 prints4$"18.9984"
  26. 865 prints4$"35.453"
  27. 895 prints4$"79.909"
  28. 905 prints4$"126.904"
  29. 935 prints4$"210"
  30. 970 tx=2:ty=3:nu=5:gosub10000
  31. 975 print:printsx$"[212]his group, ";
  32. 980 printchr$(18);
  33. 985 print"[200][193][204][207][199][197][206][211][146]";
  34. 995 print", is entirely"
  35. 1015 printsx$"made of non-metals. [212]hey have seven"
  36. 1055 printsx$"electrons in the outer shell, and"
  37. 1095 printsx$"they have an oxidation number of -1."
  38. 1135 printsx$"[193]ll are diatomic, or found in twos,"
  39. 1175 printsx$"except astatine."
  40. 1210 gosub6530
  41. 1290 print"[147]";
  42. 1335 prints1$"8[193]"
  43. 1415 prints1$"[200]e"
  44. 1455 prints1$"[206]e"
  45. 1495 prints1$"[193]r"
  46. 1535 prints1$"[203]r"
  47. 1575 prints1$"[216]e"
  48. 1615 prints1$"[210]n"
  49. 1655 print""s2$"  [206]ame"
  50. 1695 prints2$"[200]elium"
  51. 1705 prints2$"[206]eon"
  52. 1735 prints2$"[193]rgon"
  53. 1745 prints2$"[203]rypton"
  54. 1755 prints2$"[216]enon"
  55. 1775 prints2$"[210]adon"
  56. 1815 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
  57. 1855 prints3$"  2"
  58. 1865 prints3$" 10"
  59. 1875 prints3$" 18"
  60. 1895 prints3$" 36"
  61. 1905 prints3$" 54"
  62. 1915 prints3$" 86"
  63. 1935 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  64. 1975 prints4$"4.0026"
  65. 1985 prints4$"20.183"
  66. 2015 prints4$"39.948"
  67. 2025 prints4$"83.8"
  68. 2055 prints4$"131.3"
  69. 2065 prints4$"222"
  70. 2090 tx=2:ty=3:nu=6:gosub10000
  71. 2095 print:printsx$"[212]he ";
  72. 2100 printchr$(18);
  73. 2105 print"[206][207][194][204][197] [199][193][211][197][211][146]";
  74. 2115 print" are the most stable"
  75. 2135 printsx$"elements known to man. [212]heir outer"
  76. 2175 printsx$"shells are completely filled, thus"
  77. 2215 printsx$"they have no ionic charge."
  78. 2250 gosub6530
  79. 2330 print"[147]";
  80. 2375 print:printht$(11)"[212]ransition elements"
  81. 2415 print:printsx$"[212]his group includes 31 elements. [215]hat"
  82. 2455 printsx$"makes these metals special is the"
  83. 2495 printsx$"fact that they have multiple oxi-"
  84. 2535 printsx$"dation numbers."
  85. 2575 printvt$(9)s1$"3[194]"
  86. 2655 prints1$"[211]c"
  87. 2695 prints1$"[217]"
  88. 2735 prints1$"[204]a"
  89. 2775 prints1$"[193]c"
  90. 2815 printvt$(9)s2$"   [206]ame"
  91. 2855 prints2$"[211]candium"
  92. 2860 remhplot48,104
  93. 2865 prints2$"[217]ttrium"
  94. 2870 remhplot48,116
  95. 2875 prints2$"[204]anthanium"
  96. 2880 remhplot48,128
  97. 2885 prints2$"[193]ctinium"
  98. 2890 remhplot148,80
  99. 2895 printvt$(9)s3$"[193]t.#"
  100. 2930 remhplot148,92
  101. 2935 prints3$" 21"
  102. 2940 remhplot148,104
  103. 2945 prints3$" 39"
  104. 2950 remhplot148,116
  105. 2955 prints3$" 57"
  106. 2960 remhplot148,128
  107. 2965 prints3$" 89"
  108. 2970 remhplot206,80
  109. 2975 printvt$(9)s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  110. 3010 remhplot206,92
  111. 3015 prints4$"44.956"
  112. 3020 remhplot206,104
  113. 3025 prints4$"88.905"
  114. 3030 remhplot206,116
  115. 3035 prints4$"138.91"
  116. 3040 remhplot206,128
  117. 3045 prints4$"227"
  118. 3050 tx=2:ty=11:nu=4:gosub10000
  119. 3055 print:print:printht$(8)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3"
  120. 3090 gosub6530
  121. 3130 rem*page10(tran2)
  122. 3170 print"[147]";
  123. 3175 rempoke-16302,0
  124. 3210 remhplot2,6
  125. 3215 prints1$"4[194]"
  126. 3250 remhplot0,16to18,16to18,52to0,52to0,16
  127. 3290 remhplot2,18
  128. 3295 prints1$"[212]i"
  129. 3300 remhplot0,28to18,28
  130. 3330 remhplot2,30
  131. 3335 prints1$"[218]r"
  132. 3340 remhplot0,40to18,40
  133. 3370 remhplot2,42
  134. 3375 prints1$"[200]f"
  135. 3410 remhplot48,6
  136. 3415 print""s2$"   [206]ame"
  137. 3450 remhplot48,18
  138. 3455 prints2$"[212]itanium"
  139. 3460 remhplot48,30
  140. 3465 prints2$"[218]irconium"
  141. 3470 remhplot48,42
  142. 3475 prints2$"[200]afnium"
  143. 3490 remhplot148,6
  144. 3495 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
  145. 3530 remhplot148,18
  146. 3535 prints3$" 22"
  147. 3540 remhplot148,30
  148. 3545 prints3$" 40"
  149. 3550 remhplot148,42
  150. 3555 prints3$" 72"
  151. 3570 remhplot206,6
  152. 3575 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  153. 3610 remhplot206,18
  154. 3615 prints4$"47.9"
  155. 3620 remhplot206,30
  156. 3625 prints4$"91.22"
  157. 3630 remhplot206,42
  158. 3635 prints4$"178.49"
  159. 3650 tx=2:ty=3:nu=3:gosub10000
  160. 3655 print:printht$(7)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3,+4"
  161. 3690 remhplot2,90
  162. 3695 printvt$(12)s1$"5[194]"
  163. 3730 remhplot0,100to18,100to18,136to0,136to0,100
  164. 3770 remhplot5,102
  165. 3775 prints1$"[214]"
  166. 3780 remhplot0,112to18,112
  167. 3810 remhplot2,114
  168. 3815 prints1$"[206]b"
  169. 3820 remhplot0,124to18,124
  170. 3850 remhplot2,126
  171. 3855 prints1$"[212]a"
  172. 3890 remhplot48,102
  173. 3895 printvt$(14)s2$"[214]anadium"
  174. 3900 remhplot48,114
  175. 3905 prints2$"[206]iobium"
  176. 3910 remhplot48,126
  177. 3915 prints2$"[212]antalum"
  178. 3930 remhplot148,102
  179. 3935 printvt$(14)s3$" 23"
  180. 3940 remhplot148,114
  181. 3945 prints3$" 41"
  182. 3950 remhplot148,126
  183. 3955 prints3$" 73"
  184. 3970 remhplot206,102
  185. 3975 printvt$(14)s4$"50.942"
  186. 3980 remhplot206,114
  187. 3985 prints4$"92.906"
  188. 3990 remhplot206,126
  189. 3995 prints4$"180.948"
  190. 4010 ty=14:gosub10000
  191. 4015 print:printht$(5)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3,+4,+5"
  192. 4050 gosub6530
  193. 4090 rem*page11(tran3)
  194. 4130 print"[147]";
  195. 4135 rempoke-16302,0
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  197. 4175 prints1$"6[194]"
  198. 4210 remhplot0,16to18,16to18,52to0,52to0,16
  199. 4250 remhplot2,18
  200. 4255 prints1$"[195]r"
  201. 4260 remhplot0,28to18,28
  202. 4290 remhplot2,30
  203. 4295 prints1$"[205]o"
  204. 4300 remhplot0,40to18,40
  205. 4330 remhplot5,42
  206. 4335 prints1$"[215]"
  207. 4370 remhplot48,6
  208. 4375 print""s2$"   [206]ame"
  209. 4410 remhplot48,18
  210. 4415 prints2$"[195]hromium"
  211. 4420 remhplot48,30
  212. 4425 prints2$"[205]olybdenum"
  213. 4430 remhplot48,42
  214. 4435 prints2$"[212]ungsten"
  215. 4450 remhplot148,6
  216. 4455 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
  217. 4490 remhplot148,18
  218. 4495 prints3$" 24"
  219. 4500 remhplot148,30
  220. 4505 prints3$" 42"
  221. 4510 remhplot148,42
  222. 4515 prints3$" 74"
  223. 4530 remhplot206,6
  224. 4535 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  225. 4570 remhplot206,18
  226. 4575 prints4$"51.996"
  227. 4580 remhplot206,30
  228. 4585 prints4$"95.94"
  229. 4590 remhplot206,42
  230. 4595 prints4$"183.85"
  231. 4610 tx=2:ty=3:nu=3:gosub10000
  232. 4615 print:printht$(4)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3,+4,+5,+6"
  233. 4650 remhplot2,90
  234. 4655 printvt$(12)s1$"7[194]"
  235. 4690 remhplot0,100to18,100to18,136to0,136to0,100
  236. 4730 remhplot2,102
  237. 4735 prints1$"[205]n"
  238. 4740 remhplot0,112to18,112
  239. 4770 remhplot2,114
  240. 4775 prints1$"[212]c"
  241. 4780 remhplot0,124to18,124
  242. 4810 remhplot2,126
  243. 4815 prints1$"[210]e"
  244. 4850 remhplot48,102
  245. 4855 printvt$(14)s2$"[205]anganese"
  246. 4860 remhplot48,114
  247. 4865 prints2$"[212]echnetium"
  248. 4870 remhplot48,126
  249. 4875 prints2$"[210]henium"
  250. 4890 remhplot148,102
  251. 4895 printvt$(14)s3$" 25"
  252. 4900 remhplot148,114
  253. 4905 prints3$" 43"
  254. 4910 remhplot148,126
  255. 4915 prints3$" 75"
  256. 4930 remhplot206,102
  257. 4935 printvt$(14)s4$"54.9380"
  258. 4940 remhplot206,114
  259. 4945 prints4$"97"
  260. 4950 remhplot206,126
  261. 4955 prints4$"186.2"
  262. 4970 ty=14:gosub10000
  263. 4975 print:printht$(3)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7"
  264. 4980 remhplot169,31
  265. 5010 gosub6530
  266. 5050 rem*page12(tran4)
  267. 5090 print"[147]";
  268. 5130 remhplot2,6
  269. 5135 prints1$"8[194]"
  270. 5170 remhplot0,16to18,16to18,52to0,52to0,16
  271. 5210 remhplot2,18
  272. 5215 prints1$"[198]e"
  273. 5220 remhplot0,28to18,28
  274. 5250 remhplot2,30
  275. 5255 prints1$"[210]u"
  276. 5260 remhplot0,40to18,40
  277. 5290 remhplot2,42
  278. 5295 prints1$"[207]s"
  279. 5330 remhplot48,6
  280. 5335 print""s2$"   [206]ame"
  281. 5370 remhplot48,18
  282. 5375 prints2$"[201]ron"
  283. 5380 remhplot48,30
  284. 5385 prints2$"[210]uthenium"
  285. 5390 remhplot48,42
  286. 5395 prints2$"[207]smium"
  287. 5410 remhplot148,6
  288. 5415 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
  289. 5450 remhplot148,18
  290. 5455 prints3$" 26"
  291. 5460 remhplot148,30
  292. 5465 prints3$" 44"
  293. 5470 remhplot148,42
  294. 5475 prints3$" 76"
  295. 5490 remhplot206,6
  296. 5495 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
  297. 5530 remhplot206,18
  298. 5535 prints4$"55.847"
  299. 5540 remhplot206,30
  300. 5545 prints4$"101.07"
  301. 5550 remhplot206,42
  302. 5555 prints4$"190.2"
  303. 5570 remhplot0,62to18,62to18,98to0,98to0,62
  304. 5610 remhplot2,64
  305. 5615 printvt$(9)s1$"[195]o"
  306. 5620 remhplot0,74to18,74
  307. 5650 remhplot2,76
  308. 5655 prints1$"[210]h"
  309. 5660 remhplot0,86to18,86
  310. 5690 remhplot2,88
  311. 5695 prints1$"[201]r"
  312. 5730 remhplot48,64
  313. 5735 printvt$(9)s2$"[195]obalt"
  314. 5740 remhplot48,76
  315. 5745 prints2$"[210]hodium"
  316. 5750 remhplot48,88
  317. 5755 prints2$"[201]ridium"
  318. 5770 remhplot148,64
  319. 5775 printvt$(9)s3$" 27"
  320. 5780 remhplot148,76
  321. 5785 prints3$" 45"
  322. 5790 remhplot148,88
  323. 5795 prints3$" 77"
  324. 5810 remhplot206,64
  325. 5815 printvt$(9)s4$"58.9332"
  326. 5820 remhplot206,76
  327. 5825 prints4$"102.905"
  328. 5830 remhplot206,88
  329. 5835 prints4$"192.2"
  330. 5850 remhplot0,108to18,108to18,144to0,144to0,108
  331. 5890 remhplot2,110
  332. 5895 printvt$(15)s1$"[206]i"
  333. 5900 remhplot0,120to18,120
  334. 5930 remhplot2,122
  335. 5935 prints1$"[208]d"
  336. 5940 remhplot0,132to18,132
  337. 5970 remhplot2,134
  338. 5975 prints1$"[208]t"
  339. 6010 remhplot48,110
  340. 6015 printvt$(15)s2$"[206]ickel"
  341. 6020 remhplot48,122
  342. 6025 prints2$"[208]alladium"
  343. 6030 remhplot48,134
  344. 6035 prints2$"[208]latinum"
  345. 6050 remhplot148,110
  346. 6055 printvt$(15)s3$" 28"
  347. 6060 remhplot148,122
  348. 6065 prints3$" 46"
  349. 6070 remhplot148,134
  350. 6075 prints3$" 78"
  351. 6090 remhplot206,110
  352. 6095 printvt$(15)s4$"58.71"
  353. 6100 remhplot206,122
  354. 6105 prints4$"106.4"
  355. 6110 remhplot206,134
  356. 6115 prints4$"195.09"
  357. 6130 tx=2:ty=3:nu=9:gosub10000
  358. 6135 print:printht$(5)"[207]xidation numbers: +2,+3,+4,+5"
  359. 6170 gosub6530
  360. 6210 rem*loadpartthree
  361. 6250 print"[147]";
  362. 6255 rempoke-16302,0
  363. 6290 printvt$(10)ht$(10);
  364. 6295 print"[210]eturning to the menu"
  365. 6330 printvt$(13)ht$(13);
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  374. 6570 ifa$<>"[209]"anda$<>"q"thenreturn
  375. 6610 print"[147]";
  376. 6615 rempoke-16302,0
  377. 6625 print"[196]o you really want to quit?";
  378. 6630 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
  379. 6650 ifa$<>"[217]"anda$<>"y"thenreturn
  380. 6690 goto6290
  381. 10000 rem vertical boxes
  382. 10010 printvt$(ty)ht$(tx)"[176][192][192][174]"
  383. 10020 fori=1tonu-1
  384. 10030 printvt$(ty+i*2-1)ht$(tx)"[221][221]"
  385. 10040 printvt$(ty+i*2)ht$(tx)"[171][192][192][179]"
  386. 10050 next
  387. 10060 printvt$(ty+nu*2-1)ht$(tx)"[221][221]"
  388. 10070 printvt$(ty+nu*2)ht$(tx)"[173][192][192][189]"
  389. 10080 return
  390. 60000 fora=2048to3000:printpeek(a),:next